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Electric or Magnetic Universe?

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posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 08:37 AM
for those who want more information about electric/magnetic Universe, here a series of videos with a theory, that in my eyes could eliminate unanswered questions.

In this video series the currently accepted theories of physics and astrophysics are shaken to the core by a radical new theory of the fundamental forces in all matter. You will be amazed as a magnetic model of the dome at CERN is used to create a 100 mm diameter plasma Sun with a 300 mm diameter equatorial disc of plasma around it! All the plasma videos are actual footage with no enhancement or manipulation other than speed. In other words, this is real thing. Hard to believe, but it is all true.

The Primer Fields - Part 1

The Primer Fields - Part 2

edit on 4-3-2014 by KrzYma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 09:42 AM

for those who want more information about electric/magnetic Universe, here a series of videos with a theory, that in my eyes could eliminate unanswered questions.
To summarize:

-Man sees bowl shaped building at CERN and other domes like Pantheon.
-Thinks the shapes of buildings constructed by man somehow give insight into properties of matter
-Makes bowl shaped experimental apparatus.
-Sees bowls
-New theory: Bowl shape explains nature's greatest mysteries.

Who'd have thunk it?

To put it another way,

-person b sees building that looks like skyscraper
-Thinks the shapes of buildings constructed by man somehow give insight into properties of matter
-Makes skyscraper shaped experimental apparatus.
-Sees skyscrapers
-New theory: skyscraper shape explains nature's greatest mysteries.

I think you have just as much chance of winning the Nobel prize as person b, as he does with his "bowl" theory, which is about zero. Don't you get the feeling when he's talking about how similar the pantheon is to his little experiment that he's a few french fries short of a happy meal? He says the angels are painted on the building right where they should be to match his experiment. What???? There seems to be no rationality in his train of thought.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 10:17 AM

Mary Rose
Or is electric current really magnetic current, as Leedskalnin said?

There is an aether unified theory website for a theory called Aether Physics Model (APM) that references Leedskalnin's work:

The Nature of Current

Written by David Thomson

Modern physics has many errors. The primary reason for these errors is the incomplete understanding of the nature of charges. In the APM, there are two distinct, quantifiable types of charges; the electrostatic charge, and the magnetic charge. Due to the misunderstanding in mainstream physics, the nature of current is not properly understood.

The electrostatic charge is exactly as the name implies, it is static. When a balloon or other spherical surface accumulates electrons or positive ions, it builds up electrostatic charge. Electrostatic charge is appropriately represented by the plus (+) and minus (-) signs.

Charge is not some kind of separate existing point particle. It is a property of nature similar to the properties of length, time, and mass. Electrons may possess the property of charge, but the property of charge is not only associated with the electron. In addition, the electron has two distinctly different types of charges; one of which is called magnetic charge.

The magnetic charge relates to the electrostatic charge, but they operate independently. Magnetic (also called electromagnetic and strong) charge is the carrier of the strong force, whereas electrostatic charge is the carrier of the electrostatic force. When static charge builds up, it is because electrons (or other charged particles) are accumulating at a single location and building potential. When the potential releases, the moving electrons then flow according to their magnetic charge. It is because of the magnetic charge of electrons that flowing electrons (current) produces magnetic fields.

The concept of electrons moving due to their magnetic polarities is not new. Ed Leedskalnin first wrote about this mechanics in 1945. When current flows through a wire, it is the magnetic charge of the electrons that provides the force. As the electrons accumulate in some place in the circuit, such as in the dielectric of a capacitor, the electrostatic charge builds potential.

The Hall effect, electromagnetic radiation, current, resistance, and nearly every unit involving the dimension of charge actually operates due to the magnetic force between particles (not the electrostatic force). Only one unit, the unit of magnetic moment, involves both magnetic charge and electrostatic charge. It is because of the tug between the electrostatic charge and the magnetic charge within a subatomic particle that the particle wobbles and creates its magnetic moment.

