posted on Jul, 27 2014 @ 06:43 AM
Hey Guys..
I would just like to offer thoughts and condolences to those involved and the families and friends of the victims,i can't imagine the grief.
OP thank you for highlighting this incident,as the implications are more important than people know.
I would just like to say,i have had my posts removed regarding the cause of this incident-clearly an attempt at a cover up which speaks volumes-but i
The cause of these plane incidents/crashes is down to an Electro Magnetic Pulse/Flux from our Suns binary twin-which is also known as a Brown
Dwarf/Planet X etc.
The GPS coordinates can no longer be relied upon as the poles are differing in location-hence other cases of planes landing beyond their target
The magnetic field is also in chaos incidently and as predicted 20 years ago, these incidents regarding planes crashing (due to electrical failure,
due to Planet X's charged tail of dust particles) will increase to the point where air travel is impossible.
We are clearly seeing a leap into the next phase of this objects imminent arrival on its journey past our planet.
Here are two websites you should become familiar with Guys,all the questions people may have in regards to this event will be answered here.
Stay good!!
edit on 27-7-2014 by Buddyman because: (no reason given)