posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire
I don't believe we are being told the whole truth. The Governments are all buddy buddy type of control to bring fear of us sheepie's.
Wars Were a Diversion and Income for the Black Ops Space Program at NSA
The wars were all created as a diversion. Running guns, drug smuggling and war profits all had only one goal and that was to run the Secret Space
Program. We have Border Facilities like Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas used for Black Ops in Mexico. We placed our deep Secret Space Facilities in
Tunneled Underground Labs near Indian Reservations in New Mexico and Arizona so no United States Citizen could see the Black Ops trainings without
effort. The National Security Agency (NSA) has been running a Secret Space Program since its inception. They have technologies which far exceed
anything NASA has. President Obama closed down the Space Shuttle Program because the NSA Craft are 4th/5th Generation beyond the Space Shuttle. When
we sign the Petitions we demand President Obama, the Intelligence Complexes and Military inform us of what has been hidden. They are not trying to
debunk ET, they are afraid of worldwide anger at being deceived and a following dissolution of all governments as citizens learn more about all the
deceptions which have been kept hidden under a cover story.
The CIA was originally set up by executive order under President Truman in 1947 and NSA grew out of that. Since then the CIA has been running the
United States Military and Black Ops Budget running the Secret Space Program. Anyplace the United States had a need for Military Intervention, the CIA
is there with Black Ops running the Military. It would be impossible to audit the United States Military simply because the Black Ops Budgets have
never been written down. The Majestic Documents can be downloaded and printed online. The Freedom of Information Act declassified several documents
which UFO Experts have been researching and posting online for years. This is not a conspiracy or a theory.
NSA Landed on the Moon in 1961, NASA 1969
Mr. Chertok was an electrician at 17, and by 1930 was working in an aircraft factory. He graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute in 1940. After
World War II, he was a member of a team of experts sent to Germany to mine records of the German rocketry program. Another member of that team was Mr.
Korolev. They brought back the blueprints of the German V-2, which became the basis for the Soviet missile and space programs. Mr. Chertok’s systems
guided the rocket that bore Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth, into space on Oct. 4, 1957; and, on April 12, 1961, the rocket
that took the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin. (Less than a month later, Alan B. Shepard Jr. became the first American in space.) When JFK made the
call for a manned space flight, he knew that the United States NSA had already landed on the Moon in 1961. During World War II there were no real
enemies. Everything was fabricated to fund the Soviet Union, Germany and the United States to go into Space.
Just chech this out for yourselfs.