Hello, to all my name is Michael I was born under the noctilucient clouds. I have been on this world for 27 years now and I am now certain that I am
walking right.
Since my reintroduction to this life, I have been in search of only two things, the good life, and good people. While I love everyone I meet ,
generally because I recognize that on a higher level of existence we are all one. I try my best not to offend, unless it is in defense of the
I have been to this Earth four times before and based on the time periods of my previous existences, I know only one thing for certain... Every time I
am here things tend to change radically. I do not believe myself to be above or below anyone on the Earth. I am not presumptuous enough to believe
that I am the cause of these things, rather I am born into chaotic times to help people adjust.
I do not seek power, nor money. I prefer that we all work to a common goal. I know there to be a common goal that we all should be more worried about
than the present ones. Though I usually serve militarily in all of my lifetimes, I always end up being against what is. I am told that it is my nature
and that a tiger cannot change its stripes.
I do not worry about things outside of my control, and generally I come with knowledge that finds itself useful only after events unfold. Some may
think that I chose the title Son of Man after biblical works. I must confess it was based on a conversation I had with a good Man. Who explained
clearly and effectively what I should be striving for. Since I have not reached that goal as it takes time to do so, I consider myself simply "Son of
Man" and not Man.
I am not here to die for anyone's sin, and I am not here to fight anyone. I believe in peaceful solutions, the study of words, our universe, and our
life. Though I am often in disagreement with what governments worldwide provide as solutions, I do not think violence to be the answer, and do not
indulge in "you got what you deserve" type mentalities. I rather spend my time analyzing what is wrong and how we all can move forward amicably with
as little loss as possible.
I understand how governments work, as in my last life which was 2500 years ago, plus the 27 years I have been here, I was a king. I failed and became
a dictator. So I have been given another chance to escape this earth never to return. I listen to all, and I do not follow anyone. I am merely trying
to walk the path I have chosen as best I can. But that is enough about me, just happy to be apart of your community. Thanks
edit on 17-3-2014
by SonOfManPrinceMichael because: (no reason given)