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US can afford to spend millions searching for dead Chinease on a plane but not our Veterans?

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posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Xeven

Don't derail your own thread asking about Russia. You made the thread asking why America is funding a search for a missing plane over paying veteran benefits not one asking why Russia isn't involved in the search. Russia not helping has nothing to do with whether or not the US funds the rescue mission.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 01:14 PM
You have to remember that, the way our government is set up there is always plenty of money for everything. The search for that plane isn't taking away money from Vets. Our government, both democrats and republicans just doesn't want to spend any money on vets. It's simple.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 02:12 PM
We have spent 2.5mil so far and pentagon set aside 4mil or search. Just seen on the news nbc the cycle.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 02:37 PM

reply to post by Xeven

Don't derail your own thread asking about Russia. You made the thread asking why America is funding a search for a missing plane over paying veteran benefits not one asking why Russia isn't involved in the search. Russia not helping has nothing to do with whether or not the US funds the rescue mission.

The OP should know the logistics for Russia sending heavy metal to the south. Anyway the Russian Space Centre is helping out, and any of the countries who have stood down a physical search, are still active in information gathering. The UK has one ship, HMS Echo almost on site, and while that doesn't seem much, you can guess by its name that it is an ideal vessel, being a hydrographic survey ship.

Anyone starting a thread about vets would find most people sympathetic to the way they are treated, but this thread is crazy, and jingoistic. The OP needs to rant at the banks and the way they behaved and ruined countries with feckless globalization schemes...the full story about that is not even at part one, a big con IMO.
I'd contribute to any thread that tells the vets story, but not in this way.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Yes but it is not required for us and or military to do so. We cannot afford to provide relief to every disaster. I am not heartless, I just get sick of how we always seem to have cash laying around for everything that goes wrong outside the USA but we cannot help our own people. The Airlines and China should be lead in this search and recovery with us also "helping". A P-8 flying around down there and dropping acoustic beacons is not a cheap endeavor. Let the Airlines reimburse the fuel as it is their Aircraft that was lost during a profit making endeavor.
edit on 21-3-2014 by Xeven because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 03:57 PM
When you read things like the OP you know two things. One, everytime you have a little faith in humanity that one guy shows and trys to ruin it. And basic reading skills are a thing of the past. The US is of course not funding the cost of the entire search. The few US assets in the area that have been tasked to help search are not only searching for the Chinese on board but the Americans as well and all the others. On top of doing the same thing the other 25 nations that have assets searching this it also provides valuable training for those few assets involved. As a veteran I would prefer to not be used by people as part of their rant. In particular when they are tinged with ignorance and racism.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 09:21 PM
That America treats veterans badly saddens but doesn't surprise me - it's true of many countries, mine included. But that doesn't mean that money shouldn't be spent on this or other initiatives.

The US does have a particular interest and responsibility here, however. The plane is US-built, so the NTSB is automatically involved in the investigation and can call on other federal resources if it needs them. The objective - though it may never be realised - is to retrieve the aircraft's 'black boxes', to determine what caused this disaster.

If it's a mechanical or electrical failure or a security vulnerability, failing to identify and rectify it could cause massive damage to the manufacturer and the US economy and put many more lives in jeopardy, in America and around the world.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Xeven

The proposed VA budget for 2014 is $152.7 BILLION dollars. The government is already spending a very large amount on veterans. You mention millions or a hundred million for the search but as you can see, the budget is vastly larger than this by over at least 1000 times. The question is how it is all divided and spent. How much waste and fraud and corruption is going on. So what is the complaint exactly? The government broke promises? Hardly surprising. War is nothing new. PTSD is nothing new. Maiming, mental and physical injury is nothing new to soldiering. Having trouble with relationships, work, finding work, life in general is nothing new. So signing up to begin with comes with potential problems that are nothing new. It's a risky job and always has been. Its a gamble as to how any soldier will survive if he or she does survive. Life after soldiering has always, always had the potential for a harsh life. If someone made a choice to soldier unaware of the potential consequences which are historical in nature, look before you leap comes to mind. Patriotism is more than just signing up and serving your country because someone uses clever phrases, waves a flag, your daddy and his daddy did it.... sometimes patriotism is making sure our government is not getting into pointless wars and making certain corporations more wealthy. Not falling for clever psychology and marketing and brainwashing. Not being pressured into joining just because it sounds cool and your friends are all doing it. My family has served in the American Armed Forces since the Revolutionary War, as in before there was an America, and some wars were necessary and some were for the wrong reasons but it is who we elect at the voting booths that get us into the wars. We also try to give aid where it is needed in country and out. Yes, there is far too much waste but helping where help is needed is also part of who we are as Americans. Fix the waste and fraud and corruption. Elect better politicians. Stay patriotic. Look before you leap. Understand consequences. SOLDIER ON!

