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The scream. But really, what would I have done?

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posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 01:27 AM
I want to first start out by saying I have never had an encounter with a sasquatch. And even though admitting the fact that I have longed for an encounter may compromise my credibility, I will proceed forward. I would also like to state that I was torn between posting this here or in the crypto forum. I've chosen here as that forum is far too cluttered with nonsense already, in my opinion.

It finally happened. I am twenty three years old, and like many of you have had a fascination with cryptozoology since I first found a book with a few stills from the Patterson film and the surgeon photos. But it finally happened after all this time: an encounter.

Encounter may be a bit of a strong term for this situation, as I didn't see anything at all and I tend to not want to believe in things I can't see (save for a hopeful belief in some sort of greater power out there somehow). But boy did I feel it!

My best friend in the world, whom I've grown with since the second grade, is a bit of a self-proclaimed "redneck". Now, we're both from Texas, and we both have thick Southern drawls, but he definitely plays the part. I never see him without his cowboy hat and boots, even if he's just going to the store for smokes in a T-shirt and pajama bottoms. I'm getting sidetracked, but anyways: he invited me to go shooting out in the boonies of West Texas. Mesquite everywhere and bear grass poking at my ankles (I'm still a tennis shoe guy), I obliged him some good old fashioned hillbilly time and proceeded to ride out in his truck until we were way out of sight, sound, and mind of anyone at all.

So we're shooting his new shotgun and I'm making fun of the mossy oak pattern on it, and it's getting dusky and he says it's time to break out the beers. I'm not happy about the idea of drinking and shooting together (I have obviously failed my hick lineage), but I tell him I'll have one. So we crack a few open and are sitting on the bed of his truck, just talking and exchanging little tidbits of our lives as we always do, when we hear something like a "Whoooop!" off in the distance.

We laugh and say something about drunk hobos and the Goatman (our favored cryptid to joke about next to the old chupawhatsit) and go on. Now mind you, we're not even halfway through our first shiners when we started hearing this. And every half hour or so, we would hear it again. The same whooping noise every time, except maybe a little closer and then farther away. This makes me think of Sasquatch Ontario and the videos where Bigfoot "talks", and I start going on in length to tail my buddy about it and he laughs it off the same way I did.

So the next time I hear it: "Whooop!", I let out a loud, obnoxious "NYEDAWHO!" and my buddy and I crack up a bit. The whoops stopped after that and we started figuring we had scared off some kids or something of the such. As I write this now, I think about the fact that we would have heard them laughing and going on if it had been children.

Anyway, it's dark now and my friend has his big lights on the back of his truck on, giving us plenty of light to shoot at the little clay targets we had been hanging from mesquite branches. We're both a beer and a quarter into our night at this point, and my buddy is just reloading his gun for the umpteenth time when we hear it.

What I thought of initially was the sudden blast of noise you get when you turn on your TV but left it on too loud and are met with loud static. It was raspy, and loud, and terrifying immediately. But it was also guttural and very, very reminiscent of the recordings I have heard around the net. I've never heard such a roar/scream in my life. My buddy got this look on his face that made me almost chuckle in the back of my mind, as his scared face has always been the same as his sarcastically scared face.

It only took a second before I asked "Are we leaving?" and without pause he uttered "Yup." as he was already putting up his tailgate. There was a part of me that thought back to every single sasquatch video and story I've ever seen that said to me 'Dont run you idiot! Go after it! Get a picture! Shoot it! Do something!'

But there was clearly no arguing to stay for my pal, as he was already climbing in the truck and placing his gun on his rack before I had even spoke up. Still, something made us sit for a second in the truck with both windows cracked. Some sort of false confidence afforded to us by being in such a large vehicle. It was only half of that second before we heard the scream again, at which point both mine and my friend's hands shot for the window controls and door locks making sure that these nice thin glass barriers were going to protect us. He started the truck and we left.

