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We've already lived our lives, now we just try to understand it.

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posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 05:12 PM
Something I suffer with is constant deeja vu. It comes randomly, but almost predictably. Each new phase in my life I've felt when a cycle ends, and a new one starts, but it is never something i haven't already been prepared for; a decision I've already made. When you think about it, if we took a snapshot of our current "Person" "Character", "Soul" (Call it whatever you want) and put it in multiple environments we can assume it would respond predictably and consistently to that current person's psychological, theological, and spiritual systems within themselves. Such an example are dreams, and we dream often.. As i found myself working on bettering my inner being, i have discovered ugly truths about myself in dreams more than anything else. At first I rejected it and told myself.. no i would never do that or no, that couldn't be me. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is look in the mirror and analyze ourselves of who we truly are, and who we truly should be. But the truth of the matter is that the very snapshot we took earlier, is how our real life reflects. Take that same person with an alcohol addiction and he will sneak alcohol into work, or go after work to the bar, or drink at home, etc. Whatever the environment, the priority of a person's heart will show. This kind of character eventually has its consequences, right? When the decisions we make in life affect our normal routine, we begin to analyze ourselves and to what might be the problem. Some locate it, some don't. Some deal with it, others don't. Both sides of the moral scale have its consequences, though.

So what right? Well i write this because i was among the people who struggled with serious addictions. Addictions of alcoholism, and sexual promiscuity. Things that, even while doing it, i didn't want to do; but i did them anyways. I'd go to sleep feeling empty and i asked myself, "How is it possible that i do something i don't want to do?" This is MY life and "I" control it. The truth of the matter is, it is because of the condition of our hearts. When our hearts don't change, the mind doesn't have but temporary relief from the condition we suffer from. Even the strongest minds, after a while, forget--and we continue after the desires we have inside. So one day when we die, we will hover over our body and maybe even see our memories and our actions.. and how can we deny then that the things we did in our life were truly the things we wanted to do?

I know I can't be the only one trying to progress spiritually and mentally and has difficultly bending to the way i want to be. Any thoughts?

Please don't be the person that says, "yes i already know this", "yeah that was from the matrix", because if so many "know" the truth then why is everyone in such a spiritual mess. I believe knowing, and applying are two different things.
edit on 8-4-2014 by WorthlessServant because: Sentence Structure

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 06:06 PM
I admire you for wanting to progress spiritually and mentally but I think you are analysing things (intellectualizing) too much and it is the completely wrong path to spiritual growth.

The subconscious can only be read visually through imagery. Most people do this during REM sleep when they are dreaming but you can put yourself into this state consciously with training or hypnotherapy. The dreams you are having should not be taken as being an accurate reflection of your personality ie don't take them literally.

To give you an example I had a dream several years ago where I was walking through rooms in a very large house. I was looking for something but I did not know what it was but I knew that it was in this house. I found it in the basement. A helpless baby that looked at me and I sensed it was evil and killed it with an axe laying close by. I awoke in a distraught state and was very unsettled for several days. I eventually, through a friend, deciphered the imagery. The rooms in the house were parts of my personality, the evil baby is something negative in myself that I do not like and I have trouble dealing with consciously ie it is suppressed.

I am very analytical and like to put everything into boxes. When I first started meditating this caused a complete block. It took several years of training but I can now go into a deep meditative state very quickly (5-10 minutes). Astral projection came very quickly after this. One of the main things I have learned is that any negative energy we produce (ie negative thoughts or actions) always come back to us because we create them. Its a universal rule I have learned. These returning negative energies affect our life in different ways.


posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:51 PM

To give you an example I had a dream several years ago where I was walking through rooms in a very large house. I was looking for something but I did not know what it was but I knew that it was in this house. I found it in the basement. A helpless baby that looked at me and I sensed it was evil and killed it with an axe laying close by. I awoke in a distraught state and was very unsettled for several days. I eventually, through a friend, deciphered the imagery. The rooms in the house were parts of my personality, the evil baby is something negative in myself that I do not like and I have trouble dealing with consciously ie it is suppressed.

