Firstly some statistics that reflect the poor state of Australian mental health scene,mental health is the third largest contributor to the national
health burden yet it only receives 6 percent of total health expenditure,virtually all of this goes into clinical support and virtually nothing on
prevention.There are 6755 mental health beds in this country with a population roughly similar to California this translates to 30.1 beds per 100,000
of these 5.4 per 100 000 are for youth mental heath,this is far lower than in the US or Europe and puts Australia on a par with places such as
Mongolia and Brazil.
14 percent of children 4-17 are believed to have mental health problems,12 percent of 13-17 year olds contemplate suicide and 4.2 percent of this age
group actually attempt it so youth mental health is a big problem but how is this being attended to,are these children given psychologists and
psychiatrists,no they are not.I myself am a schizophrenic and whilst I have nothing but praise for our States mental health system employees they are
overworked and under resourced even I will not get to see them unless I am having a psychotic episode and even then there may not be a bed.
The burden of analysis and prescription has been forced upon GP's or General practicioners,now we have good doctors but the truth is it takes you five
years to be a Doctor but twelve to be a Psychiatrist,there is definately a shortage of knowledge there dont you think.These Doctors are given training
via pharmacuetical company training packs and incentives by these companies to push their products they are not necessarily given specialist
General Practicioners now prescribe 72 percent of antipsychotics in Australia and they are being pressured to do highly speculative diagnosis for
children as young as three.Between 2008 and 2010 the number of children taking anti psychotics jumped from 5727 to 9683 or 69 percent.
Now heres the kicker,imagine a street drug that had the following side effects,
sudden jerky and involuntary movements,dizziness,tiredness,fatigue,fever,diabetes,nausea,confusion,uneven heart beats,nose bleeds,trouble
swallowing,convulsions,massive weight gain,insomnia,constipation,acne,bitch tits,rise in chloresterol,decreased sexual desire and inability to produce
sperm to name a few of the recognised side effects of the drug risperidone.
I will add I was on this drug between 1998-2008 for schizophrenia it also makes you a zombie,I personally put on 35 kg which try as I might I cannot
loose plus it caused me untold dental damage.
Well 79 percent of Australian children on antipsychotics in Australia are prescribed and on this drug.
A drug for only 3 percent of the population for which it is approved to do i.e schizophrenia/bipolar.
In the US the company which owns this drug has been sued by various States for false and misleading representation as to what this drug can do to the
tune of 1.2 billion.There are in the US currently 500 lawsuits against this drug estimated total payout so far is 2.3 billion,of course most are
settled out of court.
How much longer before using this drug for non intended purposes continues?
edit on 6-4-2014 by khnum because: spelling