Back out on the highway, we both agreed that we probably should have stayed longer and investigated. But I can tell you that shouting at your computer monitor to tell someone "GO GET A CLOSER LOOK YOU MORON!" is much easier than actually doing it. There is something PRIMAL in us that tells us to avoid this creature. Years and years of experience passed on in our DNA that warns us about that sound that raised my hackles like nothing ever has. And really: What would I have done? What would my buddy have done? Would it take one shell to bring it down? Two? Ten? There's no way to know and the only thing we cared about, I think, was getting away to the safety of our caves like our ancestors did.

I don't know what else to type. I've burnt out my ability to continue writing by typing this up so fast. Apologies for any spelling/grammar errors. I can just say that any sort of waning faith I had about there being something out there has been entirely fortified into belief.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:29 AM
Well at least now you know where to go if you want to investigate Big Foot. Getmore buddies together and see what you can find. Don't shoot unless you're about to be attacked. Bring a camera or video or both.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:40 AM
Man, you should have went after it...I mean, what's the worst thing that could have happened...cue the Dr Pepper Music.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by CrypticCryptid

Did it sound like this?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by CrypticCryptid

My sister and my mom live in SC, out in the country. My mom's house is on 20 acres of land, but only about 5 acres or so are cultivated...everything else is wooded area. Her closest neighbor is so far down the road that if you were to scream as loud as you possibly could, they would not hear you. The house is huge, 5k square ft., flanked on all sides by dense woods. The trees are all pine, so extremely is VERY dark out there at can't even see the stars. There is a driveway cut through the woods, gravel and almost 1/8 mile long, also flanked by trees on either side, and it leads up into a circular drive in front of the house.

Now before I get into what happened, let me just say that every person I have ever taken out there or has gone to visit my mom hates to be outside out there after dark. Some of my relatives refuse to go visit because it's so unnerving out there. Part of it is the fact that with all the dense woods, it is absolutely pitch black out there. You can't even see the constellations. My mom only has one little feeble porch light out front, and the front door is recessed, so basically it's the equivalent of a small flashlight beam. In other words, useless against all that blackness. Whenever I had to drive out there at night, I'd pull into the drive and if there were no lights on in the windows, I'd park the car with the headlights trained on the house, leave it running and bolt to the door. I absolutely was unable to turn my back to those woods because it always feels like there is something watching you. And my mom has a bad habit of forgetting to turn on the porch light, so we never knew if she was home or not.

When I say it feels like something is watching you, I mean there is a definite presence out there. Every single person I have ever taken out there says something about it...without me having told them anything about the property prior. You can feel it in the day too, but at night it is horrible. I have been in the country a whole lot on my life and have never been afraid of the woods like fact, I like to go walking in the woods...but not out there. No way.

So a couple of days before this happened, I drove out there about 8pm to pick up my daughter. Pulled into the driveway and immediately had this really really bad feeling...worse than usual. I just kept eyes front, not looking at the woods and drove as fast as I dared on the gravel. Got into the circular drive porch light. I saw a light on upstairs, so I jumped out of my Mustang, sprinted to the door, knocked on it (and the whole time, I had my back against the front door facing the woods. No answer at the door, so I pulled out my key to open it...and all I can tell you is that I got such a horrible, terrifying feeling of dread come over me all of a sudden that I literally froze in place and was unable to move for a few seconds. I didn't want to look at the woods because I didn't want to see what was there that could possibly make me feel that scared and vulnerable. And I was just thinking "go to the car right now run to the car run to the car go go go runtothedamncarrightnowgogogogogogo!" and somehow, I did. Peeled out of the driveway, spraying gravel all over...and I knew better than to tell my mom this stuff because she would get really irritated if anyone brought up the subject. Like they say, denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Couple days later, my sister comes by my house for coffee and she said she needed to tell me something...that she told my mom and my brother but they both laughed at her. Now, my sister is the biggest skeptic EVER. She doesn't believe in anything paranormal or supernatural. AT ALL. And here she is, eyes big as saucers and voice shaking as she tells me what she saw out there at my mom's. She had gone to pick up her kids, and as usual my mom got sidetracked and was not home...even though she had told my sister to pick the kids up at a certain time, so as soon as she pulled down the drive, she saw the house was dark and just went on around the circle without stopping.

