a reply to:
My apologies,I was not speaking from the perspective of a student, I was looking back on the path already travelled when I was stating that Alchemy is
the path of least resistance,for the teachings once you have experienced them will allow to upon reflection understand how you were guided along the
path of least resistance which one cannot see until they have reached their full destination.
Yes wether you are self-directing or if you have a teacher while you are finding your individual way down the True path you will be experiencing the
path of Most resistance in the beginning and this path may continue unabated long enough to deter you from further travel,it is designed this way.It
is for the individual to define their own path and to interpret what is the most or least resistive method,that is the catalyst of the teachings one
must find ones own way and in doing so define ones own intentions,as ones intentions evolve so does the path and the individuals recognition and
perspective of that path.
Even a teacher cannot and must not define a students path,the intentions and the evolution within that individual must be the primary catalyst behind
growth or death of the journey on the path itself.
When the learning process is completed on its own in its purest form with no teaching or guidance influences external to the individual,when one is a
SEEKER in the truest form of the word then the observations one maps are also pure.
The path leads everyone to the same destination which is one of pure intentions but it is still possible to hitchike bad intentions into this
dynamic,this is the purpose of the Masters,they may easily dissuade any student from continued travel upon the correct path if they so choose,and
there are natural rules they must follow that provide for this.
The Masters and Keepers of Knowledge are not the purest source of the natural path,they are simply the recorded observations of others before
them,anyone at anytime if given access to the full database the Keepers of Knowledge and the Masters posses has the free-will opportunity to set a
self-directed learning curve or course for themselves,and this means that the potential for a individual to experience the learnings of the Masters
and the keepers of the Knowledge and to reach their ultimate destination before they do exists.
Because the true TEMPLATE which the teachings are based upon is a NATURAL one,this template is all around us.If you can learn to see the patterns
nature builds and understand how she does it then you are communicating directly with the source of the teachings themselves.
There is a path of least resistance that overrides both Masters and Keepers of Knowledge,the connection to source can be made in many ways which are
not catalysed by Humanity based teachings but are catalysed by an individuals free-will choice to learn to identify and understand and co-operate with
Natures patterns.
When you can step away from math and physics and use natural tangible concepts in place of these artificially contrived ones you find you do not
really need them.
There is nothing you can do with all of the math and physics that cannot be exceeded by a Natural process.
If one accepts that math and physics and all sciences strive to replicate natures processes and that is ALL they do,only document observations and try
to replicate them,then you are starting off right.
One must recognise that sciences INVENT NOTHING, that there is no way possible for them to do this,they just document and then rationalise
conceptualise and then realise things by putting a mathamatical or scientific value to the natural components of the processes they document and
They cannot "see" the natural patterns all around them,barely at all in fact.The majority of us have been conditioned to not see the obvious
anymore,so math and science is used to create a place where eveeyone can meet on the same page and come to an agreed upon quantification of these
natural processes.
But you see this is the problem because math lies and so do many people.But nature never lies and nor do the Teachings.
The more we lean to math and science to define our agreed quantification of natural processes and understanding of our universe the further along the
Path of Most resistance we all go.This is because lies take more energy to catalyse and maintain and grow than truths do,itis a law of nature,hence
the Path of Most resistance .A replication will always naturally be a path of most resistance.
According to the laws of nature there is always one OPTIMAL way for things to evolve,so there is always only ONE RIGHT METHOD to follow.
This means you need to follow natures patterns and learn how they work to avoid the path of most resistance which is the commonly accepted one
consistantly chosen by an intentionall suppressed Humanity who has had their free-will hi-jacked.
The key to initiating this learning process is to learn what acceptance is,and to apply this concept to tangible natural reality,once we do this we
give ourselves a chance to be swept into the current of laest resistance.
The re is one truth we all MUST accept outside of our agreed upon Humanitarian cumulative and individual reality free-will choices or agreement,and
Everything outside of a tangible natural reality is an artificially contrived reality or an AGREED UPON reality like math for example,and cannot be
We do not "agree' to define natural realitys they are tangible and not open to negotiation.
