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Freaked by Fluoride!

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posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 02:18 PM


It's funny how the fluoride is killing us, the vaccinations are killing us, the additives are killing us, the pharmaceuticals are killing us, the chemtrails are killing us — and yet life expectancy just keeps on going up and up and up.

Those illuminati need to change their recipe, I think.

Fluoride isn't killing you-it's just making you docile and compliant.

Life expectancy is "increasing" because there are fewer deaths at birth.

Actually though fluoride is not killing us it is suspected of increasing all sorts of
brain dysfunctions: like ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, MS and many others! besides
all these illnesses it is making us stupid and ignorant! I consider it ignorant and
stupid when we fail to ask the right questions! I don't think we are so docile but
more complacent and compliant but we are still a very violent species and America
with one of the highest rate of fluoridated water is also one the highest in violent
crimes for developed countries!
Australia (80%), Brunei (95%); Chile (70%), Guyana (62%), Hong Kong (100%),
the Irish Republic (73%), Israel (70%), Malaysia (75%), New Zealand (62%),
Singapore (100%), and the United States (64%).

In my book ^this^ is not docile!
edit on 26-3-2014 by nosacrificenofreedom because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2014 by nosacrificenofreedom because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 12:52 AM
im still waiting....

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 12:53 AM
double post
edit on 27-3-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Notheycant

Ok the same argument but not one that people can go and check for themselves, It looks like the fluoride is doing such a good job the Catholic church who have been killing intelligent people since around the year 1200 must be laughing there heads off fluoride lowers your IQ and you don't even need a high IQ to work this out.

If people are unsure if fluorides is bad for you look at two things. The law of halogen displacement proves that fluorine, chlorine and bromine all replace iodine in your body, the WHO states if you don't get Iodine then this leads to mental retardation.

the point the guy makes about the labelling on the toothpaste refers to the aluminium and titanium oxide that the paste is made from, both are carcinogenic.

How to remove fluoride from your body and get yourself the use of your brain back rather than being a sheep.

drink distilled water this will work over a period of around 3 months
Use clay or charcoal as a distillation tool look on youtube for guidance.
to remove the chlorine which is highly carcinogenic (unless they use chlorine dioxide but they don't) pour out your water the night before and let it sit overnight all the chlorine will evaporate out of the water, when you take a shower your body soaks up about a gallon of water on average so be quick or install some filters.

to remove the fluoride from your body you can take Borax about a fingertip a day this also cures arthritis you can see the extent the catholics have gone in there battle to keep you dumb by getting borax banned as a toxic agent. fluoride has a lethal dose of 2.8 grams borax is 50 grams if you are worried that it says on the packet its and insecticide well so's the THC in marijuana. you could also fast after 8 hours of fasting your body starts to push all the toxins out of your system including all the heavy metals.

Now when you've cleaned your body of all the poisons then you can start wondering why the catholics need to keep you dumb.

the catholics are controlled by the criminal families who run this world

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by swanne

That's really not knowable unless you had a version of yourself that hasn't been using fluoride toothpaste to compare yourself to.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by jaffo

Um yes there has. JohnbuttonIII posted a link just a few posts before yours to a Harvard study on the negative effects of fluoride on children. Deny Ignorance.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by dovdov

Unless you lived in Nazi Germany I have a hard time believing that you truly know if they did or not. So how about trying not to sound so sure of yourself when you really don't know for sure.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by AlphaHawk

Well it cleary shows that your iq is lower and your way of thinking is complete poop, and its this no big deal attitude that keeps us getting medication added to our drinking water, or how most people think its actual fluoride in our drinking water it is not! The chemical names of the main substances used in wate fluoridation practices are hydrofluorocilicic acid, hexafluorisilisic acid and sodium silicofluroride if you were to put any of these substances into a stream river or pond you would be committing and act or terrorism... but ya no worries drink up bath your new born in it and water your crops with it, who needs a IQ above 60 when the government tells you what to do anyways Fricken Backwards Land we live in ~!!

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by seridium

Hey. Have some manners. You can debate, but calling people "stupid" simply because they don't fit your bubble is not only rich, but un-scientific and childish.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:07 PM

r how most people think its actual fluoride in our drinking water it is not! The chemical names of the main substances used in wate fluoridation practices are hydrofluorocilicic acid, hexafluorisilisic acid and sodium silicofluroride if you were to put any of these substances into a stream river or pond you would be committing and act or terrorism...

Not if you put them in at the dilution factors involved in the water supply. Nobody would even notice.

