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I agree with almost all of that.
I think the ones that give you nicotine (patch, gum, etc), just extend your withdrawal symptoms. I tried the patch once before and it was THE WORST time ever.
The longest time I was able to quit, was by going cold turkey. I made it 6 months, but that was back when you could still smoke in a bar, and I actually still went to them, so that didn't work out so well.
It's been on my mind for the last 2 months, to try again. Especially with a $1000.00 bonus promised from work
Two things though.
Did you get ornery?
How did you handle the oral fixation? Last time I always had raw veggies to munch on.
And this may be too personal, but did you notice a certain "drive" come back, or become stronger? Nobody ever talks about that, but it seems to happen when you quit.
And this may be too personal, but did you notice a certain "drive" come back, or become stronger? Nobody ever talks about that, but it seems to happen when you quit.
Just gunna answer because it applies
Absolutely! When i quit i got this drive, it might be different for others. I've been really heavy into Math, science and cosmology/astronomy) and just space in general. Learning c++ as well, learned the basics of Java and have an entire game design course to go through (at my own speed, at home thing in my free time).
Been watching Through the Wormhole and really excited about the remake of COSMOS. I always had an interest in these things but no drive to actually learn them.
edit on 21/3/14 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)
reply to post by sylvie
I quit smoking early in this past December. I ran out of rolling tobacco and rolling papers the night before and vowed NOT to replace them. But, I did invest in a vapor pen. It saved my life over the Christmas holidays and various get togethers, I'll tell you that! Now, I hardly even remember to "vape", or that I own a pen!
Yesterday, I had a spectacular victory of a life time! I didn't have my pen with me, and for some stupid reason, decided to reward myself with a cigarette. So, I bought a pack of my old brand, ripped open the pack and took a couple of luxurious puffs while stopped at a red light in the car, and was overcome with dizzyness! HAHA!
I managed to choke down the rest of the cigarette during the long drive home. When I got home, I washed up and changed my cloths but I couldn't get the smell of cigarette "exhaust" out of my nose! Disgusted, and remembering why I hated cigarettes, and their dark smokey allure, I took the rest of the new pack, I had just bought, crumpled them up and flushed them down the toilet!
I did need my vape pen this morning though! LOL!
EDIT TO ADD: I do notice that a lot people that vape, like to display their ability to (not) "smoke" in public by flaunting large clouds of vapor about in public places as if this was 1950 and they have their old cigarette habits back. This appears, to me to be an affront to, and they appear to be rebelling against, the modern anti smoking social mores prevalent in today's collective minds.
I think that's a bad thing for people concerned about "vaping" rights.
edit on 21-3-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)
i don't think there is a conspiracy to keep you smoking by the smoking cessation companies. they have no need to do that. almost every x-smoker i know has the same tale. the fact that no matter how much time goes by they are always in danger of smoking again due to the cravings they always have. this includes one x-smoker who has been smoke free close to FIFTY YEARS now. she still has to fight the cravings that she gets every day. i have had friends finally give up and start smoking at even 5 to 10 years after quitting since they just can't cope with the cravings anymore. one person even tried to commit suicide after several years smoke free from the stress created by the constant cravings she suffered. another friend gained over 20lbs from the sunflower seeds he used as a crutch to try to stay smoke free, (total health food nut), finally gave up after 5 years and started smoking again and since he cut out the sunflower seeds lost the weight that had been driving him crazy, along with the cravings. seems that once you are hooked you are never free. and the more you quit the harder it is to quit the next time, (i know that one from myself as well as others).
i fly long distance and go bonkers, don't get between me and a place i can smoke after landing, because i will run you over, along with every other smoker on the flight. at that point all i can really think of is getting a couple cigarettes in me, not to mention by that time my "fuse" is so short i can be set off rather easily.
if you want a smoking conspiracy try the one about companies adding extra nicotine to their products to "super hook" you. this has to be true since when i run out Canadian or American purchased smokes i suddenly need 1.5-2 cigarettes right after each other in my normal smoking pattern, where with my North American ones i need 1 cigarette.
I was a heavy smoker for over 20 years, tried quitting many times during that period too. It's a very difficult process, but I've found a couple of things that helped me to quit easily and stay off for almost 4 years now. I don't get any temptations at all either. I live in CO so access to the herb is easy as I use it for pain, nausea etc..... Enough on that.
I also found that vitamin C is great at breaking addictions as well, even alcohol, heroin and what not. I'm sure if anyone is interested, a search will point you in the right direction. Here is one link for a vitamin C spray.
Vitamin C Spray
One smoking cessation tactic you should try is ascorbic acid spray, which is simply powdered vitamin C mixed with water in a spray bottle. Research shows this technique can reduce the cravings of cigarettes and help reduce or eliminate the smoking habit.
All you need is a small spray/mister bottle, which can be found in most drug stores or purchased from pharmacists, filled with a water and powdered vitamin C solution. Regularly throughout the day, especially when cigarette cravings occur, patients will discharge a couple of squirts into their mouth and throat. Many of those I interviewed said it had helped them totally quit smoking or substantially reduce the number of cigarettes they smoked daily.
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