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Are "Social Justice Warriors" mentally ill or just stupid?

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posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 04:57 PM
Oh good lord he means Politically Correct Progressives(Progs).Examples :"I would rather die at the hands of an assailant than protect myself by killing another human being"
If YOU believe this you lack appropriate metal function.
"Any person can go into any number of gun shows and buy fully automatic assault rifles without a back ground check"
No you can't,they are class III even the cheapest throw away Tec-9 costs1500.00+200.00 fee( wether you pass the back ground check or not) and an extended application

"The Federal Govt will easily over power all these "Tea Party gun owners..."

And other Hippie fables

We try to be gracious and polite but they don't seem to have the ability,at least We have most of the guns...and the skills.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 04:57 PM


One thing to think about, every slave rebellion begins with a quest for social justice and every slave rebellion begins when the minority whom garner all the power shrink to an extreme as opposed to the majority whom are suffering because of there corruption and greed.

Or it begins with the desire to have liberty - your rights to your personal property, defense, etc. Social justice mocks those.

I think you miss the point, Social justice is Liberty but Liberty which recognized that one persons Liberty must not be at the expense of another persons Liberty or Rapists would be free to violate at will just like slavers.
Justice and not simply social Justice is an ideal which we have never truly attained but good law's made by good men have often tried to address the inadequacies of our nature while bad laws made by selfish men have created injustice and social inequalitys.
I believe that what is mine is mine but if I have enough would choose to share with those that have not enough, A fair taxation system and redistribution of wealth by a non corrupt body would be the ideal but like all other attempts it is only as good as they whom carry it out, I do not believe in a communist system enforced but a voluntary system can work, the best attempt to date though it upset all of the have's over the have not's was the english socialist system which is sadly now dead.
In my country the three main political partys follow this model, Labour was a (Western) socialist party while the conservatives where traditionalists and mainly wealthy, the Liberal party was made up of wealthy altruistic philanthropists whom believed in social justice.
Now Labour is a minority chasing immigrant backing bunch of corporate back hander closet millionares and the Torys are the former right wing haves over have nots spine of the older conservative party and choose to use the title conservatives but in reality are not conservative but corrupt corporate lakeys just like there labour counterparts, the liberals no longer exist except as a name for a no hope middle man party whom have sided with the tory's to give them power of the labour partys' lead at the last election.

My vote would go to a doped up but honest former pop star called Bez whom used to sing in the Happy mondays though as he is the only potential independant political canditate to point out that the politicians are not representative of the people of there own constituancys.
Sorry you would have to understand british politics, and understanding american politics which is similar but different is probably bad enough.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:00 PM

"The Federal Govt will easily over power all these "Tea Party gun owners..."

That you don't think they could or would is...interesting. That you added "Tea Party" into that sentence is even more...interesting.

If I didn't know better, I think some people are just itching for a fight and thinking that this is really the only way out. Seems to me that this kinda shuts down communications, and that isn't good for anybody.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:21 PM
You can call them names. That is one approach.

A lesson i learned early in marriage: calling your wife a "nag" when she is expressing her concerns to you not only doesn't give you the peace you desire, it makes things worse.

Same with your OP. Those kids have something to say. YOu can call them names and hope they go away. But they won't. Or you could realize that they have concerns to voice, and listen to them. What you might find is a frustration that is founded in:

- we have a very large workforce made up of mature people. the baby boomers worked their entire lives to get their "shot", and they are taking it. This leaves very few "higher paying" jobs open, as the boomer workforce is very, very large.
- retirement age keeps creeping up. Higher retirement ages = less opportunity for "fresh blood". This is a stagnation of opportunity
- The economy has gone to hell, and they are entering a workforce where they are likely to earn less than their peers who skipped college. Here in this area, that creates quite a bit of heartburn. They did what they were "supposed to do" (as recommended by an entire social and cultural system that states you have to get a degree and then can earn "decent money"), and are not finding any opportunities available. they took on enormous debt, not because they thought it through and determined that was what they should do. Rather, they took on that debt because our entire social/cultural system brow beat them into it.
- they were raised and groomed in a system where no one fails, everyone is successful just for participating.

What do you expect? Even without the last point, Id be pissed too. There is some disorder related to the last point, as we have not created a generation accustomed to dealing with failure and struggle. They expect that they will be duly compensated just for participating. They followed the "rules", and went to college. And now, as a reward for their rule following....they are getting stiffed.

