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The Manning Report: Obama is Preparing The Military for martial Law.

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posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by spooky24

I got to hand it to you, you are probably the most honest active duty military member on these ATS boards that I've seen (I'm assuming that you are active duty by your posts). Every military member on these boards always says that they will never shoot Americans, but when you place those same soldiers in a unit that has been given a command and group mentality takes over. You can bet that those very same people who were saying they wouldn't shoot when alone would be pulling that trigger just like their squad mates. I'm just glad that I am no longer in the military so I don't have to grapple with that decision. I already know which side of the fence I'd take my stand and I don't have to worry about any authority from the people who sign my paychecks telling me otherwise. Just to let you know, we'd probably be enemies.
edit on 7-3-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by vkey08

The only persons that fear "Anarchy", are those persons who want to control and profit from other persons.

Bullies prevail only when they have the monopoly on violence, this is what the second amendment was intended to prevent.

Anarchy is good, it is the natural way, there is, dare I say a "Divine" order in nature, and nature is not a democracy, republic, or any other hokey human arrangement , nature is an anarchy.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:22 AM

reply to post by vkey08

The only persons that fear "Anarchy", are those persons who want to control and profit from other persons.

Bullies prevail only when they have the monopoly on violence, this is what the second amendment was intended to prevent.

Anarchy is good, it is the natural way, there is, dare I say a "Divine" order in nature, and nature is not a democracy, republic, or any other hokey human arrangement , nature is an anarchy.

Why are you replying to me ,I was being a sarcastic *insert female B reference here*

And while I do not share your views on Anarchy, as in that sort of a situation where people are allowed to do as they please without consequence, society would break down rather quickly... there has to be a balance, and the second amendment was not put in place to ensure no government control at all..

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

But, take into account that the Militarization of Law Enforcement has been growing by leaps and bounds.

Who needs the Military, when LE and PMCs can take its place.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by macman

True.. Law Enforcement has been moving strongly in a paramilitary direction in ways never really done in our nation before. They can even be a major hassle locally, in some areas. Depends on the state and locale, it seems. I have absolutely no issue with the cops or Sheriffs Office here. I can tell just by the stories if nothing else, other areas are polar opposite and inside the same country, amazingly enough.

There is something that keeps me from worrying about law enforcement though. They have their hands full and are undermanned in any real sense almost everywhere, already. A new state of national crisis won't make their existing work load any lighter to be free for 'martial' duties. They'll be overloaded even further with those little details cops are needed routine crime.

The more important thing....the best estimates on the higher side for all law enforcement from local, state and federal levels combined comes to around 800,000. Sounds like a lot....but in a nation of 330 million? Officer Custer wouldn't stand for more than a few days in a serious and determined atmosphere of civil unrest. It's just not a mathematical possibility without willing cooperation of the majority of Americans.

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