posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by the2ofusr1
I actually share Martin's opinions on both Ukraine and the media in general. You can look at any media venue and see that there are basically
special interests whose revenues are of pertinence in writing those paychecks and making those profits that are chiming in and affecting news
coverage. She's spot on about the coverage on the Gulf oil spill. It was really quite overt as every page pretty much had BP's logo off to the
side. It's like Jon Stewart and his brother, who also happens to be the COO of Euronext--the NYSE's parent company. Then there's the documentary,
"Outfoxed" that basically discusses the various types of shenanigans at Fox News. Quite frankly, we'd be fools to not consider the probability
that such kind of antics occur at other major media sources.
I also actually hope that Martin heads to Crimea regardless of whether or not RT assures that she can investigate and report independently. She's
quite right to have concerns about her access to information being controlled. I was just a 17 year old kid visiting the USSR and even my tour group
comprised of high school and college grads had their tours controlled and even had representative Russians provided to us for social interaction. We
were also quite overtly followed during "free times". If they did that with a 17 year old, then you bet, such antics would be done with a visiting
reporter. However, if it stuck out like a sore thumb to a 17 year old, then Martin would easily pick up on it and call it out should it occur. Also,
I managed to escape my host's controlled net to spend several hours off the grid talking to a non-vetted girl in Moscow, talked with a black
marketeer, and a couple of kids dressed from head to toe in Mickey Mouse gear. If a 17 year old can pull that off in the height of the Cold War, so
can she though the net may be tighter on a reporter than it would be for a 17 year old American tourist.
When my grandfather went to the USSR back in 1972 as a colonel and NAF chief of staff, they did much the same and even bugged his room and their
transportation--both of which had been state provided. Again, they were pretty overt about it. Story goes that my grandmother mentioned a craving
for hard boiled eggs to one of the other American wives while in transport. Next morning, they get a knock on the door and it's hotel staff asking
how to make a hard boiled egg.
Iow, Martin's concerns about a Russian funded trip to Crimea are well founded based on my own family's experiences. I think, however, she should
still go. If they do control it, it would be extraordinarily enlightening and have broad ramifications on journalism within Russia.
So, RT has basically painted itself in a corner with this one. Martin likely joined RT after the MSM failure in Occupy coverage. I have zero doubts
that she's working there to have that autonomy and independence in speaking on a variety of US issues. A kind of "the enemy of my enemy is my
friend". However, tables get turned when that same jaded and cynical eye gets turned on you, the employer. Only point of disagreement with her
original op-ed as aired on RT--they aren't playing chess. They are playing Risk.