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big flu

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posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 12:29 PM

looks like the flu will be on stage again joy......

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 12:38 PM
Let me just quote a piece from the site so members can build apon this;

The bird flu virus that rampaged across much of Asia this year is likely to be the cause of the next human flu pandemic, which could hit up to 30 percent of the world's people, a top international expert said on Thursday.
The expert, Dr. Klaus Stohr, who coordinates the World Health Organization's Global Influenza Program, stated that there was no question about whether another influenza pandemic would sweep through the world's more than six billion people, only a question of when.
"There are estimates that would put the number of deaths in the range between two and seven million, and the number of people affected will go beyond the billions as 25 to 30 percent will fall ill," Stohr said. Referring to the avian flu virus A(H5N1), which has forced Asian governments to kill tens of millions of fowl in a vain attempt to wipe it out, he said, "This virus

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 04:07 AM
So far the bird type flu strains have only resulted in limited outbreaks, which, although worrying, have not reached the pandemic levels seen in 1918, 1957 & 1968.

Spanish flu (1918/19) is reported to have killed at least 40 million people. This was before flu vaccines.

For the past several years we have annually been promised that this year will be the "big one". Possibly it is more likely now due to the problems with the flu vaccine.

We may now have the technology to diagnose (within 30mins) and treat the virus, but will it be available where & when its needed?

I, for one, certainly do not look forward to the next pandemic!

Please see this link from WHO, which is packed with infomation.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 09:27 AM
Infinite. Youre' the FSME on NWO. I'm surprised you don't react to these threads by illustrating the connections between man-made viruses, virus-scare propoganda, "vaccinations", and the NWO agenda. Wrong forum I guess, eh?

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by iwouldificould
So far the bird type flu strains have only resulted in limited outbreaks, which, although worrying, have not reached the pandemic levels seen in 1918, 1957 & 1968.

Spanish flu (1918/19) is reported to have killed at least 40 million people. This was before flu vaccines.

For the past several years we have annually been promised that this year will be the "big one". Possibly it is more likely now due to the problems with the flu vaccine.

We may now have the technology to diagnose (within 30mins) and treat the virus, but will it be available where & when its needed?

I, for one, certainly do not look forward to the next pandemic!

Please see this link from WHO, which is packed with infomation.

The "big one" has the potential to be MUCH bigger than WHO projections

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 10:37 AM
I think this is just part of the terror broo ha ha that's so in vogue now a days. Its all part of the mind control agenda,IMHO.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I think this is just part of the terror broo ha ha that's so in vogue now a days. Its all part of the mind control agenda,IMHO.

The avian flu has been evolving for the past several years. Last season the spead of H5N1 throughut eastern and southeastern Asia was without equal. Today H%N1 infected pigeons are literally falling from the sky

The pandemic is VERY real, and WHO numbers are VERY conservative

The virus actually chnages its genes, while WHO thinks it just swaps them

so human deaths gretaer than one BILLION are very possible.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I think this is just part of the terror broo ha ha that's so in vogue now a days. Its all part of the mind control agenda,IMHO.

IMHO - the 'terror brouhaha' was developed to cover up all the epidemics, and divert needed funds before they could be tapped for public health.

...Niman's right - this flu epidemic was predicted long ago and it will come. The only question is when.

...The first perfectly usable H5N1 bird flu vaccine was developed by 1999 - and reverse engineering technology can get billions of doses out the door and on the streets inside of weeks. I knew about this long ago, and thought manufacturing was ready to roll. Wrong.

Turns out that manufacturers aren't willing to share their profits with the guys who developed reverse engineering and hold the Intellectual Property rights for it. ...So Big Pharma won't use the technology. Which means it will take 6 months or more to manufacture at capacity using old technology - and provide the world with about 10% of the vaccines needed.



posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 11:04 AM
Dont talk about flu!!!

I have it.

Promise not to sneeze on anyone

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
Infinite. Youre' the FSME on NWO. I'm surprised you don't react to these threads by illustrating the connections between man-made viruses, virus-scare propoganda, "vaccinations", and the NWO agenda. Wrong forum I guess, eh?

indeed, this is the wrong forum to state that but of course, it is believed that "scare tatics" are the work of the New World Order. The fear of sudden death will allow us to blindly to accept anything. But anyways, wrong place to mention that

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by soficrow

Originally posted by dgtempe
I think this is just part of the terror broo ha ha that's so in vogue now a days. Its all part of the mind control agenda,IMHO.

IMHO - the 'terror brouhaha' was developed to cover up all the epidemics, and divert needed funds before they could be tapped for public health.

...Niman's right - this flu epidemic was predicted long ago and it will come. The only question is when.

...The first perfectly usable H5N1 bird flu vaccine was developed by 1999 - and reverse engineering technology can get billions of doses out the door and on the streets inside of weeks. I knew about this long ago, and thought manufacturing was ready to roll. Wrong.

Turns out that manufacturers aren't willing to share their profits with the guys who developed reverse engineering and hold the Intellectual Property rights for it. ...So Big Pharma won't use the technology. Which means it will take 6 months or more to manufacture at capacity using old technology - and provide the world with about 10% of the vaccines needed.



Actually Medimmune said that IP issues could be worked out and pandemic flu vaccines are being developed by Aventis (H5N1) and Chiron (H9N2). Since these two viruses are known to recombine and reassort

vaccines against both would be useful.

The problem with the 1999 pandemic vaccine was the fact that it was made agains the 1997 H5N1 and the 2004 H5N1 has changed quite a bit (1997 had a 19 aa deletion in NA but 2004 has a 20 aa deletion that overlaps but is different - 2004 also has a 5 aa delection in NS as well as two Amantadine resistant mutations in M2. 1997 had internal genes from H9N2 and H6N1 isolates, while 2004 is a recombinant between 2000/2001 H5N1 isolates found in Hong Kong, so the vaccine against 1997 really doesn't do much against 2004 version of H5N1.

In addition, the isolates from Thailand and Vietnam have unique polymorphisms not found in other H5N1 isolates

and these isolates produce a very high case mortality rate

The problem is development time. Aventis won't start trials until next year and Chiron has potential issues with contamination in its Liverpool vaccine manufacturing plant(s). The vaccine is expected to be ready in 2007, but the virus is merrily mutating and getting ready for a major assault (and by 2007 it may have changed enough to make the current vaccine under development pretty useless).

Moreover, stockpiled antivirals are also pretty useless against H5N1

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Infinite
it is believed that "scare tatics" are the work of the New World Order.

In the case of virus-scares and reporting: Scare tactics.

In the case of manufactured and manually seeded diseases: Population reduction.

[edit on 2004/11/26 by wecomeinpeace]

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