posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 12:47 PM
Hey fellow members. I thoroughly enjoy this site and the wealth of knowledge it has to offer. It's also comforting to know that there are thousands
of others who look beyond the biased main-stream news for the truth. I am 19, and prior to a couple years ago, I had no clue what had been going on
behind my back on a daily basis. Each injustice I read about furthers my hate for the elitists in control. I can't complain too much because I still
maintain a higher standard of living than most of the people in other countries. However, it still sickens me to know the different ways the extremely
wealthy manipulate things for their personal gains at the expense of millions. I want to know what I can do to change this!!! Obviously the people in
control have solidified their position to an extent that no one person could ever bring them down from their throne. Nonetheless, I would be willing
to dedicate my life to a cause that would actually make a difference. Philanthropy is great and benefits people globally, but what can I do to weaken
the powers that enslave us? Thanks all