And what do you mean by "actual fluoride"? You gave the names of three compounds used in fluoridation, managed to spell all three of them wrong, and neglected to mention that two of the names are synonyms for the same compound!

Let me help you out.

Hydrofluorosilicic acid, aka hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) hydrolyses almost instantly in water to create... guess what... fluoride ions. In other words, what is present in the water is "actual fluoride". The other product is SiO2, otherwise known as silicon dioxide or "sand". Just about as inert as you can get.

Sodium silicofluoride, more correctly known as sodium fluorosilicate, is simply the sodium salt of the above acid. Same principle, same hydrolysis reaction.

Were you hoping that using long chemical names would make the compounds sound scary? If so I suggest you wake up and smell the 1,3,7-Trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6(3H,7H)-dione

Edit to add: did you know, by the way, that many parts of the western USA have far more fluoride naturally occurring in the ground water than is even added elsewhere? But that's natural so it must be OK, huh?
edit on 27-3-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 10:50 PM

reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

The issue isn't whether you've NOTICED adverse health effects. The issue is whether adverse health effects have happened.

Harvard found that fluoride lowers IQ in developing children (and probably also in adults). The study can be found here.

Now the question is: would you notice a reduction in your IQ? How could you tell if it happened when you've zero basis for comparison? Because you've been drinking fluoride your entire life, you have zero idea how smart you would/should have been had you completely abstained.

So yeah, in short, the "I never noticed any health problems" argument is a complete wash.

Well, my IQ is quite a bit above average, and so is that of ALL my children, all of whom have had fluoridated water all their lives. I can't speak for their studies, but I know what I can see with my own eyes. The study states, too, that fluoride "that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children", not that it definitely does. They also talk about "extremely high" amounts. What they actually did, according to the link, was look at studies from China. How can we possibly know how controlled such studies might have been? We simply can't. Certainly, a good study here could be beneficial, and we should be sure that what we do is safe, but in this area, I honestly feel that there is more alarm than is warranted.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Rob48

Just an update for you. I've still only had 1 glass of water over the last 9 days and I've had 2 bottles of red wine over the same 9 days.

I feel great. Not dehydrated at all.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:41 PM
Great fluoride fans, don't let the fluoride is a hoax group influence you one bit. After-all your dentist, denture manufacturer, and implant surgeons have families to feed and after all these years of fluoride water, toothpaste, and mouthwash this division of the medical establishment is doing better than ever. Could it be fluoride doesn't work? Ridiculous you say, would our government take billions of tax payer dollars to support a fraud on the public which benefits the aluminum industry? No, it can not be, government of the people, for the people, and by the people would never do this, and all our politicians are honest men looking out for your interest.

But here is the problem fluoride fans, and I repeat this again even though you do not want to believe it:

Fluoride: Worse than We Thought PDF Print E-mail
Written by Andreas Schuld
Wednesday, 14 April 2004 02:50
In 1999 the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a glowing report on the fluoridation of public water supplies, citing the procedure as one of the century's great public health successes.1
Ironically, the same report hints that the alleged benefit from fluorides may not be due to ingestion: "Fluoride's caries-preventive properties initially were attributed to changes in enamel during tooth development because of the association between fluoride and cosmetic changes in enamel and a belief that fluoride incorporated into enamel during tooth development would result in a more acid-resistant mineral."
The CDC report then acknowledges new studies which indicate that the effects are "topical" rather than "systemic." "However, laboratory and epidemiologic research suggests that fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children."
The obvious question is this: How can the CDC consider the addition of fluoride to public water supplies to be a public health success while admitting at the same time that fluoride's benefits are not "systemic," in other words, are not obtained from drinking it?.........

And as part of the same article fluoride fans please read this again and see if it soaks in to your fluoride numbed brain:

So What's the Truth About Tooth Decay?

The truth is that more and more evidence shows that fluorides and dental fluorosis are actually associated with increased tooth decay. The most comprehensive US review was carried out by the National Institute of Dental Research on 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years.18 It showed no significant differences in terms of DMF (decayed, missing and filled teeth). What it did show was that high decay cities (66.5-87.5 percent) have 9.34 percent more decay in the children who drink fluoridated water. Furthermore, a 5.4 percent increase in students with decay was observed when 1 ppm fluoride was added to the water supply. Nine fluoridated cities with high decay had 10 percent more decay than nine equivalent non-fluoridated cities.
The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water.19 In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students,20 while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occured in 29,000 students when 1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water.21


posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by Rob48

yeah we are all shills apparently, lol.

i bet being a shill would pay better than being a scientist, certainly not in it for the money....

