This is all the raptor/falcons in AZ.....
n - Nesting: Confirmed nesting records within the state of Arizona.
(I) - Introduced: Birds that have been introduced to North America by the actions of man, either directly or indirectly.
(E) - Extinct
(Ex) - Extirpated: A bird that, while it is not extinct, is no longer found in Arizona.
(C) - Casual: Birds that are rare, but have been recorded in Arizona at least forty times.
(A) - Accidental: Birds that have been seen only a few times, or only once.
(H) - Hypothetical: Birds that have had a credible sighting reported, but have not been documented with a specimen or with a suitable
Accipitridae - Kites, Eagles, and Hawks
Swallow-tailed Kite, Elanus forficatus (H)
White-tailed Kite, Elanus leucurus n
Mississippi Kite, Ictinia mississippiensis n
Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus n
Northern Harrier, Circus cyaneus n
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Accipiter striatus n
Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii n
Northern Goshawk, Accipiter gentilis n
Common Black-Hawk, Buteogallus anthracinus n
Harris's Hawk, Parabuteo unicinctus n
Gray Hawk, Buteo plagiatus n
Red-shouldered Hawk, Buteo lineatus n (C)
Broad-winged Hawk, Buteo platypterus (A)
Short-tailed Hawk, Buteo brachyurus n (C)
Swainson's Hawk, Buteo swainsoni n
White-tailed Hawk, Buteo albicaudatus (A)
Zone-tailed Hawk, Buteo albonotatus n
Red-tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis n
Harlan's Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis harlani (C)
Ferruginous Hawk, Buteo regalis n
Rough-legged Hawk, Buteo lagopus (C)
Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos n
I am fairly certain it is not a Bald Eagle unless it is a juvenile.
This may also help
Bird Size
I am leaning to
White-tailed Kite
White-tailed Kite
edit on 13-4-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-4-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason