posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 10:33 PM
Yes, I'm working just to climb out of the newbie purgatory (again).
If nothing else, it's a little annoying.
I will say that I do have secondhand yet reliable knowledge of govt or govt related groups or individuals (could conceivably have been an independent
act) that have caused a "natural" death of someone who had divulged or was planning to divulge some type of secret information. I do not know what
the information was.
I also have limited firsthand knowledge and experience with a nonlethal bacterial agent that was being studied. It was unclear from documentation
whether it was created, tweaked or merely captured for research but the current form has decades ago spread across parts of the USA and Europe. There
was research into the vectors, effects and its ability to avoid reliable detection and survive through antibiotics that would kick the # out of just
about anything else.
What else... backdoors in virtually all computing hardware, software and networking components. That is pretty easily verified independently.
Creepy. It is probably best just to avoid being flagged as a person of interest in the first place.
There are other things I could go into at some point, but not yet.