The most certain way to enrage someone is to fail to meet their expectations. These kids have absolutely not had their expecttions met. Expectations set for them by their parents, teachers, counselors, and media. Nor have they been prepared to deal with that particular situation. And it will only continue, so long as we try to protect children from hurt feelings while growing up.
edit on 4/1/2014 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Oh I absolutely LOVE combat with bad guys, it is uplifting and I am quite good at it. It is really a shame and waste to kill human life I agree,but there are many who enjoy it for their own reasons,money, religions SSRIs .Unfortunately My ex leaders fell into that catagory, Me personally Ido not like scaring bullying or harming innocent people.
Don't really go to many bars any more.
The fact that you indicated your spacific interests in my wording would seem,flowerchild-ish to me too.We label as we will I suppose.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I never wanted to have a child in THIS world.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Absolutely spot on and exactly the same problem in the UK, there are no job's for the kid's, so many are going to University because of this that the value of there degree's has bottomed out and the government is instead of investing in our kid's taking the kid's from other european countrys were the currency value makes our job's look better than they are to such a degree that our kid's have no look in at the job's as the employers preferre to hire the foreigners, instead of fixing the problem this weakens the economys of there own countrys and the money they send back makes the cost of living in there home countrys sky rocket so more of there kids are looking for job's here while our aging population are being nosed out of there job's and the governments is constantly raising the retirement age.
It is a vicious and self destructive circle driven by short term by anual bottom line corporate greed and corrupt politicians, sadly it is now the way of the world, at least as long as we continue to allow it to be.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:33 PM
Oh good lord what has ats turned into, op wow just not sure how to respond to a thread with such a wonderful tittle.

Ill bow down and say good luck in life.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:40 PM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I never wanted to have a child in THIS world.

Me neither. But he is going to kick this worlds ass. I can guarantee it.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

Flower childish? Wanna see my Ruger? I promise it doesn't have a flower sticking out of the barrel.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:50 PM
[eply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Their concerns are akin to listening to people talk about how flat the earth is and that its only 6000 years old. They have no basis in reality and giving them even a seconds worth of acknowledgement of their point will only be a waste of time that would be better spent watch grass grow.

Perhaps large amounts of hurt feelings is exactly what they need since they didn't receive enough growing up.

This also tends to be part of the group that wants government to take care of them. They have at this point rendered themselves useless and their existence is detrimental to everyone else.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Hey bigfatfurrytexan. That's not at all what OP is talking about. If you haven't run across the term social justice warrior let me just say they don't care about any of that. It's not social justice, it's a pity party. This is about people who hate men/white people/straight people or anyone that doesn't fall into a protected class. It has nothing to do with actual social justice. It's a perverted equal rights movement in that you're only equal if you are 'oppressed'.

This is the kind of thing that sounds great until you realize they are massive hypocrites. I think most of us can agree that promoting tolerance for people regardless of their social standing, race, disability, intelligence, body size etc. is a good thing. These people take it to an absurd level. They also hate and denigrate anyone that doesn't share their militaristic mindset when it comes to equality.

If you're a white man they hate you. If you're a straight white man that's cisgendered (a term for someone that identifies as the gender they were born with so that transgender people don't feel abnormal even though they make up probably 1% of the population) you are a horrible person. If you've ever asked a girl out, held open a door for a woman, stared a girls butt, or really had any interaction with the opposite sex you've oppressed them.

The rape game is also ridiculous. Everything with these folks is considered rape. Sure, leering at women is creepy and makes them uncomfortable, but equating that to violent rape and saying it's on the same level is insulting to people who have actually been raped.

They are obsessed with pronouns. If you accidentally 'misgender' someone you are in for an earful. Someone can look exactly like a man, with no attempt at looking feminine and if you address them in a 'male' way you are a sh__lord and oppressing them. If someone is obviously in drag and you refer to them as either gender, you're wrong. These are the people who came up with nutty ass pronouns that I can't quite remember, I'm thinking Ze and Zir.

If someone identifies as an Otherkin you have to take their word for it that they believe they are a fish, or a dragon or what have you. Genderfluid (switches between male and female), genderqueer, queer, gay, homosexual, transgendered, cisgendered, the list goes on.

They are all about fat acceptance, which I'm all for as well. Here's the problem with that. They dislike anyone that isn't fat. They are trying to hard to conform to a beauty standard set up by the patriarchy. If you enjoy working out you have an eating disorder. Here's the real kicker, they don't like men that are attracted to overweight women because they feel fetishized. The transgender people do this too. Any sort of physical attraction is verboten.

One of the go to responses is calling someone who disagrees with them a fat fedora wearing neckbeard and making fun of them for being autistic.

Many don't like cisgendered men that are gay. They are considered 'problematic'. Same with lesbians that were born female and identify as female. I just made a horrible error in that last sentence, you aren't born with a gender, everyone chooses it.

These are the extreme feminists that will argue 100% that men are incapable of being raped. That MALES are incapable of being raped. I read one blog post that was lauded by many where the OP was saying that a 12 year old boy was not raped or molested because he was a cisgendered straight male and that would be impossible.

There's a reason I'm not linking to this stuff. It's so obnoxious and full of profanity it would violate the T&C. Go look around Tumblr with the SJW tag or hop on youtube. Google #CancelColbert.

These people are dirtbags. They are incapable of hearing anything that challenges their screwed up belief system and are far more racist and sexist than your average person, under the guise of defending people that are minorities.

edit on 0120140420141 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 07:43 PM
Nope. But we do know that psychopaths and sociopaths don't have to murder people to be mentally ill...
or stupid.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 09:34 PM

Nope. But we do know that psychopaths and sociopaths don't have to murder people to be mentally ill...
or stupid.

Psychopaths and sociopaths....that describes sjw's perfectly.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 09:52 PM
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