If Time Travel were possible people would be showing up out of the future, but I once read that some scientist said it was very possible but it would
take the energy of giant star. I don't beeive it someone tell me what they think about this!
I think this should be in the science part! I think the scientist your talking about is einstein. You know theres a giant sun like right over
there why not use that?
According to Quantum Reality, every second an infinite number parallel universes are created. Maybe that is why no one has shown from the future. If
they do show up, let me know and I will buy us all pizza.
a friend of mine brought up an interesting point about time travel the other day.
He was wondering what if you went back in time and killed yourself?
technically you wouldnt be there in the future to acctually go back and do
the killing ??? so what happens
If you use the ATS search button at the top of the page , you will find that
there are already many threads discussing theories on time travel. Perhaps you can take a look at some of those and add any ideas that you may have to