posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 12:00 PM
Hello everyone! You may have seen me around on some of the threads but I mostly sit back and read all of your posts. Should be some kind of reward for
that. I'm military and have a itch to find out about ancient civilizations and the all interesting OOPARTS but I like to dive into other topics also.
Pretty well versed in most topics. I was in Japan when the big earthquake hit and that's about the time I joined, I learned more here about was
going on in my own back yard than I was being there. So thanks to everyone that provided input on that huge thread that I had the pleasure of reading
every page.
Not really to much to say but I hope I can provide some good answers and help as much as I can in some research, feel free to ask me questions about
military if you need anything. I will provide my best knowledge and find the answer for you if I don't have it.
Good day to all and thank you for accepting me on this great site. Thank you.