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Names of Six Jurors Who Acquitted Zimmerman Made Public

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posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 12:01 PM
I have never, not even once answered a jury summons. Until it is placed in my hand or comes via registered mail I simply toss them out. Have been doing that for 30 years without repercussion. Why? It got lost in the mail and I did not ever want to be in a situation like the one the Florida jury members are now in.

Did they release the names of those that did not vote to acquit? If so, I wonder if they are gonna be heros and not have to ever pay for collard greens and chitlins (soul food) again?

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 12:50 PM

I have never, not even once answered a jury summons. Until it is placed in my hand or comes via registered mail I simply toss them out. Have been doing that for 30 years without repercussion. Why? It got lost in the mail and I did not ever want to be in a situation like the one the Florida jury members are now in.

Did they release the names of those that did not vote to acquit? If so, I wonder if they are gonna be heros and not have to ever pay for collard greens and chitlins (soul food) again?

Consider though that you might have been an effective voice of reason and may have successfully defended someone who did no wrong or helped to convict someone who did.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by greencmp

I would love to, unfortunately more than 90% of people that find themselves needing a jury are guilty...... There are some exceptions and there are certainly a lot of people going to jail for drug possession that should not be going.

It would kill me to have to vote "guilty" for possession. However I would, even if that is against my personal beliefs.
I would be tossed out during the interview process just for being honest. Were it me I would kill every single offender that committed a violent crime against a child or an elderly person. In fact were it me I would kill every single person that was convicted of any violent crime against a stranger. Violence involving people that knew each other, crimes of passion would get jury trials. The rest would just get shot out back and dumped in a vat of lye.

edit on 4-4-2014 by Mamatus because: Gwammer and speeeeling

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

Those are real and difficult possibilities, I admit.

However, in the case of bad drug laws, jury nullification can only be achieved by a knowledgeable and moral jury.

I am more concerned about the coerced "guilty" pleas that pervade our system and completely circumvent the possibility of nullification and even public awareness.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by greencmp

Juries are often not made up of the smartest people in society...... Why? The smart ones will lose work and they use the tricks available to get out of it.

Forced guilty pleas are flat out extortion.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 01:11 PM

reply to post by greencmp

Juries are often not made up of the smartest people in society...... Why? The smart ones will lose work and they use the tricks available to get out of it.

Forced guilty pleas are flat out extortion.

Indeed, my point about jury duty does still seem germane though, at worst you could raise the intelligence average by a significant amount.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:08 PM
It is our system...

In a perfect world people respect jury service.

They had to know this was high profile.

I have mixed emotions since the President inserted himself into the case.

It kind of changes the way things usually work.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 04:42 AM
I've been on a jury a couple of times. I was happy to do it, and would do it again in an instant. Both times I was on a jury I got to argue with several other people and explain to them why I was right.

All it takes is giving the answers the lawyers want to hear during the screening process.

Isn't seeing that justice is done despite a corrupt court system what we should be striving towards?

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That's plain wrong releasing names. Who would want to be a juror after that?

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