As the headlights swept the front and then the side of the house, she caught movement and stopped the car. She was afraid it was a deer or something and she didn't want to hit it if it ran toward the driveway. So she's sitting there with her headlights shining directly on this patch of grass between the side of the house and the wood line, and she said she literally thought she was going to either have a heart attack or pass out...her heart was pounding even before her brain registered what she saw. She said she saw what looked at first like a giant, hairy man striding (that's the word she used...not walking, striding) across the grass from the side of the house toward the treeline.

She said it was at least seven feet tall (my mom had pine saplings at the corners of the house that were roughly 8' tall and the thing walked right past one of them), covered from head to toe with reddish-brown shaggy fur, and stood upright like a person. She said it was swinging its arms in tandem with the long strides of its legs, like a primate, but she said it wasn't waddling like monkeys do when they go bipedal. She said its shoulders were back, spine straight and it was striding across that grass fairly quickly but when the headlights swept it, the creature stopped mid-stride, turned its head and looked right at her...then turned its head back and kept on walking into the woods. She said its eyes were really big and glowed in the dark, bright orange/yellow

The most chilling thing about her story (besides the fact that she is NOT someone to entertain things like that) was the way the thing acted when the headlights went across it. She said it slowed, turned and looked right at her, even though she was inside the car with the windows up and the headlights shining, and then turned its head back front and kept on walking without breaking stride. She said she felt like the thing had sized her up, found her not to be worth it, and dismissed shooing a fly away. She will not go out to my mom's at night alone, nor let the kids play outside after dark, anymore. I completely, 100% believe that she saw exactly what she said she saw. And I think the presence I felt two nights before that was either the same one or one of its buddies, doing the same thing...sizing me up and deciding to leave me be.

So I believe you

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 06:09 AM
you could have offered it a beer .. and tried talking to it ... whatever you do dont play chess with it sasquatches are grandmasters at chess ..

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:12 PM
Wow, this was really great story!

I don't think that your longing to encounter a Squatch takes any credibility away from your story, in fact I think it gives it more credibility. I would trust the opinion of a local who has done a bit of reading on Sasquatch, versus some tourist in the Texas badlands hearing noises and is unfamiliar with indigenous wildlife.

Certainly your experience sounds nothing like any animal I've ever heard of. Pretty incredible.

The only thing that makes me a bit skeptical, is that with all the shooting and noise you two were making, I would figure most animals would run away rather than approach you. I mean, sure maybe it was trying to protect its territory or a similar behavior, but in a lot of Squatch encounters I've heard of, they generally don't approach people. Although, im sure that's not unheard of.

Either way, good story! You will have to go back out and do some Call's to see if you get a response! Record it this time!

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Night Star

I'll be honest: I don't know if I would have the testicular fortitude (nor the confidence of my buddies) to go "squatching" like folk do. And I want to say that I wouldn't shoot it. But at the same time I would wish that just one corpse could protect all of its brethren. That's assuming that they aren't endangered or dangerously close to being so. Either way, I might feel like a murderer considering how closely they could be related to us.

reply to post by mbkennel

Naw! We have enough nasty pigs out in the wild around here that I've heard my fair share. I even had a cousin who tried to domesticate one his dad caught.

reply to post by GreenCross

Firstly: Nice avatar!

You know, never really thought about it really coming towards us, so much as just being nearby and investigating once I shouted out to it. The screaming would definitely make sense as a way to say "Hey, get outta here you hairless nothings." but I'm actually a little bit chilled by a concept you just made me aware of: The fact that it was getting closer and farther away periodically.. What if had been actively searching for us? Trying to find the location of all the shot? We can be pretty obnoxious and rabble with the best of them so it wouldn't really surprise me. But it's a little scary to think of one of these creatures malevolently seeking us out because we were disturbing their habitat.

reply to post by tigertatzen

The presence you speak about, I think it's the same as what I described as a primal fear. It was something that made every hair on my body feel statically charged. It went far beyond the heebie jeebies (and I know my heebies and jeebies pretty well) into something base and primal.

