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Psycho in Plano, Tx.

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posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 07:45 PM
not really sure if this fits in this thread, Mods feel free to move if you see fit..

Anyway, here's the deal. Some seriously wacked out mother here in Plano (a suburb of Dallas, Tx) was arrested today for SEVERING off her 11 month old daughters arms.

DALLAS (AP) -- When a mother admitted killing her baby daughter by severing the child's arms this week, she joined a high-profile list of Texas women with histories of mental illness who have killed their children in gruesome fashion.

Here's a link to the story

Now, they have been discussing this on local radio all day, playing the 911 tapes and all..And i'll tell you she sounds extremely- disturbingly calm. She speaking to the 911 operator in a very flat, monotone voice.

All the while you hear religious music playing in the background. And this is not the first occourence of something this bad happening in this city. (This just happens to be the most disturbing).
My wondering here is, are religious oganizations attracting or producing people that are this disturbed? Anyone here from the N. Texas area and familiar with this story?

[edit on 23-11-2004 by thethrall_nb]

[edit on 23-11-2004 by thethrall_nb]

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 07:50 PM
It's odd that in that story you linked that one woman said that God told her to do it and she is from Texas.

Does'nt someone else from Texas have an awful lot of deaths on their hands and they claim God to him to do it? Hmmmm

Must be something in the oil down there in Texas.

Someone needs to cut that rags arms and legs off and throw her in the damn ocean.

[edit on 23-11-2004 by evecasino]

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 07:52 PM
Yes, I'm from Dallas area, and yes, I've heard the story.

As to the religious aspect, yes, I think there's a connection. Although I don't know this particular woman's religious orientation, it is obviously Christian of some form.

The person who kills family members under an extreme psychosis often has other "warning signs." They will tend to be isolated and of a "God talks to me personally" persuasion and someone who "listens to signs."

Not everyone who believes these things will go to this extreme, but if a person is psychotic, these beliefs and attitudes seem to offer a tendency toward acting out homicidal impulses.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 07:52 PM

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 08:00 PM
Well, from the news i heard , She and her family lived in Keller, Tx, and in a very nice home from what i heard. And she appearently found this "church" they then proceeded to sell off a majority of their belongings and moved to Plano to be closer to this "church"

Another strange thing is that, they have 2 other children (ages 6 and 9) and the father and two older kids lived in an apartment down stairs, and the mother and 11 month old lived in an apartment upstairs....

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 09:50 PM
I have lived in Plano, TX most of my life, until 1 year ago. Small town, but very Corporate, with lots of money.

Numerous corporations in the US have their corporate offices there. Churches on every corner, a couple the size of malls nearby! Many very famous people have homes there. It is also a very educated town, all of the schools are "exemplary" in rating. And everyone also says if you graduate from a school in Plano you are recognized by almost every college. I guess there are sick people everywhere!

I have gotten ridiculed about Plan-0 all my life because even though there is massive amounts of money there it is very, very, plain! Guess it's not any more because everyone is talking about it.
Dont ask me exactly why, but Im going back

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 09:56 PM
It's Plano...I'm serious. Move away.

Springer's ex-wife was in Plano - psycho as Bates on a Hotel night.

Plano-weird...that's what it is.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 09:58 PM
I've heard of post-partum depression before,... but this is a big step away from that. Lady needs some serious help.

I used to live in Plano also years ago,... a unique place for sure,.. and with a couple of skeletons in the closet too. (and whats with that sheep farmer with a whole city block farm,... a couple of miles off Jupiter? (Actually I know, and commend him if the farm is still there.))

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 10:03 PM
No Plano is not weird. Just so happens there are some weird ones in the area
Plano was rated #1 place in the nation to live a couple years back. You can support a family nicely there.

Only problem is the heat there, the summers are brutal, although this last one was not too bad.

I can also see where depression can get you there....unless you like to eat out or shop (great places). But there is very little natural beauty, mostly cement.


posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 10:06 PM
There's only one cure for this: tubal ligation....

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by smirkley

I used to live in Plano also years ago,... a unique place for sure,.. and with a couple of skeletons in the closet too. (and whats with that sheep farmer with a whole city block farm,... a couple of miles off Jupiter? (Actually I know, and commend him if the farm is still there.))

Are you talking about the Haggard's land or what used to be Ross Perot's land, (may still be)? Exact location?

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 10:13 PM
It just so happens that I'm from Plano, TX! And yes I was around when the heroin craze occured in the highschools. Plano is host to some weird people. It's a great reprensentation of the current political system.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 10:22 PM
The "heroin Craze" happened due to the knowledge that the teenagers sported lots of money and cars in the 40k - 50k range, the drug dealers followed this lead. My kids were in the schools at that time. I do regret the upbringing of children there, they adapt a warped view of the real world.

As for this lady, who knows what snapped, very, very heart breaking. But it seems like little ole Plano, keeps it's name in the news every few years!

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Gizmoqt
Are you talking about the Haggard's land or what used to be Ross Perot's land, (may still be)? Exact location?

I dont recall the name of the land owner,... I lived off Jupiter, and driving toward 75 on the way to work,... amidst all the developments,... was this huge farm.

I remember it seems he was constantly being pressured to rezone and develop or sell his land,... but he steadfastly refused,... and he paid the lowest taxes per acre in the whole community. He was kinda defying the city by refusing to give up the farm.

posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Gizmoqt

Numerous corporations in the US have their corporate offices there. Churches on every corner, a couple the size of malls nearby! Many very famous people have homes there. It is also a very educated town, all of the schools are "exemplary" in rating. And everyone also says if you graduate from a school in Plano you are recognized by almost every college. I guess there are sick people everywhere!

