I want to share a dream with you all. I class it as a Epic or Prophetic dream.
The dream has been in my mind for over 2 years now, I can remember it perfectly.
It happened after I had a kundalini awakening. For me it's one of the most important dreams I ever had.
The dream:
I was in the backseat of a car, my dad was driving and mom was in the passenger seat. It was a very dark night,
you could only see the lights coming from the houses. We were driving in a neighbourhood. It's was like we didn't know we were driving.
But I suddenly felt we had to go to left. So I told them to go left. After a few seconds we came to a big mansion.
I was checking the gate and next to it there was a sign. It said: "Rothschild". This was the only place where I could see light,
there were candles on the grass.
I knew this is were I had to be.
I jumped out of the car and yelled at my parents to go home. I knew they were not safe.
I was on a chariot, with a white horse. The chariot was something like from a myth, It had no weels, and there were wings/clouds on the back.
I could see it in 3rd person, it was actually beautiful now that I think about it.
The gate opened, and the horse went forward.
There were guards on the frontdoor of the mansion. One of them opened the door and called someone. They knew I was here.
Someone came out, A guy with curly hair (I think).
He came to me, I stepped off the chariot. We started to talk. I can't remember what we said. But it made him mad.
The guy drew his sword and attacked me. I was just able to pull my sword out and block his attack
And that's the end. To me, this is pretty epic.
If I look at my life, and through what I have been, I can see this happening in the future. Ofcourse thats only my opinion, that does not make it
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading the thread.