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Kicking the smoking habit-opinions on E-cigs and vapor

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posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Thanks for your take on all this. I actually had a conversation with my husband about that yesterday. Basically what if I end up using the e-cig forever...would that really be so bad?

I've read about all the chemicals in cigarettes and it's absolutely disgusting! It truly makes me sick to think that they are allowed to put all that crap in cigarettes. With the vapor, you are basically getting just nicotine and vapor. There is no comparison to the two.

I would rather smoke a vapor for the rest of my life than go back to ingesting all the crap in a cigarette.

But, ideally I would like to eventually be completely nicotine free.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:42 AM

Don't use them. They can make you sick unless used sparingly. Like pneumonia sick. Also, it's just a crutch, anything with nicotine is a crutch.

Not really, sorry.
I'm a heavy user and I only got healthier during this 4 months experience. Also, I don't know anyone who got sick nor read about it in the dozens of Forums I attend.

True, there are people allergic to PG, in which case one should only vaper VG..
edit on 31-3-2014 by LordAdef because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by yahzzy212

Thank you...I'm still new to this whole concept and my husband is the one who bought the vapor. I'm not sure of it's quality, I think he said he spent 25 or 30$ for the unit then 8$ for the liquid.

It's a brand called eonsmoke.

I started using it and it really is quite remarkable how much it helps with the cravings.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

It's doctor did not even mention this to me as an option. He tried to prescribe me pills and then just gave me a bunch of reading material on quitting. Setting a quit date, lots of celery and carrots, gum and patches. That sort of thing. Didn't once mention this as an option to help quit.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:51 AM

reply to post by Snarl

Yes, it is implied, I didn't mean to degrade or offend you of your opinions and experiences
I just hear so many negative things about them from people who don't know the facts. Also no.. I own no stocks, shares, nor do I sell any ecig supplies. This is just one topic given the 'tinkering' atmosphere of my workplace and personal experiences with them I happen to be very knowledgeable and passionate about. I could literally write pages upon pages about different mods, cartos, clearos, atos, juices, mixes, experiences, just everything about ecigs really.
edit on 31-3-2014 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)

Mods? cartos? clearos?....what is this language you speak?

all kidding aside (although I would like a break down of what all that means) I had no idea this was becoming such a huge thing. I feel like I have been left out of some cool exclusive club or something.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:55 AM

reply to post by Snarl

Well even though my goal was to get nicotine from an alternate source, my experience was the same as the people who are trying to and those that did quit. It took a specific 'combo and a specific combination of equipment and juices for it to work. There are literally hundreds of billions if not trillions of combos to choose. Every Mod, ato, clearo, carto, juice, flavor, pg/vg mix, and brands of all of those that smoke and feel different. I'm not trying to be totally happy-go-lucky, it takes patience, but it works.. I might make a thread on how all the different parts, mixes, and strengths affect each other as a guide to maybe help people find the right 'combo'. I'll have to find a day off though

Edit: after re-reading your post, I'm not so sure what you mean! sorry

edit on 31-3-2014 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)

I think that is a great idea! You seem to really know your stuff and it could be really helpful to many members that may not be that familiar with this method of kicking the smoking habit. (life myself)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by romilo

That's another thing I am beginning to learn...once you get past the initial cost of the device, it a lot cheaper than buying cigarettes. What a bonus!

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 08:02 AM

reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

I quit the analog cigs 4 months ago. I was smoking 3 packs a day. Thanks to ecigs I quit and will never smoke a cigarette again.

They are GREAT!! Believe me, I tried everything before...

Just one thing: You MuST look for real quality juices and stay away from the chinese cheap ones. Choose one which is 100% USA made and you'll be find.

Good luck and good vapes!

Good to know....I just took a peek at liquid I'm currently using and unfortunately it is from china. My husband and I are new to this so, it's good to know not to buy that anymore. I'll look for only 100% USA made versions and give that a shot.


posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

Check this out

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:50 PM

reply to post by SaturnFX

It's doctor did not even mention this to me as an option. He tried to prescribe me pills and then just gave me a bunch of reading material on quitting. Setting a quit date, lots of celery and carrots, gum and patches. That sort of thing. Didn't once mention this as an option to help quit.

