posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 12:28 PM
originally posted by: RadiationAndCancer
a reply to: Julie Washington
good for you, very good, I am gonna make lip c tomorrow, enough excuses, but I won't do huge doses of lipo c
1 or 2 glasses a day should give me 2-4 grams
making lipo c is just bit of work that's all, when compared to crushing and popping a pill of C
Glad you've seen the light
Keep in mind that Lipo C is a commitment. A commitment of time and dedication. I've been doing it for 2 years straight. I now have a routine of
making it on the weekends for my weekly supply.
I make mine a little stronger so that a 1 oz. shot (in a shot glass) is equal to about 1,000 mgs.
Take 2-3 shots a day and you'll be good.
Also note that the real magic of Vitamin C is keeping your levels high all day. So take it in divided doses throughout the day for maximum benefit.
Morning, afternoon, evening.
I would be interested in hearing any results you may have after the 1st week.
And also remember that the difference between pills and lipo C is the delivery/absorption. With pills, your stomach and intestines break it down
before it can truly be absorbed into the body. With Lipo C it is immediately absorbed through the lining of the stomach into the liver and then into
the blood stream. It completely bypassess the intestinal track. That is the beauty of liposomones. It's a maximum delivery method!