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Russian military gives Ukrainian forces until 03:00 GMT to surrender or face an assault

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posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 12:21 PM

RUSSIAN forces need to be there.
The world cannot sit by and allow the US-NATO to do this.
If we allow this then where will it stop and will it stop.
the US-NATO has been testing for some time, we need to stand firm and do whatever possible to stop him invading further.

Hope you see they plausability of my new form.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 01:44 PM
Why is everyone using Russain Times like they can be trusted to report the news fairly?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 02:31 PM

Ancient Champion
Why is everyone using Russain Times like they can be trusted to report the news fairly?

And why would American media be trusted to report the news any fairer? Both sides here clearly have a strong bias, and both sides are no stranger to propaganda. Looking at the two sides and comparing is about the best we can do to see through the smoke.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 02:45 PM


Ancient Champion
Why is everyone using Russain Times like they can be trusted to report the news fairly?

And why would American media be trusted to report the news any fairer? Both sides here clearly have a strong bias, and both sides are no stranger to propaganda. Looking at the two sides and comparing is about the best we can do to see through the smoke.

I didn't say the american media could be trusted either, All i see is everyone taking RT news as truth.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Ancient Champion

This makes me want to go play the game Civilization and become the most powerful nation and rule the world. Ha ha ha ha ha.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 09:58 PM
Maybe I'm just a clueless idiot, but I think somebody was seriously hoping that there was money to be made by cutting Europe off of Russian oil. Establishing a friendly (as in easily controlled) Syria as a pipeline route to Turkey failed, so gumming up the works in Ukraine might be the next best bet.

Some people in Western governments would benefit (but not the people), and if it's possible to follow the money trail some of it may go to top positions in the U.S. but it's not necessarily from the U.S. If history from some past conflicts have shown anything, private interests with controlling stakes in resources are stirring the pot and using it to play the market. (At this point I'd say to look where you can find some diamond encrusted cars and some of the tallest buildings now, and then tell me which convenient politicians on the world stage can't be bought.)

I don't think Russia wants control of Ukraine for any particular reason other than they're not going to sit idly by while getting egg on their face. Overall I suspect most Russian-Ukrainian relations have been friendly, which is why there's more of a stand-down situation and not too many reports of rebellion or further conflict. If Russia can feel secure about its economic assets in Ukraine, they'll probably leave the Ukrainians alone and let them go about their business.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by pauljs75

Have you considered for a moment that maybe the Ukrainian protest were started by the Ukrainian people? Everyone on ATS whats to believe that every protest that is started around the world is start by the US, People need to consider that the people of these countries are simply tired of the way things are going in their country and protest in order to bring change.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 11:49 PM

Ancient Champion
reply to post by pauljs75

Have you considered for a moment that maybe the Ukrainian protest were started by the Ukrainian people? Everyone on ATS whats to believe that every protest that is started around the world is start by the US, People need to consider that the people of these countries are simply tired of the way things are going in their country and protest in order to bring change.

I'm trying to consider all aspects of this conflict really. I would like to believe that the Ukrainian people began this protest but I'm finding it a bit difficult to resolve how they could have overwhelmingly elected him just a couple of years ago, if my memory is correct, and now are calling for his head and unwilling to compromise and hold elections. Why would people be unwilling to see new elections? What sort of people use violence and terror in their own back yard to achieve their aims?
I'm old enough to look back in my lifetime alone to dozens of countries where shady deals went down to topple leadership that didn't meet with approval from the US government.
In the days of the civil rights marches in the US it was noted that when violence and destruction accompanied those events, it was almost always perpetrated by outsiders. Normally, the residents of any area don't go out and start attempting to burn down the very place they live. It just doesn't seem to sensible. So while they may have begun the protest, and for good reasons, it does appear that some pretty shady characters were providing support for agitators who are there for something other than the reasons the protests began.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 02:42 AM

Commented in one of the myriad of Ukraine threads but it fits here as well... I keep reading comments about how Obama has no nads and hasn't 'done anything', Obama needs to 'do' something, the U.S. is just rolling over, etc. So what exactly do all you parental basement dwelling, armchair generals suggest we do? Should we bomb Russia? Send troops to the Ukraine? A naval confrontation? What exactly? Is there anything that you can conjure-up that would cause Putin to back down? Cause I, for one, would love to hear it. I can think of any number of things that would make a dangerous and bad situation exceedingly worse and cost the U.S. in every sense of the word but am at a loss to find an upside move. So, I'd love to hear yours. By the comments I've read you clearly must have a plan.
All the ideas I've heard sounds like people who have watched and played far too many war movies and games.Whatever they suggest would lead to WWIII.

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