Of course we're not to take everything literally, because dreams require proper interpretation first before it's to reveal anything about ourselves. Yeah, many of us wouldn't kill a child in the conscious world, but it does show that you had a negative aspect of yourself that was younger and obsolete; so your heart's desire was to get rid of it. My argument and theory is that dreams, with proper interpretation, reveal the condition of our hearts. I can't help but wonder.. wouldn't many of us kill a child if it was evil when the mental bindings of time (to consider the decision) and consequence (won't spend life in prison for it) weren't in the equation? The amazing thing about dreams is that often they're in the now, and not the when or what ifs.
edit on 8-4-2014 by WorthlessServant because: Included argument

edit on 8-4-2014 by WorthlessServant because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 11:23 AM
I had a recent life changing [snip] experience. I also suffer from constant dejavu and I always thought you reincarnated as yourself until you were full ready to manage an entire universe.
[SNIP] During the experience I had a dejavu momeny, only it wasnt a maybe I've lived this, but rather a, holy #, I know now that this isn't my first time here in this current mind, body, soul presence. I feel like I died that night and was reborn with the same purpose but a stronger drive towards it. [SNIP]

One experience before the dejavu death moment: I walked through a neverending hallway, but made progress. I touched a doorknob, while still being in the hallway, entered the bedroom, and was inside the bedroom, sitting with the door closed, while my hand was on the doorknob outside the room.

Also, the neverending hallway was a metaphor which I understand now as trying to seek an answer to the meaning of my life, which I can't do because i havent lived it. There were many other contradictory occurrences in the experience. Life and Death at the same time is the only way to describe what I went through. I wouldnt recommend it for healing purposes, for that i guess a shaman would be better with their "tea." But i went into trying to heal, and it healed me in a way I cannot comprehend to this minute.
edit on 0144k3 by Lynk3 because: (no reason given)

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edit on 14-4-2014 by Kandinsky because: Snipped drug references

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

A repeat of an un-remembered event that happened in the past is a deja-vu event.
If that same event was remembered then when it happens again, it becomes a flashback because the memory has a time frame associated with it.

As for the title We've already lived our lives, now we just try to understand it; what if it would soon be possible to take all the good events that you have lived through and paste them into a new life ?

Its just a crazy idea as to what might be coming our way.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 04:11 PM
The amazing thing about dreams is that often they're in the now, and not the when or what ifs.

I think science puts this down to our brains processing the days information. I am not sure if this is valid or proved through research. I would argue that life events, often minor ones, trigger past emotions and/or experiences in our subconscious which then appear in our dreams.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 04:22 PM


posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 05:04 PM


I think science puts this down to our brains processing the days information ... I would argue that life events, often minor ones, trigger past emotions and/or experiences in our subconscious which then appear in our dreams.

That's very interesting, and i couldn't agree more that it's even our minor events are important to life's experience. But while these minor things may visit us in our dreams, i can't help but notice how deeja vu is something many people share. Sure, put a scientific label on and call it solved, but many of us here are spiritual growing and know it. Science still has trouble explaining a higher self, chakra systems, the third eye, etc. Something that even the amateur spiritual person will know exists, otherwise they're doing it wrong. Not to discredit science, but i truly think something bigger is going on.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 05:23 PM

Not to discredit science, but i truly think something bigger is going on.

Being agnostic I totally agree. I have a pre-physical existence memory just prior to birth. I had no form and was part of something much bigger. There was no clear boundaries of myself and my environment. I had sentience without any physical emotions, pure and untainted. I have never feared death, only pain.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

I understand exactly what you mean with the deja vu feeling that you've been in the same situation before or you can feel the "tickle" of when your life path is going to shift for better or for worse. I've struggled with the feelings, disregarding them as just an over active imagination but things have come true too many times not to think there's something to it.

The title of your post really spoke to me since I had a dream recently that my mother and I were talking (she passed away two years ago and we were very close) and in conclusion I asked her something like "What is it like on the other side?". She gave me sort of a look of impatience like I was being stupid and said "You already KNOW".

I didn't have a chance to say "Well, I need a refresher, since I seem to have forgotten EVERYTHING...

I took it to mean that maybe I had already been through the cycle - like reincarnation - and maybe the "other side" is just a temporary place to regroup and decide what to do the next time around. Maybe those bad habits and struggles with leading a life in the present are affected by bleed through from other existences and we get stuck doing the same things even though we know we shouldn't, because they just seem familiar to us. I've always felt sort of uncomfortable in this existence anyway. Kind of like being plunked down in a strange country, given an instruction manual with most of the important pages ripped out, and left there thinking "Gee, pretty place, but the way most of the inhabitants treat each other makes no sense". As a consequence, I have not really led my life but let it lead me, kind of just along for the ride - not a great idea and I'm trying to change that but it's not easy.

posted on Apr, 14 2014 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by EveStreet

This hit home. My parents have made my life hell since I was little, and they always just say "if you dont like it, leave." Sorry, i wasnt born into a world where i can survive as a homeless man. I didnt have a choice in being here, and you're not making me feel like i would'e chosen this. But yeah, i'm trying to take control. The trick is, you gotta watch your own back, nobody has it, but you have to have their back. Cruel and inhumane, but our species sucks socially right now, that's all i can say.

I also get the "feelings" as if there is a guide that is a part of me still hoping to help me find the light.
edit on 0144k3 by Lynk3 because: (no reason given)

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