posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:51 AM
I've never authored a rant thread before but this stupidity is just boiling
my blood and I've got to get it off my chest...
What in the hell is going on in this country when we are so afraid of
our damned constitutional right to carry weapons that we won't even allow
our own soldiers to carry weapons while on their own damned base?!
These are guys that are HIGHLY TRAINED to use weapons--to kill effectively.
We send them overseas armed to the teeth, but when they come home we tell
them, "Sorry guys...We don't trust you with weapons. You can kill for the country
but you can't protect yourselves."
What the...?!
Here's how this headline should have read....
...and then the after story headline...
Coroner reports due to extensive damage from return gunfire an autopsy cannot be performed. Funeral will be closed casket
Honestly, that should be the norm with all these ridiculous public
shootings...."Gunman opened fire...gunman immediately died at scene."
edit on 3-4-2014 by rival because: (no reason given)