posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 12:45 PM
Doesnt really sound suprising and admitting such doesnt make difference, answering to force with force always leads to circle of revenge. Im
personally suprised any big epidemics by some chemical weapon havent occured, ok US had Anthrax letters but it could have been much worse, if person
starting it wanted, seemed it was more likely only political reason or personal revenge to goverment. Have to be happy not many nuts get to position
to have access for such "weapons". Money run people and islamic terrorist groups have rich sponsors so i dont think money is biggest problem to get
such weapons, maybe some people still have ethic left to not do business with such scum whos goal is to kill many as possible and spread terror.
Threat level would go down dramatically if US wouldnt run such aggressive foreign policy on countrys that almost live in anarchy or are just fanatic
fundamentalists. Maybe politic currently run pays back in future generation unless those are again raised with hatred in mind.