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Kundalini symptoms

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posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: YouSir


i am at the stage of "thinkingnotthinking" and have detached and stared at colours beyond the normal, but comprehension after the fact is impossible, it just the memory of something i cannot see in a normal state, your not wanting to come back to the illusion, that made me think of NDEs where its not their time to go but they dont want to go back, because they are free from pain in this palace of pure love

thanks for the post again, very insightful

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: TempleTenSA
a reply to: YouSir


i am at the stage of "thinkingnotthinking" and have detached and stared at colours beyond the normal, but comprehension after the fact is impossible, it just the memory of something i cannot see in a normal state, your not wanting to come back to the illusion, that made me think of NDEs where its not their time to go but they dont want to go back, because they are free from pain in this palace of pure love

thanks for the post again, very insightful

Ummm...your welcome...I'm certainly not an authority on anything...just relating my personal experiences...
I realize that everyone walks their own path...and experiences may be as numerable as imagination might perceive...

From my experience the adage..."double edged sword"...certainly comes into play...

Fare well...and realize that the pitfalls are there to help realization as well...


posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: TempleTenSA

I read about kundalini and that was enough for me to say, no thank you I’m good.

Sometimes ignorance IS bliss.
Do you wonder if there are things we just aren’t supposed to know.
Just like there are places humans aren’t supposed to go? I’ve thought that about a lot of places. For example deep sea diving, some places on the top of mountains etc..

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: YouSir

these pitfalls can be dark and deep and It can take one alot of time to get out.
I sometimes wonder was that moment of bliss worth these prolonged dark episodes down there, then I remeber what I learned in my first pitfall. I digged all of them, more or less knowingly.

I guess these processes are much less exhausting and prolonged when accompanied by someone with the proper experience. I wasn't so lucky, but somehow I found a way to hold up. I always enjoyed exploring new path without guidance exept my own, which surely helped me stay out of the shrinks office.

There is barely a post I could disagree with You Sir

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

You're the cutest turtle around

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: JAGStorm

You're the cutest turtle around


The reason humans have survived is because of two types of people,
those that have unsatiable curiosity and those that are like, I'm good!

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 01:08 PM

edit on 4/21/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 03:21 PM
Bob Boyd used to have a forum dealing with this subject but it no longer exists. Shame, it was a valuable resource.
edit on 21-4-2022 by rj717s because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: AnnihilateThis

This is a good post!

Another important thing is that while concepts may be somewhat universal, the actual practice of them requires a certain level of personal innovation and exploration. Its just how it is.. so attempting to use a guide, books, etc. as some sort of strict blueprint will not necessarily build what you want. Have to adapt some things some times.

I have found that those who speak in vague, pseudo-spiritual statements as if they are a master tend to be speaking towards themselves, but lessons can still be learned from them of course.

This though:

I don't think a genuine master would put a price on such pursuits

I suppose this can apply to the romantic notion of what a "Master" is, but some people are whimsical. Some might be interested in it purely for the energetic exchange it represents. Some might see it as exactly what is required of you personally. Some could even be amused by money and what it can buy, but not be attached to it either. Some may ask for it simply to make people go away.

The vast majority of so-called "seekers" either want some cookie cutter approach like they have heard about on TV and in their internet searches, or they want to learn the lingo enough to be able to preach to others. All while convincing themselves there is weight behind their words. So, some masters will come up with ways to separate the wheat from the chaff in order to find seeds that will truly grow. It certainly isnt always obvious, in either direction.

Many who would fancy themselves seekers will naturally be attracted towards those who fancy themselves masters. Its a bit like someone who learned a craft or trade to just enough of a level that it impresses the layman. The layman then, in their ignorance, is not able to tell the difference between the skilled amateur and a true master. In their own way, they work towards what they wish.. but its not quite what they think it is.

posted on Apr, 22 2022 @ 06:13 AM
How do you achieve something without knowing it already? Trying doesn't work; there are some people that such a thing occurs out of nowhere unprompted not even practicing or trying to not even spiritual or religious.

On the brightside there are practices that can lead up to such an experience...

Here's an easy method whatever you are doing mentally think or repeat the number 1 when something else arises to distract the mind from repeating the number 1 be it a thought or whatever else simply go to number 2 keep doing such a thing all the way up to number 9 and then back to repeating 1 try to remember to start repeating the number again as soon as you wake up and as you go to sleep... if you went to sleep and the last number you remember was 7? Start repeating 7 until of course a distraction and off to 8 no matter how small or minor a distraction just let go and go to the next number.

Eventually the repetition of 1 will get days and days long and be in everything you do and everywhere you go. When that starts happening? Time to sit and do the same thing... when 1 gets just as long as going about and doing things and going places as sitting? Let go of 1 just as easy as any other number but don't go to 2 just let 1 go... All the Kundalini lotus flowers will open all at once...

rapture bliss spiritual awakening whatever you want to call it? Don't... as that's falling all the way back to grasping and the ignorance of not knowing and delusion about it will arise... there is really nothing to be said about it as that's exactly what it was even though it didn't seem that way... eventually with more practice? The "mind" will remain unattached in a perpetual state of having leaped off of 1.

Nothing special but there is no more mental content called thinking... it may seem to be thinking but it isn't thinking it's simply grasping at the experience of life as it unfolds it's wondrous beauty coming to see that that is how it has always been? The desire to grasp at nothing with nothing fades and happiness remains the result craving dies and only freedom is left.

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