Now this is strange, and as strange as they get!
1) Passports faked!
2) Tail wing clipped 30 days ago, Boing inspection clears plane 10 days before flight!!!
3) Multiple radars show multiple location for same plane!
4) Massive hunt into 4th day yields nothing, nil..!
5) Sources chat and speak about possibility of Co-Pilot (in past) allowing people/ passengers to visit cockpit during flights!
6) Multiple agencies trying to give their version and story, then getting it denied by yet another Govt. Or some other agency....clear case of keeping
public guessing and in ignorance.
7) Assumption that a veteran ( highly trained PILOT) might have deliberately drowned the craft!!!
8) Theories of EMP, MANPAD, rouge missiles, meteors!!!!!!
9) Not a single piece of debry...!!! Even though you've got the most sophisticated and dedicated international team in the waters for an unprecedented
level of search and rescue mission!!! And not to forget, China has 10 Sats, pointed since yesterday at the available ( most likely) search quadrants
... And nothing!!!
10) No SOS, no signal, and NOW, the unfortunate plane being reported detected at another location ... Hundreds of miles away, by military radars, (
ahem... Why would military radar observe civilian craft so cautiously, unless there was communication between Aircraft and Tower, that was relayed to
military ... And military got interested...for some reason!!!???) and yet no official acknowledgement of the security failure at every level.
11) If this was a Terrorist attack, all concerned parties would have rejoiced and claimed themselves to have caused this...but none have!!!!
So, now I ask, is it remotely feasible, that the MH370, was In fact, abducted mid air by a UFO of alien origin?
Please feel free to respond as you wish! This is a fkin* rant... And I would truly appreciate your views/rants on this highly (ATS)
edit on 11-3-2014 by UnknownEntity because: Grammar correction ...!