posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 06:51 AM
I quite often experience very strong sense of dejavu, just in everyday things, i dont think its recall of dreams, i never remember dreams if i dream
at all. These arnt momentous or dramatic things, its more like just a few minutes of video played over again, and its as tho that few mins is so
familiar and exact to the finest detail, that youve watched it hundreds of times. for instance, ill be sitting on the lounge in the morning watching
tv, nothing special, and suddenly ill realise things are going on around me that have not happened in exactly this way before yet i know exactly how
they will happen and i can predict the next minute or so. i.e
My daughter comes in with a bowl of cereal and turns up the tv, to watch the cartoon that is on , (this is not unusual in itself), it is perhaps the
fact the milk slops from bowl soaking the tv guide on the coffee table and at exactly the same time my wife walks in and says something (and i can
even lipsinc her exact words in advance of her) and theres a knock at the door, (i know who it is) and i get up to turn the volume down while my wife
answers the door, i head to kitchen to get a cloth for the milk and passing the kids room my youngest daughter comes running up the hall and collides
with me.
Every scene, sound and detail is familiar like ive seen it on video.
Sometimes its my own thoughts that trigger it, i suddenly realise i "remember" thinking this in the same situation, place, while doing exactly the
same thing. Even if im just out walking, I pass a tree while thinking a certain thing, then realise I did this already. Its quite strange sometimes
and i wish I had more notice of events, but its only after or during events that it happens. Your not alone.