With that said, the fact that it acknowledged your sister's presence and seemed to shrug her off as nothing but a pest is a bit disconcerting. It makes me worry even more that my friend and I may have been perceived as a threat (we're both from pretty large stock) though I think the large metal stick that barked and spit fire would have frightened him more than two hicks sitting on the back of a tailgate.

I remember reading something about sasquatch remembering people over generations and even holding grudges. I just hope that I didn't get blacklisted by bigfoot the other night

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 11:10 PM
Next time, have some Jack Links with you - I hear BigFoot's a fan... /jk

I'm convinced something is probably out there...

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by CrypticCryptid

Thanks! Made it m'self!

You're right, Cryptic, that is indeed chilling. I'm sure even more-so to you, since you were there. Alternatively, perhaps there were two Squatch's that day? You were just hearing a drawn out call and response as they located each-other. Then the more aggressive one (perhaps the male?) decided to see that the two of you promptly left his territory?

I'm less inclined to believe the Sasquatch's travel by themselves. Who knows, just some food for thought.

Any plans to get back out there?

posted on Mar, 10 2014 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by GreenCross

I've spoke to my buddy since I last posted and he seems agreeable to returning. On top of that, both of his brothers (both just as rugged as himself) are actually intending to go with us. I suppose four versus one (or maybe two or more as you claim) is a much better situation than two. This took place in Motley county, and I live in Lubbock county, so we may not get back out there until this weekend. But I assure you I will be much more vigilant this time as far as documentation goes. I don't think I'll be drinking this time around either (though I doubt a beer and a half would be enough for me to be mistaken about what I heard).

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by CrypticCryptid

The presence you speak about, I think it's the same as what I described as a primal fear. It was something that made every hair on my body feel statically charged. It went far beyond the heebie jeebies (and I know my heebies and jeebies pretty well) into something base and primal.

Exactly!!! I have had some really bizarre things happen to me over the much so that nothing really scares me...I've done paranormal investigations, seen apparitions, you name it. I am a very small woman and usually never think about that as a vulnerablity...I am very good at taking care of myself and have complete confidence in my ability to stand up to anyone or anything. But the fear I felt was beyond anything I have ever experienced...I was paralyzed by it...and after my sister told me about the size of that thing I realized that if it had decided to engage me, it likely would have ended up getting me simply because of its sheer mass. That humbled me quite a bit.

And like you said...the fact that it dismissed my sister like that is extremely disconcerting, the way she described it was absolutely chilling. It actually thought about going after her. I think that is what freaks my mom out the most...this thing was walking around her property with impunity, and was obviously able to reason and assess the possible threat to it. It would be one thing if it was just an animal acting on instincts but this thing displayed such intelligence and disregard for human beings that it brought the situation to a whole new level. It obviously felt comfortable enough that it didn't run, or try to knew that it was superior to her in size and strength and wasn't concerned at all with the fact that it had been seen. After that incident I refused to spend the night out there because if that thing wanted to, it could easily get inside the house...and what if it has a bunch of friends lurking in the woods as well? No way...screw that.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by CrypticCryptid

Take more guns with ya! And don't forget the camera.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:52 PM

reply to post by CrypticCryptid

Take more guns with ya! And don't forget the camera.

make it a good camera to.... HD!!!

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 03:22 AM


reply to post by CrypticCryptid

Take more guns with ya! And don't forget the camera.

make it a good camera to.... HD!!!

LOL.. thats funny. like every photo i seen of big food or UFOS it like the worce camera on earth!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 01:56 AM
I'm sad to say that nothing new came to light this past weekend. My best friend's brothers and one of their friends all got occupied with other things so it was just he and I again. We weren't out there as long as we had been before, but we didn't hear anything (save for a "whoop" noise that got my heart pumping but nothing ever came of it.) I feel a little broken from this, even though I know that we can't get our way one hundred percent of the time.


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