posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by ZeussusZ
What the poster above you was trying to say is, it is customary to post an article, link, video etc and then add a short description along with your
own views, ideas or observations. It makes for a livelier discussion than "Hey, look at this guys!", if you see what I mean.
For example:
The video posted shows 2 military personnel in (insert random war zone here) showing blatant disregard for personal safety and that of colleagues and,
imho, a distinct lack of "professionalism" insofar as one can use that word when applying it to the systematic passing on of knowledge in how to
destroy things, people, civilisations and cultures.
Personal disclosure, my Dad was in the military for 20 years or so but he healed people, medical corps. This video just makes me shake my head in
Get the idea?
edit on 6/4/14 by LightSpeedDriver because: Problem with extra DIV