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by AlienView

The most comprehensive US review was carried out by the National Institute of Dental Research on 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years.18 It showed no significant differences in terms of DMF (decayed, missing and filled teeth).

That's the most comprehensive review? Are you sure? It is, after all, more than 20 years old. Here's a more recent study, from 2010. It involved 128,990 children as opposed to 39,000 in that "comprehensive" review. Oh, it's Australia though, so I guess it doesn't count.

Children from every age group had greater caries prevalence and more caries experience in areas with negligible fluoride concentrations in the water than in optimally fluoridated areas . Controlling for child age, residential location, and SES, deciduous and permanent caries experience was 28.7% and 31.6% higher, respectively, in low-fluoride areas compared with optimally fluoridated areas. The odds ratios for higher caries prevalence in areas with negligible fluoride compared with optimal fluoride were 1.34 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.29, 1.39) and 1.24 (95% CI 1.21, 1.28) in the deciduous and permanent dentitions, respectively.

This study demonstrates the continued community effectiveness of water fluoridation and provides support for the extension of this important oral health intervention to populations currently without access to fluoridated water.

The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water.
Um. Here is what that study actually says:

Even the marginally high intakes of fluoride (>2.5 mg/day) continuously for more than six months in calcium-deficient children may cause severe dental fluorosis and caries (25).
Surprise. Calcium deficiencies in combination with high fluoride levels are bad for teeth. It should also be noted that the study is about natural fluoride.

In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students,20
Apparently from a 1972 paper. Can't seem to find that study but here's what a more recent Japan study found:

Results: The prevalence of dental caries was inversely related and the prevalence of fluorosis was directly related to the concentration of fluoride in the drinking water. The mean DMFS in the communities with 0.8 to 1.4 ppm fluoride was 53.9 percent to 62.4 percent lower than that in communities with negligible amounts of fluoride. Multivariate analysis showed that water fluoride level was the strongest factor influencing DMFS scores. The prevalence of fluorosis ranged from 1.7 percent to 15.4 percent, and the increase in fluorosis with increasing fluoride exposure was limited entirely to the milder forms.

edit on 4/3/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Phage

OK Phage, try this on for size:

The Fluoride Deception

With the narrative punch of Jonathan Harr’s A Civil Action and the commitment to environmental truth-telling of Erin Brockovich, The Fluoride Deception documents a powerful connection between big corporations, the U.S. military, and the historic reassurances of fluoride safety provided by the nation’s public health establishment. The Fluoride Deception reads like a thriller, but one supported by two hundred pages of source notes, years of investigative reporting, scores of scientist interviews, and archival research in places such as the newly opened files of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission. The book is nothing less than an exhumation of one of the great secret narratives of the industrial era: how a grim workplace poison and the most damaging environmental pollutant of the cold war was added to our drinking water and toothpaste.

From Publishers Weekly
Concerns over fluoridated drinking water have long been derided as the obsession of McCarthyite cranks. But this muckraking j’accuse asserts that fluoride is indeed a dire threat to public health, one foisted upon the nation by a vast conspiracy—not of Communist agents, but of our very own military-industrial complex. Investigative reporter Bryson revisits the decades-long controversy, drawing on mountains of scientific studies, some unearthed from secret archives of government and corporate laboratories, to question the effects of fluoride and the motives of its leading advocates. The efficacy of fluoridated drinking water in preventing tooth decay, he contends, is dubious. Fluoride in its many forms may be one of the most toxic of industrial pollutants.......

"The Fluoride Deception compellingly and inescapably exposes the murderous fraud that heads of state and industry have for decades perpetrated on an innocent public. Extremely well written and tightly researched....."

Quotes are from this book review: 55&s=books

And by the way don't show this to your dentist he might consider you to be the same kind of 'nut' who thinks it is dangerous to put mercury amalgam fillings into your mouth even though he is required to dispose of teeth with these feelings as a TOXIC WASTE

PS: Mercury fillings and fluoride in the drinking water have been outlawed in many countries - not the USA - Here money talks and life is cheap!

edit on 3-4-2014 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by AlienView

A book with a really sensational sales blurb.
I prefer science over biased writing.

edit on 4/4/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 07:01 PM

reply to post by AlienView

A book with a really sensational sales blurb.
I prefer science over biased writing.

edit on 4/4/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

I prefer truth over lies - Science rather than fraud.

I prefer to DENY IGNORANCE rather than to accept it.

Profit based upon junk science and in spite of the consequences for the well being of the public is not acceptable.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 02:16 PM
Turmeric to combat neurotoxic effects of fluoride....

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