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 12:48 AM
I've heard some people accuse disabled veterans of trying to milk the system for money. Like any system, there are always those who will try to take advantage, but I don't believe this describes the majority of our vets. Congress is pointing to the increasing money for vets coming home from the mideast and the increased millions being spent to accomodate them.

One of my favorite sayings, and if I could, I'd like to direct this to every member of our government:

If disabled veterans are costing us too much money, quit making them.

It's that simple.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 12:54 AM
Wow. So looking for Souls lost a sea and spending a few bucks searching for some lost citizens and NOT taking care of outr vets? I don't think our vets care that much. I'm one. My wife is a disabled one. The US NAVY says she was NEVER in uniform! We good. I have my retirement. She gets Social Security disability. Funny thing. The disability Judge KNEW about her naval service, but the US NAVY doesn't? Paperwork. Look, there are vets that NEED to have better care and that DESERVE help, if that's what they're looking for. But alot of these vets? DID NOT GET a choice. They were drafted. They took the oath. to me, they have NO PEER. and they did a good job. I am proud of them. Some vets? I get my retirement pay and a decent deal on MY HEALTH INSURANCE. Been paying for my own health insurance since I retired,at age 37 from the US NAVY. Works for me. Sure as heck beats going to the VA. Not that the VA doesn't have some STELLAR peole working there. I don't know how they do it actually. Sitting in a waiting room at the VA evokes two things in me. Sadness and Rage. But the VA is the government. I state the obvious, yes? Our vets need to be given that which was PROMISED to them for agreeing to become dead people. This can not be debated. Some of us VOLUNTEERED. I'd do it again. Not because I like war. But I met some OUTSTANDING people, both U.S. and foreign, and that's what really made it worth wild. that and reading the same intel summaries that the POTUS got each day! Anyway, We shouldn't give a DIME to ANYBODY that is not a U.S. Citizen, before we give ANYTHING to anyone else. In the event of national disaster or humanitarian aid, I would make an exception. But again, this is stating the obvious. But veterans? I would imagine a lot are just like me. Happy to be here. And immensely thankful to those who are still "on Patrol".
I'm good. So's my wife. She wasn't born in the U.S., but she took an oath to die for it. And she's a great shipmate. And she's just happy to be here to. And thankful. we're both in our 50's now, and have both NEVER known a time when someone in our respective families wasn't in a uniform for SOMEBODY's country. When a vet comes forward and says "I need some help" that's all that they should have to say. Having a politicians that try to make political hay out of the fact that vets aren't being taken care of? Warfare never turned my stomach as much as that does.
But to my fellow Vets, and my wife, and to those Vets Past, Present, and Future I only have one thing to say. BRAVO ZULU. and to those still on patrol. I will remember you, ALWAYS.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:24 AM
Obama has made it clear how he despises our troops in all sorts of things since his first election.. How he is afraid of them when they are armed, even MP's.. Not to mention how he throws officers under the bus for not supporting his socialist state projects.
He is just following his Saul Alinski handbook.. His actions and views do not give a rats ass about our troops. They are just pawns to be used and discarded like the rest of America.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by alienreality

SO tell me how this is Obama's fault? Or is it just another twist-it-to-bash-Obama reply? Obama does not control the budget, Congress does. Obama does not control what funding goes to what agency, Congress does. Obama does not create bills to be voted on, Congress does. Obama does not cut funding for vets, the homeless, the poor, the outsourced jobless, while giving corporations corporate welfare, Congress does...oops, what I meant to say is, Republicans do.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

Good points ..... so then I guess neither party cares about the people of this country...... Which is exactly why I registered as NO party in the last election.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 04:42 AM

reply to post by alienreality

SO tell me how this is Obama's fault? Or is it just another twist-it-to-bash-Obama reply? Obama does not control the budget, Congress does. Obama does not control what funding goes to what agency, Congress does. Obama does not create bills to be voted on, Congress does. Obama does not cut funding for vets, the homeless, the poor, the outsourced jobless, while giving corporations corporate welfare, Congress does...oops, what I meant to say is, Republicans do.

Well duh, let's just see... Okay, since congress and the senate end up bending over for Obama, it means he has the horses reins in pretty much everything..Just like he owns the republican majority whip, and Boehner the house speaker.. Those two go against the old school conservatives always, and the end resullt is all of Obama's pet wishes get passed through. Did Obama even try to suggest vet benefits be topmost priority? Ever? Even once? My point is we don't hear jack about anyone except what obama is wanting and doing. The ones he has making only his desires come true, are always pretending they are against the democrat party, but in fact are a rubber stamp for him.

His pet crap does not include any freaking benefits for our vets..
But I do see where you want to steer this. Yes the repubroken party has not been doing much on that either. They are all in a drunken stupor and too busy bowing down to the dictatorial law breaker in the white house. They actually think and act like he is "Chairman Mao" Of which, they wouldn't be far off if they do.

