posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 08:57 PM
I totally agree on 6 hour work days. More reasonable.
In the past, I've worked insane shifts. During one christmas season, I'd do an 8 hour shift at one place, then drive 30 minutes away and do another
5 hours, and did this for two weeks. I've worked 16 hour shifts before, and have done a lot of overtime, worked two jobs, ect. But ultimately, I've
decided less is more. The more overtime I worked, the less time I had to enjoy anything. The extra money really was not worth it. I had no life, and
nothing to talk about except work, nothing else to think about. I was willing to cut corners and make do with less. I began to refuse overtime because
I had no time. My depression improved a bit after.
I do not mind occasional overtime, but I would never allow a job to take more than 40 hours of my life per week as the norm, no matter how much it
paid. It simply wouldn't be worth it. Unless it was something I was very passionate about, and really believed in, and had a positive, open work
environment. Because of this, I will unlikely ever own a house, drive a new car, wear the newest clothing, and shop at thrift stores a lot, as I do
not have a college degree or technical trade. But I am okay with that. It just means I get to spend more time enjoying what little I already have. As
opposed to having tons of cool crap, a McMansion, and a minivan, but being too tired and having little time to enjoy it.