Eg. Geology is less open to lies than Archeology,because you cannot lie about things we can all see are tangible and reality based,we all must "agree"
to the facts of Archeology to make this the accepted reality and this leaves windows of opportunity for lies,but there is no Humanitarian agreement
required to define Geological natural tangible realitys we all share.
This means that the only path you can TRUST is the NATURAL one,which leads us directly to the teachings,the hidden knowledge,the information every
human alive has a right to access.
The suppressive elements of Humanity have gone to epic and historical efforts to suppress this Natural teaching,for it undermines the many splintered
and manipulated and conflicting realitys we see today.The Natural teachings would unite all of humanity on one tangible reality and this would
eliminate all negative Humanitarian influences by proxy.
So in a nutshell,simply learn to recognise when things do not follow natural patterns of tangible reality based evolution,and then relax and allow
yourself to observe nature in its pure unadultered form and you will begin the natural process which will lead you to the path of least resistance one
needs to follow to find a harmonious point of integration with nature in its purest universal form.
There is a tangible universal reality we all MUST share,and there is the cumulative group realitys humans manifest when more than one come together
with free-will expressions that are co-ordinated.
If we lose touch with the tangible universal reality we all MUST share,if the majority of Humanity chooses of their own free-will manipulated or
otherwise to ignore this ONE TRUE REALITY,then we risk extinction.
Right now we are risking extinction because the Natural teachings have been ignored for to long.
There is a storm brewing and the majority of humanity cannot step out of their agreed uopn global reality which is not TANGIBLE for a long enough
period of time to ACCEPT the tangible natural reality that their species will soon be tested on a universal scale.
The meditation you speak of must be catalysed by something external to self,this means a true natural and tangible reality based catalyst must be
utilised,hence the need to use Nature based observations,if one catalyses their meditations with the cumulative agreed upon realitys humanity
manifests then the path will not be optimal.
This means we must meditate upon nature to initiate this process.
It is communion with nature that brings one to the point of a reality based self-realisation where you can accept natures rules and reality and shed
the dross you have been covered in by conventional teachings ,your inner divine being is Nature itself,how soon or by what path you choose to accept
this reality is an individual choice but this is the only single undenable reality which all of Humanity shares wether they like it or not.
If humans follow Natures guidance then they all come to the same conclusions immediatly the same understandings,there is no confusion when this one
true undeniable reality is the BASE upon which we all begin to build our agreed upon cumulative reality within which we can manifest anything we
There is no free-will choice involved in accepting the Natural Universal reality we all share.No one has a choice in the matter.So unfortunately you
can now see why this has remained "hidden knowledge",because 90% of humanitys current realitys are based upon an agreed upon cumulative manifesting
reality,which is riddeled with lies.
Had this Cycle of Humanity developed as was hoped, we would now be on one single nature based cumulatively manifesting reality as a Species.Existing
and growing continously in harmony with Nature.
Earth could support 50 billion people without missing a beat if we all existed and actioned within one nature based reality of our own free-will.
The reason we are not cashing in our ticket to explore the universe is because we refuse to follow her rules,the door has always been wide open.
If I told you you could go into space and explore as you are now you would not believe me.If you are so attatched to the realitys that have strayed
from nature that you cannot even "accept" that this is possible then you can understand how hard it would be to indoctrinate Humanity into this one
true nature based reality.
Instead of the masses feeling as if they were being led HOME they would feel as if they were being led away from source.
There would be little to no ACCEPTANCE.Which means no unified cumulative agreement to manifest a paralell reality of free-will.
Really the fact is that if we all learned natural teachings we would have very little "work" to ever do,and our lifetimes would be spent learning
about and co-existing with nature.
Here is some food for thought,when I look up at the stars at night sometimes,I have an inner longing to be up there,I know I belong there,it is like
that is my home.One cannot "miss" something one has never experienced,it is a law of nature,so we belong out there and as a Species we will never stop
persuing a nature based reality until we get there again,this non-nature based set of realitys being shackled upon us is designed to keep us away from
our home,from the Universe.
The truth is if everyone understood what they are no one would stay here,and no one would want to change things either,they would simply disconnect
and carry forward leaving the misery Humanity is willfully enduring behind forever.
we have the power to enter or leave any reality that is cumulatively manifested,we are bound by Natures rules within her tangible reality sphere.This
simply means that we do not fully understand our potentials for connecting with the Universal Natural Source,because once we do we are no longer bound
by Earthly physical realitys,we can remove ourselves from them at will and also return ourselves at will,we can remain external to the natural
processes if we understand them and work within them.
