a reply to:
Its pretty expensive everywhere. It is fantastic though. I could live off it.
I guess you can try this with a small batch.
Get meat, and make sure its has NO blood and remove all noticeable fat (if you use lamb remove the small glands in legs that are like white pellets).
Hang it in a fresh dry place for about 6-8 hours to let any remaining blood drain if necessary.
You then cook it slightly in an oven to remove moisture (use your best judgement, it depends on the cut of meat). DONT COMPLETELY DRY IT. Let the next
step work its magic while the moisture leaves and the meat sucks in the flavor...
So the next step is to cover it in olive oil and then bury it in sea salt. It has to be completely buried not just covered in it. Weigh it first
because it needs to be in there 1 month per KILO. So if it weighs 3 kilos, it has to be in there for 3 months.
That will make it like Serrano ham (if pork). To JERKY-IZE IT, you cook it slightly with your choice of seasoning once removed from the salt . I would
recommend using a LITTLE cinnamon, plenty of pepper and a wide variety if possible. You can use some sauces (steak, BBQ, what ever, teriyaki with a
dash of bourbon....ect. It really is up to your imagination.
You can skip the months long salting, BUT why would you be so impatient? If you do skip it just cook in an oven for 4 hours depending on the cut of
meat with your seasoning and store in a fresh dry place.
If you follow my recipe you will eat nothing else.
DONT cut the meat too thin or too thick. It will shrink some but if too thick you may not get an even flavor throughout. Remember that with any aging
or drying process you will lose some weight.
When you first cook it some to remove moisture DONT dry it completely. You need the moisture to interact with the sea salt. It will be removed and
replaced with FLAVOR. When seasoning after the salting process, if you want to know the final flavor of your marinade use some in a pan, cook it, let
it cool and taste it. TASTE IT! before you put it on the meat that took months to prepare.
When you marinate it and then cook it the final time, be patient. SLOW cooking, low heat....ect. Let things work their magic. Dont rush the process.
The end result can even put you in business. LOL SOOOO good.
OK Enjoy. Thats my super secret recipe for meats.
edit on 10 13 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)