Well, I was a heavy smoker. about 30 a day..sometimes more. damn computer sitting gets ya and chain smoking becomes the norm.
I first tried just vaping, and it cut me down to like 7-8 a day, but that was without me trying to quit..I simply put a e-cig in front of me at the computer strictly for purposes of cutting down, and it worked like a charm, but I always wanted ciggies when I woke up with coffee, then after meals, and one or two before bed with a cup of tea..anyhow, it worked great there

But when I actually wanted to quit (outside of simply saying I wanted to but not really), I got some chantex and took it for about 2 weeks. it got me sick (as its meant to do when you smoke) and by the second week, I was pretty much smoking without vaping every few hours just on quit date came and it was no issue at all

oh, but like a week and a half into chantex, I was smoking triple the norm..thats normal..its because basically I wasn't getting nicotine, so I felt like I always wanted one...then after a few days of that, I guess I was done the physical addiction, at that point, voila...easy peasy..and kinda glad actually, the chantex does make you sick and feel weird. I also ran out of chantex on the quit date..not good, because it ensures that if you decide a month later or so to try a cig, it would be gross and make you sick (hense why they give you like 6 month supply of the it takes care of any falling back patterns).

But anyhow, of course if you have the willpower to simply quit and don't need the vaping, that is the best..maybe...see, another thing vaping helps me with is the snacking issue. I use at this point an extremely low dose nicotine..barely registering..mostly I vap now in leu of eating tons of stuff...a smoker who quits averages like a 30lb weight gain..and that's unhealthy also. So, I vap and exercise..I am losing weight and feeling good.
Maybe in a year or so, I will only be vaping on special occasions or whatnot.

Lots of doctors are unaware of the effectiveness of the ecigs and basically are working from ignorance...some are studying it and are recommending to those whom have trouble going cold turkey.
I just wanted to counter the idea that you have to quit cold turkey..because that is the least effective way for the average person. they almost always go back.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

Check out organic juices out of California.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I know for sure that I couldn't do it cold turkey.

I'm on day 6 now without a doesn't sound like much but, man it has been rough. Not near as rough as it would be without the vapor but, pretty bad.

I'm drinking tons of water, keeping busy and also working out. I really don't want to fall into the weight gain trap although I'm sure I will add at least a couple of pounds before it's all said and done.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 07:56 AM

reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

Check out organic juices out of California.

Thanks for the link...I'll check it out. Especially since I discovered what I have now is from China.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 03:27 PM

reply to post by SaturnFX

I know for sure that I couldn't do it cold turkey.

I'm on day 6 now without a doesn't sound like much but, man it has been rough. Not near as rough as it would be without the vapor but, pretty bad.

I'm drinking tons of water, keeping busy and also working out. I really don't want to fall into the weight gain trap although I'm sure I will add at least a couple of pounds before it's all said and done.

Well, your body metabolism will slow down a bit also from quitting, so, gotta compensate for it. put a bit less sugar in the coffee, pass over the second helpings, exercise for an extra 10 minutes, and it should be fine.

Day 6. nice job. typically after a week, the simple philosophy kicks in...I came this far already, don't want to go through that crap again, so will remain off the ciggies.
But best to simply come to a understanding that your done with smoking..stupid addiction anyhow when you consider it objectively. pay tons of cash to smell bad, look stupid, get holes in your shirts and furnature, have to stand in the rain when out shopping, etc...eventually you wonder why the hell you did it for soo long. talk about a stupid drug...damn thing doesn't even get ya high. heh

Anyhow, well done. Your a nonsmoker now.

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Thank you so much....I really needed to hear that. On day 7 and you're right, I do NOT want to have to go through this again.

It's funny that you mentioned the less sugar in my coffee....For the first time in about a year, I actually put stevia in my coffee instead of sugar. lol!

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