posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 04:17 PM
"The Saturday before July 8th". Now that would be July 5th the day after Independence Day (USA).
That's an interpretation, not a fact.
Technically, _ANY_ saturday between now and then, is "saturday before july 8th". And if a year is not specified, it can mean any saturday between
now and a saturday in the year 87014, before july 8th... you get the idea. It can mean anything. It's just your interpretation that it "
be July 5th".
When in fact, that's not necessarily the case. If the message said: "The saturday IN JULY, before the 8th day" or something along those lines, you
would be right in your hasty assumption.
Of course your interpretation might still be correct, but I think it's important to see, that it IS indeed just an interpretation, an assumption, a
conclusion that YOU arrived in, that YOU decided it must be, instead of actual data in the original message.
By the way - why would it be said in such a cryptic way anyway? Why not just say "Saturday, July 5th, 2014"? Why is the 8th day even mentioned, if
it means to point to 5th day instead? What's the signifigance of saying it in such a needlessly complex way instead of directly going straight to
the point, like honest people do?
Just clarifying and asking.