posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 03:17 PM
The first 3 movies are honestly some of the worst films ever made... just awful, loud noises and blurry action and awful acting.
This one looks better but it's still a Transformers movie so they'll make it suck somehow.
The original cartoons were great and the animated movie.... for people who don't know what Transformers or Go-bots were/are then the new films are
fine I guess, just loud nonsense.... but for anyone who grew up with the Transformers, they're almost an insult to the memory of the original
I don't know how anyone can like these movies, they sum up almost everything wrong with movies in the 21st century.
Then again, if someone gets enjoyment out of them and likes them, that's fine too... we all have different tastes and I'm not judging, merely giving
my opinion.
Granted the 1st movie was better than the following 2 and was perhaps "new" and "nice to look at" it still was ultimately just loud, shouty action
Pacific Rim did what these movies tried to do, and did it much better.
I'm hoping the new Godzilla film does too, but we'll see.
edit on 7/3/14 by blupblup because: (no reason given)