Guess it's not any more because everyone is talking about it.
Dont ask me exactly why, but Im going back

Yeah, but look how people are usually talkin' about it. Before this incident, there was the one 'bout a local teacher going nuts and shooting her husband and daughter, befroe that there where all the Heroine related fatalties.

All these Seriously F**ed up things happen in this somewhat small suburb, and no one really seems to notice for longer than a week...

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 10:15 AM
Not to mention there was a point (I believe between 1999-2001) that Plano was ranked the number one city for teenage suicides.

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 10:45 PM
It is tragic that this woman was not able to participate in a post-partum depression support group or to contact a social service agency to intervene before she committed this horrendous crime of maternal filicide.

Why do women kill their own children? Research shows that in the US, women commit only 2 crimes as frequently as men. The first is shoplifting, the second murder of their own children. Women commit less than 13 percent of all violent crimes in the US, yet commit about 50 percent of all parental murders!

Children under the age of 5 in the United States are more likely to be killed by their parents than anyone else.

View the Child Fatality Data by State chart at:

Child abuse prevention is very important to me and I would like to share the following information with our readers:

Recognizing Child Abuse

The following signs may indicate child abuse or neglect.

The Child:

* Shows sudden changes in behavior or school performance.
* Hasn't received help for physical or medical problems brought to the parents' attention.
* Has learning problems (or difficulty concentrating) that can't be attributed to specific physical or psychological causes.
* Is always watchful, as though preparing for something bad to happen.
* Lacks adult supervision.
* Is overly compliant, passive, or withdrawn.
* Comes to school or other activities early, stays late, and doesn't want to go home.

The Parent:

* Shows little concern for child.
* Denies existence of�or blames child�for the child's problems in school or at home.
* Asks teachers or other caretakers to use harsh physical discipline child misbehaves.
* Sees child as entirely bad, worthless, or burdensome.
* Demands a level of physical or academic performance the child can't achieve.
* Looks primarily to the child for care, attention, and satisfaction of the parent's emotional needs.

The Parent and Child:

* Rarely touch or look at each other.
* Consider their relationship entirely negative.
* State that they don't like each other.

Types of Abuse

The following are some signs associated with child abuse and neglect--physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. These types of abuse are more often found in combination than alone.

Signs of Physical Abuse

Consider the possibility of physical abuse when the child:

* Has unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, or black eyes.
* Has fading bruises or other marks noticeable after an absence from school.
* Seems frightened of the parents and protests or cries when its time to go home.
* Shrinks at the approach of adults.
* Reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver.

Consider the possibility of physical abuse when the parent or other adult caregiver:

* Offers conflicting, unconvincing, or no explanation for the child's injury.
* Describes the child as "evil," or in some other very negative way.
* Uses harsh physical discipline with the child.
* Has a history of abuse as a child.

Signs of Neglect

Consider the possibility of neglect when the child:

* Is frequently absent from school.
* Begs or steals food or money.
* Lacks needed medical or dental care, immunizations, or glasses.
* Is consistently dirty and has severe body odor.
* Lacks sufficient clothing for the weather.
* Abuses alcohol or other drugs.
* States that theres no one at home to provide care.

Consider the possibility of neglect when the parent or other adult caregiver:

* Appears to be indifferent to the child.
* Seems apathetic or depressed.
* Behaves irrationally or in a bizarre manner.
* Is abusing alcohol or other drugs.

Signs of Sexual Abuse

Consider the possibility of sexual abuse when the child:

* Has difficulty walking or sitting.
* Suddenly refuses to change for gym or to participate in physical activities.
* Reports nightmares or bedwetting.
* Experiences a sudden change in appetite.
* Demonstrates bizarre, sophisticated, or unusual sexual knowledge or behavior.
* Becomes pregnant or contracts a venereal disease, particularly if under age 14.
* Runs away.
* Reports sexual abuse by a parent or another adult caregiver.

Consider the possibility of sexual abuse when the parent or other adult caregiver:

* Is unduly protective of child or severely limits child's contact with other children, especially of the opposite sex.
* Is secretive and isolated.
* Is jealous or controlling with family members.

Signs of Emotional Maltreatment

Consider the possibility of emotional maltreatment when the child:

* Shows extremes in behavior, such as overly compliant or demanding behavior, extreme passivity, or aggression.
* Is either inappropriately adult (parenting other children, for example) or inappropriately infantile (frequently rocking or head-banging, for example).
* Is delayed in physical or emotional development.
* Has attempted suicide.
* Reports a lack of attachment to the parent.

Consider the possibility of emotional maltreatment when the parent or other adult caregiver:

* Constantly blames, belittles, or berates child.
* Is unconcerned about child and refuses to consider offers of help for child's problems.
* Overtly rejects child.

Here are some important telephone numbers:

National Respite Locator Service
Phone: 1-800-677-1116
Who They Help: Parents, caregivers, and professionals caring for children and adults with disabilities, terminal illnesses, or those at risk of abuse or neglect

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233)
Who They Help: Children, parents, friends, offenders

Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse:
Stop It Now!
Phone: 1-888-PREVENT (1-888-773-8368)
Who They Help: Child sexual abuse victims, parents, offenders, concerned individuals

Childhelp USA
Phone: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453)
Who They Help: Child abuse victims, parents, concerned individuals

Youth Crisis Hotline
Phone: 1-800-HIT-HOME (1-800-448-4663)
Who They Help: Individuals reporting child abuse, youth ages 12 to 18

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:50 PM
Any updates on this story?

I discovered that this lady lived minutes from my house in Plano. I'm currently living in the UK so local news is just a little hard to come by.

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