Out my way, I don't get a lot of calls, but thankfully Sprint makes it easy to block them.
And, because I don't want the telemarketer to feel bad (I mean, they are being paid to bother you, after all), some of the ones that I recommend
1. After speaking to a real person, make the excuse that you need to use the bathroom, and ask that they please stay on the line, as you will only be
a second. Now, you can use this to your advantage - for inspiration, watch the following clips at your leisure (NOTE: I don't own these, so I am
linking to the content instead).
Naked Gun: The Sound of Relief
Blazing Saddles: Bean Fest
2. Treat the conversation like the person on the other line is playing dumb.
For example:
TM: "Hello, Mr Anonymous, I was wondering if..."
You: "Hello, Mr. Smith, we've been expecting you."
TM: ??? **utters some phrase saying he/she doesn't know what you are talking about**
You: "Wait, you mean to tell me you don't remember what you did last weekend? At the party? I know you were there, and what they gave you".
See how long you can keep the conversation going - the goal is to make it vague enough that the telemarketer doesn't hang up.
3. "It's a Conspiracy" approach - I've heard this done on several of my local radio stations, where the person in charge would take a caller on, only
to have that caller ask them if they've head about a certain conspiracy. Goal is to keep the telemarketer interested.
4. Reverse telemarketer - In this case, wait for them to say their name, and ask them to confirm their name is correct. Get a thick stack of papers,
and ruffle them around so that they can hear them; muttering the person's name may also help with the illusion.
Pretend to find their information, and ask something along the lines of:
"Mr. X, according to my records, you ordered a quantity of Product Y, and then canceled your order. I was wondering if we offered to lower the price,
you wouldn't mind filling out an order form?"
In this case, Product Y can be anything - And it doesn't have to be something everyone buys; Personally, I'd pick perfume.
5. Use a voice simulator while talking to them (Stephen Hawking's voice would be a good one). I mean, they have to sit all day long, so why not give
them something to laugh about?
edit on 5/4/2014 by fossilera because: