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The secrets hidden in the pyramids. A real eye opener!

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 03:08 AM
Awesome thread. Thank you OP, this is exactly the kind of stuff that got me into occultism.
Peace & Love.
I'll post some good Ancient Egyptian knowledge in return for you guys later, I have to find the links

edit on 4-3-2012 by kingllama because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Edgar806
Of course they help. I mean think about it. How can the egyptians build pyramids at a time when they had primitive technology (compared to ours). Most of the other known civilizations didnt have pyramids then and they most dont have them today

Actually they did.

There are pyramids all over the world.

The pyramids of China are the lesser known, but there are lots of them, and some are huge. Europe has quite a few pyramids also, but most have been fully overgrown with plant life and weren't recognized as pyramids at first.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Seede
reply to post by unknown32

Very good post and amazing information. Shows me that you can not get too old to learn.

Yes - too old to rock n roll but too young to die.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Qwenn
It is a shame that there is only the animated footage, and perhaps it is good to remember that the original drilling of the door footage was almost certainly filmed in the replica shaft which Zahi hawass had built to " practice " on. Even though at first he denied that a dummy shaft had been built, he finally said that it had, but he misunderstood the question. The lack of drilling debris and the fact that the footage was not live as claimed, but was shown from footage supplied by him, for transmission on the show, so that if there were any holdups, the show could still fill the alloted time.

I am sure that there was no intention of letting anyone near seeing the real thing and perhaps that is why Rudolf Ganterbrink was kicked out of the project, the moment he reached and filmed the door. There were so many mistakes with the second set of films, the most curious was the fact that of the two doors in the queens chamber, there were numerous photographs which were different. It almost looked like we were seeing half a dozen different doors and shafts.

I don't think that the shafts were able to be opened or explored from the inside, and there was a big rumour at the time that Mr Hawass had been up the outside of the pyramid within the first few days after the Upuat mission, with a pickaxe and was diggng into a little cave like opening on one of the corners. He says that he will let no-one do anything invasive to the Pyramids, but he had at least one jack hammer and a generator doing work near the kings chamber. He knows about the hole in the wall by the side of the box in this chamber, as many must also know and old photographs of it show the opening and the platform. It has been sealed up and it is never mentioned, but it was said to link to another mirror image of the Grand Gallery and presumably of other features as well.

There is one curious point i noticed when they aired the national geographic secret chambers revealed programme a few years ago and it was like this..... the original Gantenbrink photo of the door showed handles on the door at the end of the shaft and when the so called secret chambers live was aired the one of the handles was missing, which makes me think they already drilled the hole and looked in it before they aired it live just to check if there was anything that couldnt be revealed to the public, then masked the hole afterwards to make it look untouched, but like i said a handle was mising when the rover went up to it for the so called first time since Gantenbrink photographed it, it was blatant tampering, and the culprit would of been Zahi Hawass, I really detest that guy, he does nothing but throw stupid half baked theories together and jumps on other peoples glory and claims it for his own, he will sit back while other egyptologists do the hard work, and when they discover something they are not aloud to open it until he is there, then when its filmed for the public convenience, he fawns all over it, playing up nto the camera and basically hijacking the discovery and putting it across that it was his hard work that led to it!!! the dirty words I would like to call him would more than likely get me banned from posting on here so I will just say this..... if I came across him in a remote eyptian complex, I would mummify him and wrap him in a tomb then keep quiet about the discovery, then hopefully it doesnt get discovered by other archeologists for a good few years/centuries or so, and then when future scholars discover him laugh from whatever afterlife I am in at them trying to theorise about where this mummy came from that has been carbon dated as being 4 and a half thousand years younger than other discovered mummies!!


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:24 AM
Whoever made the first vid in the OP does not know his history.

The Ark of the Covenant was not even made until after the Israelites left Egypt. Simple.

Rameses the Great was not the Pharaoh of the Exodus, and we know that because his mummy is in a museum. The Pharaoh of the Exodus drowned in the Red Sea, and did not get mummified. Simple.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short
Whoever made the first vid in the OP does not know his history.

The Ark of the Covenant was not even made until after the Israelites left Egypt. Simple.

Rameses the Great was not the Pharaoh of the Exodus, and we know that because his mummy is in a museum. The Pharaoh of the Exodus drowned in the Red Sea, and did not get mummified. Simple.
I always thought the pharaoh of the exodus story stood by while watching his army getting swept away, maybe i was wrong...

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by unknown32

I would have preferred some text on the content of the videos, in order to know roughly before watching - thank you.

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