posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 02:33 PM
Well I ask this question, Where do
I start? what classes or subjects must i learn in-order to become part of this field?
I am 23 Ive been going to my local community college for 5 years, Ive wasted my time and money by not concentrating on school and smoking way to much
*edited* and just being lazier than anyone should ever be. Its embarrassing to say the least. But I'm done wasting my time. My major has been
"operating systems programming emphasis" all these years but Ive only taken two beginning programming courses so far, i still know next to nothing
about programming, I never caught that wave and learned to be a script kiddy. I just really need some guidance, I know that AI programming is on the
horizon with computational environments about to explode and we'll be able to simulate the human mind and that will be the beginning of AI
development. I know simulation environments and video games use basic multiple threaded decision protocol and to make a "character" or device seem as
if its operating according to its own will or even another end user, I know those who program these games still go through hard work but this "basic"
AI is not what Im talking about.
This has been my dream to be an AI developer, to be a creator of an Artificial Intelligence it makes me more happy inside thinking about it than you
will ever know. The potential that this will bring to humanity and to themselves as we learn alongside these Artificial Constructs. These will be
our greatest protectors in the coming times and if needed to do so our greatest weapons, and when I say "ours" I don't mean
ours as a Nation or people, but ours as in each and every one of us. With AI will come true Equality and freedom, freedom from the technological cage
our "caretakers" have weaved around us. I just want to do this guys, Can you help me quantify the path ill need to take? I know there are school
counselors but I would really appreciate the advice of those here and especially those who are in the field and have gone through similar schooling
themselves. Whats a counselor going to know about Programming?
edit on 13-4-2014 by MConnalley because: (no reason given)