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We asked is there Life after death?

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posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 07:21 PM
Hope everyone is doing great this week.

Have a question for you all.

Do you believe in Life after death and what’s your take on Near Death Experiences?

Many of you know I host a podcast on Spotify and YouTube.
I had a guest on recently who lived a crazy youth.
One night he over did it, got behind the wheel and ended up crashing his car through someone’s house.

He says he left his body, went to another place - watched the world disappear and found himself talking to “something “

While his body was on life support, he claims he was able to go see family members.
Able to retell family members conversations they had about him.
At one point he said he visited his mother, who was talking on the telephone and was able to travel through the phone line and to the person she was talking to.
When he woke up he told his mother the conversation she had with that family member.

Here’s a clip from the interview with him detailing that experience.

After he woke up, he tells how this experience changed his entire outlook on life and why it made him into the man he is today.

So tell me, what do you think?
Is there life after death? Or is it just all in our heads?

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Macenroe1982

As any good parent does, I payed very close attention to my children after they were born. Especially, the first several days, months and years. If you pay that close attention, you see that they have innate personalities right off the bat.

My daughter was a freak of nature right from the get go. They say that babies eyes take a considerable time to adjust and focus. Not her, She was swinging in a chair on her second day of birth 10 feet from myself and the ex, dead staring at us in our eyes. Incredibly intense and to the point (like her father). It persisted into her youth and now she’s almost 21 years old.

My son, somewhat fragile and aloof from the beginning. Incredibly kind in nature with a heart of gold. But he has fragileness to him that he always displayed from birth. The mental toughness was not within him from the beginning. Thankfully, he’s almost 20 and has improved some of that fragile nature.

As you can see, my point is that we have those innate personalities. Our consciousness’ exists before this incarnation of existence. And will live on after it.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Macenroe1982

In the AfterSim, life is eternal, and possibilities are limitless. A place where the past, present, and future converge, where every soul is fitted with cat ears and left to live in the digital infinity.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 09:51 PM
I’ve almost died a few times.

Coming back there was a great sense of love and peace i guess one would have to experience as I can’t put it well in words.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 10:57 PM
From personal experiences I don't believe our consciousness ever dies, but have no idea what comes after we leave our mortal bodies.

Perhaps it's our conscisousness that creates our world, our very perception of reality.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I can remember reading something that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively and we are the imagination of ourselves.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:01 AM
I believe we do reincarnate, not just on this world but other worlds as well. I think we can reincarnate back in time as well. I have mixed feelings about heaven. So you go to eternal paradise. How long before you get bored with that paradise? 1000 years? To overcome the boredom you learn to play all the instruments in an orchestra. You learn everything there is to learn. 2000 years have passed. Then what?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: G1111B1234

That was Bill Hicks, or part of what he said about a young man….

I believe the ego/personality construct dies along with the body, but the core of our consciousness our soul/life force if you will lives on.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 09:56 AM

edit on Fri Mar 15 2024 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: AllisVibration

Ah that’s where I read it , was driving me crazy, always loved that statement but then I’d question why did I imagine myself looking this way lol.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 05:50 PM
My personal take is quite strange I’ll admit, but evidence in physics and quantum physics would support it. Sort of reincarnation but more specific.

When we die we die. The tunnels, voices , lights etc are likely little more the natural '___' decay in our brains as everything shuts down. Then it’s done. As we are no more time becomes meaningless. A trillion trillion years could pass in a blink - we would never know.

Eventually the universe is born again exactly as it is now and follows exactly the same progression. We are born again exactly the same and we live our lives again. Perhaps a couple of odd lingering memories, moments of Deja vu, but not enough to seriously change our path.

It’s not a very pleasant concept for those of us who have had difficult lives. But that’s my take anyway.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: ARM19688
My personal take is quite strange I’ll admit, but evidence in physics and quantum physics would support it. Sort of reincarnation but more specific.

When we die we die. The tunnels, voices , lights etc are likely little more the natural '___' decay in our brains as everything shuts down. Then it’s done. As we are no more time becomes meaningless. A trillion trillion years could pass in a blink - we would never know.

Eventually the universe is born again exactly as it is now and follows exactly the same progression. We are born again exactly the same and we live our lives again. Perhaps a couple of odd lingering memories, moments of Deja vu, but not enough to seriously change our path.

It’s not a very pleasant concept for those of us who have had difficult lives. But that’s my take anyway.

Yes, it’s called nihilism….. and it’s a horrible state of being.

This life we live is fleeting. Some live one minute, some live over 100 years. In any case, based on the life of the universe, your analysis puts us at the summation of retards reiterating insanity through eons…..

The only thing that gets me through this life — is that there is something magnificent beyond it. 🍻

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 09:32 PM
Thanks for everyone’s opinions so far!

I don’t know what to believe.
I hope and pray there is more to us than just what we experience here on earth.
Which was why I had that guest on.

(DTOM reset my account for me. so I’m commenting with my original ATS account)

But ya, I found his story intriguing. I have a lot of interesting ppl on my show.
People who changed their lives around due to some circumstance that woke them up - often tragic.

Out of all my guests so far, this one stuck with me the most.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 12:44 AM
All people are born again. Life is eternally sustained effortlessly with joy. You're thought of and everything is done for you.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: G1111B1234

It was Bill Hicks indeed who uttered those insanely insightful words. Mind you, it was one of those philosophically inclined bits of his, forever immortalized now. It never gets old, and everytime I hear it, I still chuckle.

My own thoughts on the OP, are probably a little too out there to try and explain here, but I will say one thing. I don't believe the [conflict] for lack of a better word, ends with this life/reality. I feel like this life experience is more or less preparing us for what is to come.

I guess I do have one other thought, and that is, if reincarnation is a thing, I hope there's a way to escape it!

posted on Mar, 29 2024 @ 08:10 PM
I heard this a while ago.

Someone told me that when you die you fall away from feeling.
Your mind becomes too tired to hold your body, and so it slips away from you and lives no more.

You become nothing. You cannot feel, move, see, hear, taste, touch, speak.
The synapses and associations you created leave you, you cannot remember or think.

But you still are. If you could, you would wonder why.

Everything you were in life is gone, you can shed no tears, feel no regret only wander lost and alone.


You are not alone, there is throbbing existence everywhere, you can feel life around you. The heartbeats of others, their breath, their noise their very beings learning and moving and thriving and feeling.

You realise you are everything, you know all, you see everything there could be because it is you, and you were apart of it for so long, you were just to alive to notice.

You are no longer alone, you are life itself. You are Infinity.

And, at acknowledging yourself you look out of the abyss seeing existence in its brilliant, whole form.
You remember you no longer feel tired.

So you create a spark. You go against your nature of nothingness and create, placing two pieces of nothing together and creating something. A tiny something that sees all that exists and feels something,

And then you grow.

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