posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 08:44 PM
The Chupacabra was first spoted in Puerto Rico in the "YunqueNational Rain Forest"
No, El Chupacabra was first spotted in Oracle Arizona in 1956.
Also, the United States Military would not engineer El Chuppacabra as a weapon. First off I think he have all seen enough horror movies to realize how
these experiments end, and so have those in weapon development fields. Second of all why would you design your super weapon to be between 4-5 feet in
high, shorter then most men I know? Thirdly why would you have your super weapon suck the blood from it's victims, this adds nothing to it's
lethality. Fourthly, groingrinder, made a dang good point in that since the first recorded El Chuppacabra attack was in 1956 it would seem unlikely
that we would have had a knowledge of genetics extensive enough to create it.
I have heard the Alien theory, the Government theory, the hybrid theory, and even the NASA theory, and it is my opinion that none of them work. The
best explanation is that El Chupacabra is a native son. Truth is usually stranger then fiction and looking at some of the unique animals roaming the
globe I would not find El Chupacabra all that out of place, it is not like this is the first creature on earth to suck blood.