A proper understanding of electricity requires the understanding of the two distinct and quantifiable types of charges. Only by understanding the relationship of magnetic currents and electrostatic buildup in circuits will we truly understand how electricity works.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

My time on ATS has been limited lately so I’m sorry I wasn’t able to read through your thread,
Electric Universe Theory, RIP: New Discovery of Why Sun's Corona is Hot until now.
When I get more time I’ll read through the rest of it. Until then I hope you don’t mind if I make a couple comments here in reply to your post

From this link; Previously Unseen Super-Hot Plasma Jets Heat the Sun’s Corona

The spicules are accelerated upward into the solar corona in fountain-like jets at speeds of approximately 31 to 62 miles per second (50 to 100 kilometers per second). The research team says that the majority of the plasma is heated to temperatures between 0.02 and 0.1 million Kelvin, while a small fraction is heated to temperatures above one million Kelvin.
So when they say “plasma” they mean these spicules, right? If this is the case then there doesn’t appear to be enough heat observed to create the coronal temperatures. Perhaps they are on the right track though.

Then you link to another thread on ATS which links to a NBC news article.
Why sun’s atmosphere is ‘so darned hot’

To answer this question, Klimchuk and colleagues constructed a theoretical model of the nanoflares, which are components of the loops of hot gas that arch high above the solar surface to make up the corona.
This is a model that they made up. I had the same question that you had.

That thread refers to a "model" and I'm not 100% sure if what that model called nanoflares are the same thing as what the actual observations refer to as "spicules"
Where’s the relevance here? Are these the observed “spicules” or something made up to explain the observed hot temperatures?

These loops are made up of bundles of smaller, individual magnetic tubes or strands that can have temperatures reaching several million degrees K,
”Can have”, as in it might be possible?

nanoflares are so small that they cannot be resolved individually
This appears to be an ad hoc explanations to me.

I’m running out of time today but you have piqued my interest once again, thank you.

Now, pertaining to Donald Scott's supposed Grand Canyon theory.

It's definitely Don Scott, though I'm not sure who else. Here is Don Scott trying to defend criticism he received for mentioning the electric grand canyon in his book:
This electric scaring of the Grand Canyon theory has been around for a while. I think I originally read it on the old Thunderbolts site some years ago. I do not think it is Dr Scotts theory but apparently he briefly brushes over it in his book; The Electric Sky.

I had to dig that book out to find the claim about the Grand Canyon because I honestly couldn’t remember.

Thornhill and other like-minded investigators also theorize that the electric discharge machining produced a monstrous scar across the face of Mars…
He goes on to compare Valles Marineris to the Grand Canyon in size only. I cannot find any mention of the Grand Canyon possibly being formed by an electric discharge in his book. Maybe I missed it though. Even so he gives credit to Thornhill.

As far as his comparison to the dentritic patterns observed in lightning strikes (Lichtenberg figures) and the shape of the Grand Canyon I have to agree. They have similarities. The thought that the Grand Canyon, and/or Valles Marineris, was created in one day by a huge lightning strike is unbelievable. However I also stand in disbelief when trying to imaging this took place by water erosion only. There are a few other problems concerning the water erosion theory but this is neither the time nor place.

I remember reading about a comparison between the Sun’s corona heating and a cathode ray tube. The cathode ray tube is electrically charged plasma that appears to have a similar effect to the Sun’s corona. No need for theoretical models since we can replicate this in a lab. Of course what astronomer would want to attempt to prove an electric Sun model?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Devino

It would appear that electricity (lightning strikes) can cause major "earth changes" as far as the landscape is concerned.

