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17 year old boy shoots 45 year old.

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posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:16 PM
Our gun obsession is just causing more and more problems, but the kool-aid drinking true believers will never admit it.

Any way you look at it our country is in trouble. A rising cost of living while the American people are dumbing themselves down combined with ever more guns and gun worship guarantee no end to senseless destruction.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:19 PM

reply to post by safetymeeting

Yeah I lived down the street in Wasilla from his Parent(s)

James has 10 siblings, so did his parents.

Its a hillbilly, drug-using, low-income, who gives-a-crap, kind-of-thing.

Lack of education in this state is a great result of what happened.

James will get 20-30 years with parole, probably less.

Welcome to the Mat-Su.

Now as a tax-payer, I'm paying for his warmth, food, meds, etc.

I know his parents and siblings can't afford any of it.

Then again. He may walk free. I've seen it happen in the Valley.

What about my friend Cory Newell who was murdered? Nobody guilty of those two homicides.
edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

I always see people make this argument, as if your income tax/sales tax/cigarette tax/road tax/property tax, goes to his food, shelter, medical, and basic welfare? The prisons are privately owned, the prisoners have to pay for their own food as well as pay for their holding cell. This is why prisoners have to work. Ever wonder why you see the chain gang picking up liter on the side of the road? Wonder why prisoners work in the kitchen of the prison?

Not a single penny of your tax dollars goes to feeding him, housing him, clothing him. Not one. When he gets out of jail he will indeed have a "Bill" for the remainder of his care that he couldn't work off in prison.

Where does this notion come from that your tax dollars pay to care for prisoners? Who told you this was true?
edit on 16-3-2014 by Laykilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:20 PM

edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: Delete

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:22 PM

edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

Okay Laykilla, I will tell you now that you are wrong. As long as he is in any Alaska state jail or prision like Wildwood, Spring Creek, Goose Creek, etc. Alaska state tax payers pay for some of the bill. None of the jails in my state are privately owed. Its State Corrections. I just asked a State Trooper friend of mine. I figured I would ask one who deals with MSPT in Palmer directly.

Prove me wrong, you brought it up
edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

I didn't say that with my money its cooked. I know for a fact that they are not picking the veggies from the Palmer farmlands, and going to Carrs or Fred Myer's with a officer to pick out groceries.

I have visited there many times as a young adult. I think I would be one to know a wee bit more on this than you.

Thanks for your comment

edit on 16-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:25 PM

Our gun obsession is just causing more and more problems, but the kool-aid drinking true believers will never admit it.

Any way you look at it our country is in trouble. A rising cost of living while the American people are dumbing themselves down combined with ever more guns and gun worship guarantee no end to senseless destruction.

this kid would have used a bat, a knife , a tire iron , crowbar, if they hadn't stolen the gun.
he was mad and wanted payback and nothing would have stopped him .

even the craziest gungrabber nut can see that. did you read what he told his friend that helped him.

The 16-year-old told the investigator he froze until Dvorak told him to help, saying "This could be you," Streicher wrote. The 16-year-old, thinking Dvorak was threatening his life, said he helped Dvorak throw Pushruk over the fence and down the cliff. Read more here:

got nothing to do with legally owned guns other than the boy stole it.
edit on 16-3-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:30 PM
I think I understand where the guy is coming from when he shot this man. I also think I might have felt the same way at that age. I may have even come closer than I'll ever admit. However....since those lovely days of knowing everything and even knowing how little everyone else knew as a bonus...I've seen a couple more 'rapes' that weren't never rapes at all to EVER take that kind of reaction based on that level of information. Heck, of the two I was involved with at the Occupy camp alone, I think one actually happened (and the less believable of the two, as it was) while the other was a total farce, despite the fact a few of us were raging mad and having believed it at the time. (The person themselves made clear it was never legitimate, BTW...)

I think this is a dandy example of why vigilantism is a bad bad idea. Look how many times cops screw this pooch and they have million dollar crime labs screwing it up right behind them. We normal folk don't have a chance of being 100% sure to THAT degree....if we didn't basically walk in on it personally, directly and fully came to understand what had happened. (even then....Hmmm... Well.. I plead the 5th.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by safetymeeting

Good thread "SM", S&F

I have a further on/off topic Personal Message (PM) for you.


posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:36 AM
Inexperienced teenagers that walk into a den of vipers can expect to get bit. Just partying with the wrong people can get you assaulted, raped and killed.

As for the older drug dealing rapist with the drug house, he should have been aware of the potential consequences of this actions. I would think that any self respecting drug pushing rapist would have a few guns for protection from the victims he has exploited. He was asking for it and was unprepared to deal with it, so he died like many of his kind do.

IMO, everyone in this situation was asking for what they got, but too drunk or high to care to even consider those possibilities.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 06:07 AM
I actually just read about this in the ADN this morning, the problems of the lower 48 are starting to catch up to our state it seems. In the last 6 months alone there has been huge increase in violent crimes (i.e.rapes, assaults, shootings, burglaries, home invasions, etc..) more than there were just a year ago. The meth, coke, heroin, and spice problems are skyrocketing at an alarming rate and has been exacerbated due to drugs and alcohol use, which is higher per ca pita than the rest of the country.

Now, I have zero tolerance for any kind of sexual assaults of any kind and have no sympathy for the person per say, I do believe that he should have been arrested by the Troopers, and been tried, unless he was caught in the act, then they reap what they sow. If the evidence can be proven, then I think they should be removed from the gene pool.

Now with that being said, I do have one issue on the laws relating to sexual assaults.The laws in this state, (and I am pretty sure in most states) is this, all it takes is an accusation of an act to occur, and the person is stuck with the title of a sexual predator. If it is of a minor, you do not have the right to face your accuser or the right to cross examine them. It's to protect the minor from further "mental distress" over the alleged event. Its sad when kids learn this from the indoctrination centers, err I mean schools that if they don't like someone or if things don't go the way they want they can use that as leverage. Sorry didn't meant to head off topic a bit, but it is one of the things that really annoys me.


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