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Our Last Warning Has Been Given

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posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

Yeah, the families are beginning to look at other crops. But, man, I don't think people realize that no wheat will lead to famine.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by MOMof3

That is the sad part really. Just like a small town having mom and pop shops for years! Now most are nothing but a few shops left in town anymore. Used to be able to go by some corn, potatos, things needed around the home and lasted for some time. Now your luckie if it lasts a few days!

Really did not mean to discount the dreams people have so somewhat Sorry if I came of wrong. Yet I have to say it is about time people start learning the old ways again. Would help some even sleep them sleepless nights worrying about the coming years. Even if you planned for whatever doom there may be, it would end up costing you since waiting until it actually happened might be tomorrow or never.

Fear is what keeps things up at night, pondering stuff that might happen so might as well start working/ learning now. Find things to do that teach you and allow you to save money too. Later when something does happen and no books around since they became fire, always the first to go! You at least lessen off the fear by trying something different, new and worth knowing.

I take what I see of the worlds pains and times it by 10. Consider it to be 25% really although I need to be nice! Even tryed using no elect for a week, it is very hard to do! Cut things I really do not need or can live without. As for books; wifes got a whole room filled so would have to bury them for later use. Plus side is I can burn Her Chair! lol


posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 09:28 PM
We are hoping for a better planting season this year, which will be soon. I will let everyone know how it goes.

We should all hope for the best but plan for the worst.

Maybe we will have to start rice paddies between the hills and valleys.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by MOMof3

Here some are considering to plant soybean instead of corn. Waters becoming tight nowdays and the problems with grass feeding the Moo Moo's! If it stays dry this year, beef will become the high, plus already the losses from last years snows in SD.

Try being thankful for whatever might come your way! Already today heard another farmer complaining about the snow dusting we got yesterday! Wanted more! I wonder if some rain God actually hears this and that why it's becoming even dryer!

Good part is some are considering not to use GMo seeds anymore! Too hard on the land and extra cost anyways! All it took was a silly old man growing a crop without nothing extra and even when it was so dry. Had the best looking crop last year! All he ever really says is I never complain and smiles! Do nothing special and let it be!

Silly Old Man!

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

My husband's Father (93 and still the patriarch) has never allowed GMO's. I am not sure they are legal in Washington. Will have to ask husband.

About the water. We have so much water from the Columbia River that spills into the ocean. I have often wondered why we do not transport water with canals to dry regions of the US. Instead of letting all of it spill into the ocean. We may have to resort to desalination of ocean one day anyway, stop it before it goes into the ocean for irrigation.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by MOMof3

After last Mondays Dust Storm, due to the lack of rain amyways. Are remembering how it began in the 30's, almost to the T! Of course its "what my dad said line" another shocker one needs to realise.

If it somehow jumps to 80's without rain, we are in trouble; NW Kansas anyways. About the water, one would have thought by now we would have used water from the sea! Instead we clean out waste water? Yuck! Quite strange when we are told we have special brain people out there working on it! Goes for most Brain Ideas, use whatever is already there and never come up with anything new! Go Brain Power!

Even the missing/dying honey bees! Its like the costs over run doing something new so stay with the old and stick with it! Or like GM's bail-out, perfect plan really. Knowing they were failing, plus add the recall cover-up. The Bail Out WAS the only way out! Now why don't we have the Brains elsewhere?

People are more concerned about the next new car styles, updated phones and the like. No elect or gas would bring a shock to the system indeed! Pay no attention to whats actually happening, except some old farts; good one's, who keep telling us to remember the past!

Learn from it and you will be ready for the next time it happens. Might not be totally prepeard, although better off then most!

I'm starting to wonder if being a Crazy Old Man/Woman is the best way to go! Any Ideas?

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