posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 09:05 AM
Pretty much, if the powers that be, really wanted to identify all preppers, they certainly could do so via internet boards. However, the only saving
grace is that they really don't have the resources or need to "round us all up", etc.
As for prep style purchases, cash, cash, cash.
As for weapons, buy from private seller, no paperwork or red tape. (on ammo, cash, cash, cash)
Luckily, being on a ranch, most of my prep purchases wouldn't exactly be red flags anyhow.
As for OPSEC...we're anonymous here (except from the government, most likely, given Snowden's revelations).
Even if not though, chances are most of you folks are hundreds if not thousands of miles away from me. (and if you do make it here, I'm more likely
to ask you to help out and earn your keep!).
Now, I don't go telling anyone other than good friends who are actually invited to come stay with us and help out, come SHTF....about prepping in
general. And I don't outline defensive strategy, etc. (simply no need to at this point)...