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Texas couple claims to have caught a live ‘chupacabra’

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posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 12:18 PM

I wish the name chupacabra had never been used for these critters. There is clearly some kind of hairless canid running around the south and the stigma seems to cause any credible inquiry to balk. The lady who has the taxidermy one apparently had it DNA tested and it comes back some kind of mexican wolf-ish DNA, but not coyote or other known canid. Whatever it is seems to be real, but the last thing Fish and Wildlife want to do is discover a "rare" new species. It is the same reason they refuse to acknowledge cougar, wolves, and bears in states where they aren't "supposed to be". That is what happens when science meets politics. Hope this one get some attention.

I've always thought that these "strange hairless creatures" were the progeny of abandoned racing greyhounds and coyotes. That would give them size, the speed and the stamina to accomodate all of the reported characteristics of these creatures. Could also be some odd mutation that causes these animals to have the hairless characteristic of the Mexican Xolos, which come in a variety of sizes from less than 10lbs to more than 50lbs.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 03:55 PM

An eastern Texas couple claims to have captured a live chupacabra.

Some people are saying it is most likely a hairless raccoon. I have never seen a raccoon that looked like that before but I have also never seen a hairless raccoon before.

So what do you think mythical beast or hairless raccoon?

If you look at how it uses its hands at the 48 sec mark of that video, I have to agree with the hairless raccoon. Though short clip it moves like a coon.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 05:34 PM

Got really excited at first but, at second look, this does unfortunately look like a hairless raccoon.

It doesn't really match this legit carcass found in 2007 i think, also in texas, but similar looking. she has the carcass below preserved through taxidermy and on display in texas currently...

Texas woman captures deceased "texas blue dog/chupacabra"

Canion picked up the unknown creature off the side of a road near her ranch in Cuero, Texas, back in 2007, at a time when she had been trying to figure out what was killing chickens on her ranch. "Each time we found a chicken dead, it was opened up ... in its throat area," she says on "The Unexplained Files," a Science Channel series debuting Aug. 28. "It appeared that all the blood was out of it." Twenty-eight chickens were lost before she found the dead carcass. It was unlike any animal she'd had ever seen before. It weighed about 40 pounds with steel blue eyes, a snout with an overbite, and strange skin closer to an elephant's epidermis than the hair associated with canines like wolves or coyotes.

what they have there doesn't really match the aforementioned carcass found in texas. steel blue eyes, elephant like skin and other differences in the ears, hind quarters etc...
edit on 3-4-2014 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2014 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

If I recall she a veterinarian and had the dna testing done doesn't match any canine and is not a raccoon,its much too large to be a raccoon.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 05:38 PM
How many Chupacabras do you want?

Are you prepared to order and pay for it? I can dispach it by UPS or DHL, next day delivery.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 05:40 PM
TMZ is reporting that the couple have put down the hairless raccoon. It's been put to sleep. It was suffering. They will not be doing any kind of testing on the carcass. .... according to TMZ.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 06:57 PM
It's 100% a raccoon with no hair. The real task will be to find the creature that plucked all of the hair off of the poor thing.
The elusive "Raccoon Plucker"!
edit on 4/5/2014 by Gumshoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Glassbender777

There is a long tradition of black lion sightings in North America. It turns out that there was such a creature here but was supposed to be extinct.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by TWILITE22

yea the women was definitely smart. she refused to give up the carcass and did have a part of it tested. came back with no match to any existing canine species or anything.

makes me wonder now that the couple in question in this article had the suspected creature put down and won't be testing anything. just seems odd.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 06:53 PM

reply to post by TWILITE22

yea the women was definitely smart. she refused to give up the carcass and did have a part of it tested. came back with no match to any existing canine species or anything.

makes me wonder now that the couple in question in this article had the suspected creature put down and won't be testing anything. just seems odd.

I don't understand what the big deal is about bringing a new species to light, do you? it looks nothing like a wolf or coyote and has strange knobby looking things on the hind quarters, round ears. huge overbite and the back legs shorter than the front. So if an experienced vet says it's nothing like anything she has ever seen I'll take her word for it.

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