We can learn to survive withi the eye of the storm so to speak and continue our existance while everything around us is forever changed.
We are only as physiclly bound as we choose to accept we are to the earths physical reality,for example who says we cannot simply think ourselves into
space above a Storm which would kill us on the surface of the earth?
But imagine if we were faced with such a Storm and no one knew how to rise above it even though EVERYONE HAD THE POTENTIAL TO DO SO,all those with
unrealised potential would perish.
Each earth Cycle destroys the surface of the planet, your options are limited to the accepted technologys,some not yet accepted,or to your inner
potential to exist within nature which is as powerfull as Nature herself.
Put it this way,what good is the knowledge or is being a master when you cannot teach those you love how to ascend beyond the levels of reality they
have been branded with?
You see the destination is not what those seeking and following the teachings think it is,they dont realise they are manifesting it themselves.
You are simply given new challenges from another more challenging perspective,would you want to ascend and not be able to enjoy the company of those
you love,is your existance and urge to experience universally on an individual level so strong you are willing to break your emotional bonds for what
would only be an eternity to you?
You see it is a circle,once you arrive at your destination you are confronted by a new path one of emotional acceptance, this is the next set of
lessons beyond the Teachings.
We learn as we progress that it is our emotions which are closer to source than anything else about us,one begins to accept that one is made of a
fabric of emotional layers which together create substance.
Then we understand how free-will and emotions interact with the natural reality we all share,we understand how and why we are all really one.
We understand that the journey is a circle and the destination is defined by acceptance.The path never ands nor does the learning.
Following Natures teachings makes you pure and humanitarian by proxy,it brings you INTO others,not alongside them.The process is cleansing and
revitalising so much so that many cannot complete it,and I guess as some say must repeat it.
If you are connected to Natures reality and you WANT to remain there you can choose to.If you are not connected to Natures reality you cannot choose
to stay for you have abbrogated your free-will abilty to do so by getting caught up in a group reality that is not tangible,nature will decide for you
There is a Storm coming and if you are not grounded by Natures reality you will not see it approaching you.
If you are not grounded by natures reality and preparing yourself to exist in the coming new reality now,you are defining yourself as not choosing to
be there.If the truth has been suppressed from you you are unknowingly surrendering free-will determination of your potential futures.
If you do not understand the Natural Teachings you will not understand how to become one with nature and exist within the eye of the storm she is
bringing upon us all.
That is right,if we follow the inner divine as you call it we find ourselves WITHIN others not beside them external to their reality,and there is no
contribution to negativity,no energy expended supporting un-natural paths.
Many magical powers may be developed but not used,if they are used the path narrows and if the intentions are not right the path can close
The three tasks of the path do not have to be actioned tangibly,they may be actioned emotionally,this is the crux,the levels of acceptance you have
learned will determine how you may experience these three steps.You may for example have to have your physical self die if you cannot direct your ego
to die in its place,but you may replace your physical body with your ego and continue upon the path if you know you can and choose to do so.
You may experience a birth at any free-will moment by initiating acceptance.
If you have not learned about sacrifice then you will not be able to replace your body with your ego.
Because these are all intertwined emotional and natural concepts we may refer to the relationship between our manifested emotional influence and the
tangible natural reality we all share however we choose to,mystical religous,transcendant,it matters not.
There is no way to follow the Path to the destination without emotional acceptance and learning,this means emotional progress or growth which means
becoming more humanitarian,so you see no matter where you start from if you choose to follow this path you WILL be on a personal path of most
resistance until you can emotionally evlove to the point of acceptance of your connection to and need for others,thereby making them more important
than yourself.
Many are lured to the teachings based on self-serving intentions,and some will get further along the path than others,but ALL will eventually become
one if they are brave and strong enough to continue past the pitfalls of self-service designed to bog them down.
If I were to tell you that I could permanently indoctrinate you to this coming future reality and teach you how to shortcut this process in one day
you would not believe it to be possible.But it is.
A.L - I know.
edit on 7-6-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)