posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 03:21 PM
Cops exist to deal with "morons" who break the law or draw cop attention to themselves. That is why cops exist.
Simply because people act like "morons" it does not mean that cops get a free pass to abuse said "morons". If they can't handle their job without
letting ego get in the way in the form of a power trip they should not be cops.
If they are scared of everyone out to hurt them so they need to shoot first ask questions later then they should not be cops.
If they cannot handle a physical altercation without escalating it to a death, they should not be cops.
Not to long ago i watched a cop who couldn't subdue some drunk fire fighter when the cop had a dominant position... so his in ability to handle
himself physically against a resisting person... he ended up kill that person because he was unqualified for his job.
There are too many unqualified cops out there and the ones that are qualified and good cops just seem to go along with tthe crappy one.
I fear cops i don't like cops. I have never had problems with them but when i have been involved with them they were rude and always felt superior
towards you. YOu have to choose your words carefully around them because they are just waiting for an excuse to wreck you.
Most cops I know have issues. Some are wife beaters, alcoholics or flat out criminals. I do know some that are good but those hardly if ever say
anything aginst the bad ones.
There is cop hate because it is warranted, people don't just hate because they have it out for cops. They have hate because even though people
misbehave that does not mean a cop can be a royal douche about it.. I am just reiterating that. As they are allowed to be douche bags over time they
have escalated to killing people and getting away with it.
this needs to stop.
edit on 17-3-2014 by votan because: (no reason given)