That should sum it all up, for your consideration of course..

PS :Obama seems to be the only one that makes anything happen even though all of that requires breaking oaths and laws and even commiting felony fraud. And so far not one thing he's done has been good for the country. Everyone else besides him that could do something else like propose vet bene's with real umph too it, don't, they just stand there like zombies waiting for Obama to say jump instead of proposing a package for vets with a big stick in their hands, if that is what it takes, but no one is.

Thinking this was just a bash obama reply of mine shows that to truly wake up and snap out of the trance is not easy, not in any way is it easy. It is time to face the reality that nothing has succeeded for him and it isn't ever going to. The only reason people hang on for dear life is the hope that his next promise will be kept, but it never is.. Denial of all this is a real yoke that some will not give up. If they did, they have to admit to themselves they were wrong all that time. It is not that big of a price to pay you know..

If you look at everything Obama has done and then read "creating a socialist state" by his favorite person Saul Alinski, you will see that he is only doing the steps in that book, and nothing else. and he is doing them in numerical order just as in that book. It is un freaking believable. Like he was getting it all from a teleprompter. His motives do not include anything for Vets except a big Bus to throw them under.
edit on 22-3-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 02:26 PM

reply to post by Xeven

The proposed VA budget for 2014 is $152.7 BILLION dollars. The government is already spending a very large amount on veterans. You mention millions or a hundred million for the search but as you can see, the budget is vastly larger than this by over at least 1000 times. The question is how it is all divided and spent. How much waste and fraud and corruption is going on. So what is the complaint exactly?

That's what I've been wondering, what is the nitty gritty of the complaint?

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 02:32 PM


reply to post by Xeven

The proposed VA budget for 2014 is $152.7 BILLION dollars. The government is already spending a very large amount on veterans. You mention millions or a hundred million for the search but as you can see, the budget is vastly larger than this by over at least 1000 times. The question is how it is all divided and spent. How much waste and fraud and corruption is going on. So what is the complaint exactly?

That's what I've been wondering, what is the nitty gritty of the complaint?

It's that they want to cut everything here that helps our Vets, Hungry, and people needed a Doctor and healthcare but we can throw a billion at Ukraine and however many millions at hunting down dead people on a plane without batting any eye. WHERE does this money come from? Why is it ok to support things like this knowing it will drowned out economy and make life horrible for our ancestors and maybe even bring about the end of the USA.

Help us first. That is all.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Xeven

They have spent $2.5M with another $1.5M budgeted. The money is coming from their operating budget and the extra allocated in the budget.

Both the Pinckey and Kidd were already there training. It's not like they were sitting in port somewhere and they sailed them specifically for the search. They still had a good bit of time in their deployments using the money already.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 07:10 PM


It's that they want to cut everything here that helps our Vets, Hungry, and people needed a Doctor and healthcare but we can throw a billion at Ukraine and however many millions at hunting down dead people on a plane without batting any eye. WHERE does this money come from? Why is it ok to support things like this knowing it will drowned out economy and make life horrible for our ancestors and maybe even bring about the end of the USA.

Help us first. That is all.

The USA had a huge sequestration in 2013, that didn't involve Vets, or pensioners, or medical aid, or food stamps. It did involve a large reduction in military spending, not that it mattered much to defense contractors...they still made a tidy profit.
As well as that, there was the stand-off, and ridiculous shutdown in the US capital over the sequestration, when the Republican faction demanded NO reduction in military spending amongst others where they did want reductions?. Then there was the budget, even in sequestration, the discretionary budget was well over a thousand billion. So, is your issue something local, a clerical cockup or somebody taking the cream or what? You need to say.
edit on 22-3-2014 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 10:38 PM

reply to post by buster2010

True but we know we have Navy ships, subs and very expensive to operate Aircraft in the search. Not only that but I imagine our CIA, FBI and other agencies are spending millions as well. We will eventually know the cost to us.

Bigger point, one of those things you do as a nation. Next time it might be one of ours down and need the help of other countries. Yea it gonna be million a day for the planes and little more or less for the naval assets. Point is these assets would be doing this anyway. You can't pay for this type of real world training. So in that sense we really are not spending extra money. All part of their training allotment anyways. No big deal there.

As for veterans it is better than it has ever been but it could be much better. I still don't have my disability and it has been years.

The Bot b

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by alienreality

And I would say the LAST thing Congress has done is bend over backwards to do as Obama wishes. Rather, I think the Congress has been a bunch of do nothing obstructionists that have forgotten how to compromise and get anything done at all. This is why we have 3 independent (in theory anyway) parts of government to keep each other in check and balance things out. Administrative, Legislative, and Judicial. No one in charge, cooperation required, or else chaos. Lately, I think its been chaos. If Congress had been bending over for Obama, the cuts for the vets wouldn't have taken place in the first place.

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