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The Making of Aliens Documentary

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posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 07:08 PM
I’m really excited for Alien Romulus.
The reviews from fans of the series are all positive from the test screenings.

With CGI, just about anything can be brought to life.
which got me thinking about older scifi movies - Alien and Aliens, and how well done they are.
They stand up by today’s standards. which is why Fede Alvarez has the guys that did the practical effects and creature design for Aliens, do his movie, Alien Romulus.

I decided to check YouTube for a documentary on the making Aliens and sure enough YouTube provided.
The doc came out in 2003 and provided some pretty incredible in-sites on the special effects used back in 1986.

For instance, the Queen Alien alone had multiple people in the suit, a crane to hold her up, hydraulics in the head and neck, PLUS 2 puppeteers manning the legs.

The iconic power loader was actually a dude in a suite moving in-sync with Weaver.

5th scale miniature set for Hadley’s Hope.

The APC was a radio controlled vehicle.

The drop ship was a 7 ft long model.

For the scene where the drop ship comes into Hadleys Hope and drop off the APC,
The 7ft Dropship was wired across the set, touches down and the remote controlled APC deploys and rolls out.

The practical effects used in this movie were absolutely genius in a lot of ways.

Which brings me to the part where the queen impales Bishop with her tail, then rips him in half.

Lance Hendrickson ended up getting sick from this scene.

The white fluid that the droids have as blood, was actually milk and yogurt mixed.
while filming this scene over multiple days, both had spoiled.
But he had to do the shot, thus dealt with it.

He had to take mouthfuls and puke it out in sync with the impaling tail - which was also an effect dubbed a false chest, from the first aliens iconic chest bursting scene.
Well he ended up swallowing a bunch of the mixture during different takes and getting food poisoning.

If you enjoy behind the scenes looks, this is a great view of one of our sci-fi masterpieces, while we await for the next instalment Romulus!

edit on 20-4-2024 by Macenroe1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: Macenroe1982
The irony....Here I set, a roadside UFO abductee in 1964, my son and GF taken from their bed in 1991, my father and his mother evidently abducted in about 1910, and then he and a fishing buddy almost certainly abducted during the night in 1950 and the current discussion is on the mechanics of a movie about aliens.

However, in the not necessarily false thrill that excited the public with the Alien series movies, is a subconscious recognition of the horror that has not yet settled upon the human mind. The human cesspool of false superiority is fading in front of the recognition that we do not control the universe but the universe controls us in an almost unbelievable manner that we do not want and can barely recognize even as it slaps us in the face with reality.

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

You are an Experiencer?
I was the National Chief Investigator for MUFON. I’d like to hear some of your story.
When it comes to the movies, yes your right lol

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 12:07 AM
I'm really excited for Romulus. I've always been a huge fan of the Alien movies. Yes, I even liked Promethus. :p

The documentary is pretty cool. Didn't know much of that stuff.

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: LandofEnchantment

I really enjoyed Prometheus and covenant as stand alones.
It’s disappointing Covenant didn’t do well in theatre so parts 3-6 were canceled.

But Romulus might spark new life in the series!


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