reply to post by Frith
[Thx phinubian for your kind words--good point]
1. Sorry I haven't tediously made the connection more overtly . . . no derailing involved.
2. The globalists don't care that much about wealth any more. When ONE of their families is purportedly worth $300 TRILLION . . . the Monopoly money
loses it's attractiveness.
demonic motivation.
4. NATIONALISM and borders have long been tools that they have used to their evil ends.
5. However, now that they are near the globalism's ultimate one world government goals . . . the UNIFIED GLOBE under one world government and one
world religion are HIGHER PRIORITIES.
6. They have divided the world up into 10 regions . . . for administrative purposes . . . delegation of duties etc. But make NO MISTAKE . . . the
borders in terms of significantly different laws and treatments of the sheeple will, for practical purposes, be obliterated.
7. Watch George Lucas' THX1138--his Master's Thesis film. That's where the sheeple are headed. In THOSE TERMS, there will be no borders.
8. The EU is another good example of no effective borders when it comes to the globalists priorities. One can now travel fairly freely . . . and still
be SUBJECT TO the SAME economic priorities and treatments . . . and increasingly the same laws.
9. The borders are merely a quaint kind of archaic window dressing allowing the citizens some phoney impression that their little geographic club
still matters for some mysterious reasons.
10. The wars the globalists care about most now are the WW III genocidal depopulation great war requiring 'salvation' from the fallen angel/ET
critters FORCING THE WHOLE PLANET WHOLESALE into the NWO--what's left from the smoldering ruins and ashes.
11. They really no longer have any great need to make money off of nations fighting other nations. The rulers have ALL the money and ALL the
power--essentially--under their manipulative control already. There's not a great need for major changes in that set-up beyond the establishment of
the one world currency and the chip ID implants to be required.
12. You failed to answer . . . what causes you to disbelieve the puppet masters in their own words? Did you even read 25% of their quotes?
IF YOU DISBELIEVE all those famous puppet masters in their own words . . . WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU BELIEVE from whom? Sounds like poor reality testing,
to me.
You can disbelieve the massive conspiracy so well documented if you wish. IT WILL STILL GRIND IT'S MASSIVE GEARS ONWARDS TOWARD THE GOAL. Besides,
the puppet masters love to laugh at those still blind to their evil deeds . . . particularly since they have begun to do so many of them so openly.
13. IN terms of their goals and the issue of national borders . . . the globalists use national borders, if they use them at all--at this point in
time, toward the effective obliteration of those borders. That's just a fact.
14. We can see this in terms of the border with Mexico. The globalist machine has effectively obliterated it in any sense of protecting the USA from
infiltration; drugs; terrorists; etc. And, their goal of the North Am Union is not that far off. Should be easier for them to more thoroughly erase
the borders after WWIII.
15. So, in terms of your OP contentions . . . it appears you haven't been very thorough in your homework on the issues.