A team of researchers from Johannesburg recently discovered that a single lightning bolt could, for example, blow three to 10 cubic metres (100 to 350 cubic feet) out of bedrock.


posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I'm disappointed you failed to appreciate all that stuff I took the time to explain,
But if you still don't like the analogy read the better source which I already provided.
I trust you mean this thread and the information you provided there.
Electric Universe Theory, RIP: New Discovery of Why Sun's Corona is Hot

I was about to post quite a large reply to your thread until I read all the other comments and noticed the OP date of February 2011. Your opinion that the EU theory is now resting in peace (RIP) appears to have been debunked there. It seems redundant of me to criticize your sources when others have done such a fine job already. Personally I think you did a poor job at best of addressing the criticisms found there. I only make that statement because you still seem to be toting victory in disproving the EU theory.

Do you still feel that your linked articles prove the EU theory dead? If so I could post a reply and bump your thread up. Perhaps we could go over some of that material again.

This article that you present, Previously Unseen Super-Hot Plasma Jets Heat the Sun’s Corona, was written over three years ago. Has there been any follow up explanations or confirmation to these claims and observations?

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Interesting. Could there be a new field of science called plasma geology? It would be interesting to view the discussions that something like that might provoke. There are several other examples found around the world that might possibly support such an idea.

Fulgurites (and perhaps Moqui Marbles), Carolina Bays, craters, rilles (found on the Moon and other planets), electrical machining, and of course the Grand Canyon (also examples found on other planets). I am not sure what to think of all these examples and I am not sure how one would go about attempting to prove an electrical connection.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 06:48 PM

Mary Rose
reply to post by Unity_99

What I want is a unified theory that is aether/ether-based.

I think the aether is the only way to pull it all together.

The Higgs Field may do that for you. Take a look at Brian Greene's book, The Fabric of the Cosmos.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by F4guy

Except that the Higgs Field goes along with the Big Bang theory, which makes no sense to me.

I think the aether has always been here and will always be here. Probably Leedskalnin's magnetic current originates with it.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:01 AM
I thought magnetism was dependent upon the flow of electric current? Without a torus/magnetic field---a place for electrons to flow?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Devino

The magnification of the sunlught through our atmosphere is similar to that of a magnifying glass.

The sun is probably cold.
Mountain peaks are closer to the sun yet are capped with snow for many.

Either that or we are in and not on Earth lol

So, can the magnification of sunlight generate heat???? Of course ot can lol
edit on 31-3-2014 by jazz10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:25 PM
Do they have magnets in MineCraft ?

I know they have day and night plus lights and even gravity but I am not sure if they have magnets or can mine for them.

You see the laws of physics can be anything the programmer wants them to be and dig all you like but you won't escape the CPU but you might discover an anomaly like the double slit experiment.

Has American now agreed with the rest of the world yet about the directional flow of electrons in an electric circuit and can we really see back to the big switch on by crashing snooker balls into each other at Cern ?

Last I knew we had never come into contact with ET and have only been in space for a few years but already they think they know that a goldie-locks lump of rock is needed to support life.

No one has a real clue but a lot of people have a vested interest in pretending they know the answers now that men of the cloth today are all scientists and are trying to sing from the same book.

What seems to be true is that DNS is now known to be computer code and we can program it to build nano devices then it's not a big leap of faith to at least consider the possibility that we are inside of some type of computer simulation

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Mary Rose
reply to post by Unity_99

What I want is a unified theory that is aether/ether-based.

I think the aether is the only way to pull it all together.

The electric universe is governed by the laws of abraham and allows man free will and the ability to create as god on earth. The magnetic universe is the earth and allows for a number of things. They were separated to breed creation if left together they ability is greatly hindered.

posted on Sep, 26 2016 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: Godthief

originally posted by: Mary Rose
reply to post by Unity_99

What I want is a unified theory that is aether/ether-based.

I think the aether is the only way to pull it all together.

The electric universe is governed by the laws of abraham and allows man free will and the ability to create as god on earth. The magnetic universe is the earth and allows for a number of things. They were separated to breed creation if left together they ability is greatly hindered

edit on 26-9-2016 by Godthief because: Mistake

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