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Men In Blue - Crocus Massacre

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posted on Mar, 28 2024 @ 03:56 PM
Read something today about the sighting of a number of men present at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, dressed in blue and behaving oddly.
Some are now speculating they are FSB and all of this was a False Flag by Russia.

As per Copilot Summary:

While no concrete evidence has been presented, Russian social media is buzzing with conspiracy theories, linking the FSB security services to the terrorist attack that occurred on March 22 at Crocus City Hall in Moscow. The attack resulted in the tragic loss of more than 140 innocent victims12.

Several observers have pointed out that there were at least four men wearing identical blue sweatshirts and jeans in the concert hall during the attack. These individuals have been dubbed the “Men in Blue”. Let’s delve into some intriguing details:

Clothing: The blue sweatshirt and jeans combination allowed them to blend in with the crowd while remaining highly visible to each other. These men were clearly distinguishable at the exit and other parts of the hall.
Behavior: Unlike the panicked crowd, the “Men in Blue” remained calm. They did not run or panic. In fact, one of them even pushed a woman back into the aisle between seats. Later, this same man started filming with his phone. Their coordinated behavior suggests a deliberate plan.
Door Closure: At a critical moment, a male voice from behind one of the alleged ‘FSB officers’ suggested closing the doors. The “Men in Blue” took turns supporting this idea, creating the illusion of mass support. As a result, many people were unable to leave the hall, leading to tragic consequences.
The attack has raised questions about the official response and the FSB’s role. Critics argue that it was a massive security failure by the FSB, caught completely off guard. Some speculate that the attack serves as an excuse to tighten repression and prepare the population for a new mass mobilization for the war in Ukraine.

Please note that these observations are based on speculation and social media discussions, and no definitive conclusions have been reached regarding the “Men in Blue” and their connection to the FSB.

Reddit Sleuths
edit on thpThu, 28 Mar 2024 15:58:36 -05005833b2024k by Springbok because: spelling

edit on thpThu, 28 Mar 2024 16:00:01 -05000034b2024k by Springbok because: new link

posted on Mar, 28 2024 @ 09:25 PM
Very interesting, thank you. Now where is Russian Troll?

The first thing I thought of, besides the Men In Black, was the Blue Man Crew, I don't know why.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 12:41 AM
So why did the whole western propaganda arm and politicians all claim it was ISIS instantly before any investigation was held?
Maybe it's all theatre and the West and Russia are all in the same play,goodies verses baddies then we will switch around just like at election time.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: glen200376

All of politics is theatre. I think somebody has a sick sense of humour, either knowing it was going to happen and did nothing, or encouraged it; or actively planned it using actors. In a theatre.

Nothing is ever as it seems.

Either way, my condolences to the families of the innocent people who died. What happened is tragic.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: glen200376
So why did the whole western propaganda arm and politicians all claim it was ISIS instantly before any investigation was held?

Probably because ISIS - ISIS K claimed responsibility for it on Friday.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS, released a statement on Friday claiming responsibility for the attack. The terrorist group issued another statement the following day that cast the raid as part of ISIS' ongoing war on countries it claims are fighting against Islam.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Springbok

There are questions to be answered like why did it take police so long to arrive when there's a fully armed police station at Crocus City Hall.

A large police department with its own armory is located inside the Crocus Expo building that is connected to the Crocus City Hall, where gunmen killed nearly 200 people and left in a car parked out front. Law enforcement only showed up 1.5 hours later.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Springbok


Cheers for posting.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: gortex

And with Russia basically on a war footing, you would expect a very rapid response. Especially in the capital city.

Something, once again, does not add up.

It sucks being a Conspiracy Hypothesist, because I just know something smells here, but we will never get the truth.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: opethPA

Also, we had intelligence weeks before the attack that ISIS-K was planning something exactly like this.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: opethPA

Also, we had intelligence weeks before the attack that ISIS-K was planning something exactly like this.

Which means the FSB had that same intel. I am not saying ISIS did not do this - but there is much more to the official story (depending on whose story you believe) than meets the eye.

Russia has already been caught up in the lie of the ISIS operatives captured trying to escape to Ukraine. The Belarus president already blew that lie out of the water. And he is a Russian "ally".

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Springbok

Putin claimed (at least publicly) that the US' intelligence was just trying to destabilize Russia.

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Of course he did. He has no choice. It does not help him to admit that the USA and the West is not always the demon he is selling to the Russian public.

Can't have Ivan Public doubting the morality of the special military operation, can he?

My guess is, behind the scenes, they were thinking how they could turn this in their favour - a soft target, high body count, lots of horrific video footage ... blame Ukraine and the West ... and voila! mass public support and fresh fodder lined up outside the recruitment centers.


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