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1936 all over again, with drones

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posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:56 AM
Since we know Iran gets its horns broken off, then gets stomped on by the US, right before the US is broken up by civil war, it would appear things will escalate in the coming days. I suspect that there will either be a serious hit in Israel, or a devastating hit to our Navy by Iran. Lets assign a time frame. How about 30 days, give or take 3.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 12:27 PM
w2 happened because Hitlor was figuring out Anttartica, and free ennergy.
then the powers that be declared waar on germmany.

and then all helll breaks out.

but it was to take him out of power, before he could redisover free eenergy, and the secrets of Anntartica.

they made so much money with that waar tho.
and the r0thschilds were 'awarded' izreal for their efforts in funding the waar.

no internati0nal bannkers, no waar, no taxxes, no globalizm = w0rld peeace.

simple. there are about 50-500 losers running the w0rld.
take them out of power, by any means necessary, and temporary peeace, until the powers that be 'elekt' the next 50-500.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: diaclonethunder
You are forgetting that Hitler started the war. He invaded Poland.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI2

I don't believe the official alien disclosure that happened recently has been for altruistic reasons.

Do you?

Everything the government say or do is for their own, ulterior motives.

And it always results in more control for them over you.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: DISRAELI2

I don't believe the official alien disclosure that happened recently has been for altruistic reasons.

Do you?

Everything the government say or do is for their own, ulterior motives.

And it always results in more control for them over you.

Alien disclosure?
Are you referring to the blurry garbage videos released by the military?
The feds have cameras that can count the freckles on a frog from orbit so if anything these are just some high ranking officials having a good laugh at the public’s expense.

As to your point though, the government definitely doesn’t do anything for the people unless it is in their own best interest.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: TheSingleBillie
The last ditch hope of the Democrat Party is a war just before the election.

Naaah. I think they'll go old school. Just knock Trump off so he can't win if he's dead. It's cheaper and a more sure and effective method of winning.

You could be quite correct. No surprise if Trump commits "suicide" and hides the weapon after fatally shooting himself. The Arkancide crowd is good at that and at covering up the most bizarre "suicides" where people kill themselves and then get rid of the weapon.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

I honestly don't think the scientists developing the weapons or the soldiers using them are going to care too much about US politics.

Iran said "Stay away USA" not "we wouldn't have anything to do if you didn't exist with your puppet strings" do you honestly think the world just goes to bed when the good ol' USA ain't around?

Anyway, I don't want to drag the thread off topic.

I honestly think that they don't just say stay away. Death to America (ie Americans), (ie destroy the American government) is the chant of Iran, the chant of their soldiers, the chant of their illegal immigrants who have asylum in the US.

The ME is quite open, especially Iran about wanting to see the total destruction of the US. 4 more years of the secret cabal ruling puppet Biden should just about do it.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

I honestly don't think the scientists developing the weapons or the soldiers using them are going to care too much about US politics.

Iran said "Stay away USA" not "we wouldn't have anything to do if you didn't exist with your puppet strings" do you honestly think the world just goes to bed when the good ol' USA ain't around?

Anyway, I don't want to drag the thread off topic.

I honestly think that they don't just say stay away. Death to America (ie Americans), (ie destroy the American government) is the chant of Iran, the chant of their soldiers, the chant of the immigrants who the Biden administration has given asylum in the US.

The Middle Eastern Islamic nations are quite open, especially Iran, about wanting to see the total destruction of the US. 4 more years of the secret cabal ruling puppet Biden should just about do it. The Islamic regimes won't have to lift a finger.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI2

no go look up newzpapers.

the gl0bal elite even in the ny-times 'declared waar on hitlor'

the r0thschilds could not have hitl0r discover free ennergy.

thats what w2 was about.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: diaclonethunder

the r0thschilds could not have hitl0r discover free ennergy.

Whats with the weird misspellings if i may ask?

I think you may find the Second World War was a complex event with multiple causes.

None of which had much to do with free energy.

And a hell of a lot more to do with the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939.
edit on 14-4-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 05:49 PM
Same playbook as always, just tweaked to fit the times. The coming war has been manufactured from the very start. War is a racket and is good for business.

Luckily for the corporations COVID has decimated the economy, war is always the answer when America's economy is in the dumps. Create the problem and provide the solution. Doesn't matter who we vote for, they're beholden to the almighty dollar.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

I suspect Iran knew fine well what the results of their little attack would be, I know it wasn't little but it was hardly sophisticated given the flight time and the amount of eyes over Iran.

I'm not in a hurry to forget the allies over there, stereotypes are fun but they're often grossly exaggerated. The whole of the Middle East or even Iran are not "inbred ignorant louts" and neither is that true for Americans or anywhere else for that matter.

Looking back I realise my comment was a bit sassy but it wasn't my intention, my intention was to point out that Middle Easterners, scientists and even soldiers usually have enough things to worry about than Biden being an idiot. He's a politician... It's a given lol

Most people are often concerned about things closer to their home that affects their little corner of the room. It's true that the US has caused a lot of harm to Iran (and the wider middle east) but many of them are capable of the thinking necessary to realise the true enemy. If they're capable of getting over the basic propaganda that often lacks any intelligence they'll realise that The West is not their enemy, neither is capitalism or progress.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: diaclonethunder
a reply to: DISRAELI2

no go look up newzpapers.

the gl0bal elite even in the ny-times 'declared waar on hitlor'

the r0thschilds could not have hitl0r discover free ennergy.

thats what w2 was about.

What free energy?

I'm sure if they had free energy they wouldn't have desired the Caucasus. They wouldn't have desired European logistical capabilities either since the majority of movement was done by horse and cart. They knew where to put resources where it mattered I'll give them that but that was mostly Germans fighting an uphill battle against their idiotic moron of a leader.

Do you have links? I could do with a laugh.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Are you referring to the blurry garbage videos released by the military?

I'm referring to that slithery character who testified in front of congress, David Grusch or something.

We are being prepped for when the "aliens" arrive.

Trillions of USD are unaccounted for in black/dark projects.

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 09:41 AM

edit on 4/15/2024 by yeahright because: Mod edit for Spam

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 10:11 AM

edit on 4/15/2024 by yeahright because: Mod edit for Spam

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